How will this shit end or will it go on forever like bad anime or spongebob?

How will this shit end or will it go on forever like bad anime or spongebob?

Forced Drama
Everyone makes up in the end

There are fucking 10 Steven universe threads. Please keep your autism in one thread. You're sitting up the board with your cancerous threads.

dude there are like 5 threads of SU.

>not refreshing the page

There was at least over 8, user isnt wrong.

12, actually

we own this board, deal with it or fuck off back to Sup Forums

>we own this board

contain your autism

Please, there are enough SU threads around here, use one

>we own this board

I have never experienced true autism until this day.

Kill yourself

How to get a show you don't like banned on Sup Forums
>Make a lot of threads
>Be obnoxious
>Watch Sup Forums hate it
>Mods ban just to keep people from sperging out

you remind me of

>we keep autism at bay

One day the false flagging will end and we can all enjoy the cartoons we like with minimal autism

Daily reminder, Smoky Quartz is hideous

Sugar has stated the story will be complete with the end of season 5. We're almost done

we have /generals/ for a reason. shit like this is why /sug/ is banned during hiatuses.

Blame the mods

During non-hiatus period, we are supposed to keep it all in one general to avoid thread spamming.

1. Newfags pretend they don't know
2. Mods don't give a fuck.

I have been a fan of SU for a while and I am sorry, I appologise for all those threads outside of /sug/ and all those newfags who don't wait till page 10 to make a new threads and pretends they don't know how to delete a threads when pointed out they messed up.


I am aware I am posting outside of a /sug/ thread, this is why I am saging this post so that my post don't bump it

Source or it's a lie.

>Sugar has stated the story will be complete with the end of season 5.



Not true. She has said she has a plan for the ending, but has never given an indication of how long it will take to get there.

And given that SU is one of the network's biggest shows right now (it's usually second in ratings behind Titans Go, but last week SU beat it) the network will probably want it go on for a while. If they want they could easily pad out the ending by adding lots of "Steven has wacky times with the humans in town" episodes.

None of these threads are made by people who like Steven Universe. We're all comfortable staying in the general. They are flooding the board in an attempt to get the mods to make a global rule banning all Steven Universe threads.

There's nothing else big going on in Sup Forums other than suicide squad which should be on fucking Sup Forums but the mods suck
Also this

>other than suicide squad which should be on fucking Sup Forums
uh, no. Suicide Squad is Sup Forums related.

Movie adaptation of comics has always been Sup Forums related. It's not the mods not doing their job, it's how it actually work.

but yeah, the mods suck for not deleting the non-/sug/ threads.

it's over

Steven died just today

Not even ponyfags were this bad.

>forced drama
Please explain