What the fuck am I watching

What the fuck am I watching

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Brilliant commentary from the alt right

A "man" losing his healthcare.

Red pilled: the Series.

Yeah I just got to the hard redpill part

REALTALK: what to British anons think of Nick and Sam's accents in that sketch?

The Wall Show was one of the few sketches which I think is funny enough to be enjoyed unironically. Of course it's edgy and made to shit on women but it has a lot of great stuff going for it. Some of the lines are killer
>the black guy who flubbed his line but they kept it in
>Are you a used car salesman? Tryin' rip me off?

12 year olds who found out what edgy is.

kino my boy, lovely social satire kino

Terrible. But pretty funny, which most kind of purposefully bad English accents don't usually succeed at. Hard to explain tbqhfamily


Unfunny garbage you're supposed to pretend to like because it panders to your political beliefs (i.ie. "our guys").

>Bad Carfax

>I think you've had too many accidents
>woman on the verge of tears
>Chuck... uh... Charlize

Underrated comedy. I think Sam is ahead of his time.


Probably the show's most poignant skit.

You can see Sam's startled reaction in the last few frames when Nick says that too. Funniest MDE moment, up there at least

fuck, I completely forgot about that
>I need a man who's just, you know, willing to do the dishes without complaining because I've been working a 10 hour shift in construction... just kidding, I don't work construction I'm a woman
Charls unironically looked better than 75% of traps

Don't know, but it looks retarded. Probably from some cancelled show.

I would fuck chuck


pure kino

I don't usually like MDE's youtube stuff, but Smocaine had me laughing hard

World peace was Sup Forums the show

I know its been so long since we had healthcare last, well im sure we can find some way to get my show blacked


Smocaine 3 was pure kino.

What a time to be alive!

Thanks alt righters!

no, thank you my orthodoxy loving big sibling comrade

Hi, my name is Sam. I work retail. I just like to get to know you...but...for anyone who likes ME. . we can goooo

Crowdfunded season 2 when?

thanks FBI!

Hey guys wanna join my server, lets discuss politics!

Sam kept saying he was getting money for a new show, mentioned a World Peace successor on Twitter a lot and now he has money he announces... a rental car review show and KSTV 2


You don't want 2 monkeys on your back how about 3?

Say what you will, this was his most impressive moment

I would too desu

most of Sup Forums has sucked a dick, poor Sammy couldn't stay pure in this foul place

I like to go down...and I don't want to come up.

bout to shoot a hot batch between my toes


>It's August 2016

>It's July 2017 and the people you elected pretend you don't exist

I still don't understand why people are so mad about him

I live in Australia LMAO

[and Trump is still better than Hillary]

>45 dollars for that

You see the evidence, and Sam is really that kind of degenerate so why even deny it? If anything, his biggest mistake is fucking trannies when he doesn't have health insurance.

ever since the devastating defeat internet liberals suffered in the 2016 election, they consider something like WP's cancellation a little victory

some snippets of the uncensored bumps got uploaded recently by one of the series' graphic artists


I can't see how they would've offended the [as] audience desu

>believing some tranny over cody cigar

also some excepts of rejected skits/deleted scenes by Andy

Pretty much this. Asspained libs generally keep an eye out for anything to do with sam so they can spam healthcare/ sam fucked a tranny.

is he gonna make it?

>believing what a genuinely mentally ill person on Sup Forums is saying

He makes them feel inadequate

Honestly pretty neat shirt desu I'd at the very least wear it around the house

WP is iconic people haven't realised it yet

> unironically posting faceberg meme reaction images


> nostalgia critic absorbing sam hyde's soul

This post reeks of plebbitor

>is iconic people haven't realised it yet
the cognitive dissonance here has actual mass and exerts gravity

Comedy with its finger on the pulse of the incel nationalism 2017 undercurrent

nice, they were too redpilled desu

(((they))) know that based Sammy is dropping redpills and waking up the sheeple to their globalist atheist commie schemes
anyone who doesn't admit he's a revolutionary and comedic genius is one of (((them))) or is being paid to have that opinion

>I mean, that's what men are for, showing off their watxhes and jeans collection
>Btw, my name is Tinky (Tinky... Tinky)
>The entirety of Sam "Whichever one of you likes me, we can go" the Autist
>Boyz are bad

Yeah everything that is iconic is extremely popular at it's time of release, all these brainlets don't know history like us

Who can't comprehend how autistically passionate certain facets of MDE fanbase are. WP will stand the test of time

World Peace will probably be considered a classic show that should have gotten a season 2 in like 5-10 years.

Teacher is best skit easily, perfect music choice for the ending, should have been the finale imo

A lost fatherless boy who decided to reinvent himself as alpha and edgy by consuming nothing but crackpot far right internet media with his two friends on a short-lived adult swim sketch comedy show.

It'll be forgotten in a year.

It will gain cult classic status at the very least

i love mde but i feel like wp will just be looked back on like all cartoon network/as oddities... people saying hey you remember that one show?

like.. home movies or some shit.

>"""people""" find this funny

> /woo/ reaction image
you must be 18+ to post on Sup Forums, pepe

>he said nervously

>he said self-pardoningly

>he said braaapingly

I think it's a matter of, if people don't get it now, will they get it with more insight in the future? I feel the messages in the show will only become more relevant as the world becomes more absurd and then maybe the masses will see it for what it is and it will get some recognition like Moral Orel did.

did sam just get BTFO by the trippiest, most wild film of the millenium?

Welp that's what happens when you shadow ban us from mainstream social media


that video is pretty funny though

alt light kino

A failed show made by an even bigger failure of a man.

i really dont know whats not to get. they arent exactly talking about white genocide or something profound and right wing that people dont want to hear... it's just absurd comedy that has some roots in internet/Sup Forums culture and keeps itself quite non politically correct by todays standards.

i struggle to think about anything profound in the show. i thought the prison sketch was quite deep and touching depending on interpretation but angry red faced boss, gym sketch, talking shit to girls who are single and 30, wacky news man talking about bullying, gambling dad trips over a table... lots of funny stuff with a somewhat unique bent, but what exactly is profound and innovative?

again, i LOVE the show, i love mde, but i really think people either overrate or massively underrate the show. its not a future classic and it aint shit unfunny alt right comedy, its just really good

I saw it it's shit. If it does get a cult following it'll be a cult of media outlets insisting it's good

Classic suicide bomb rescue

>begging a girl to do a porno with you for $300

Damn nigga desperate.

but user

It's MADE to be a cult classic

World Peace was like if Chris Morris and Sup Forums had an autistic lovechild

don't insult chris like that

He probably thinks we'll look back on the Jews Rock sketch fondly after the kikes are gassed for real this time! or something.

meaningless Japanese/pure gibberish, colorful fractals and common occult symbols applied with no rhyme or reason is "redpilled"? is vaporwave redpilled too?

No, I think Sam really did hold back his venom while writing the show. which makes the overzealous censorship and cancellation because of some tabloid fucks whining sadder in hindsight.

how is any of that controversial?
looks like the "censorship" was just a gimmick and you faggots fell for it hook line and sinker

>it's just really good

lmao no. it's really not very good. fuck off.

It's true m8. I love both Chris and MDE don't get me wrong

it's really not true. sam thinks by emulating certain aesthetics his work is similar but he forgets all the fucking parts where he actually has to be a funny, intelligent human being



What you're watching is 100% BRITISH

why he do this?