Are you alone like Mordecai?

Are you alone like Mordecai?

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yeah, but i moved away from home last year and don't have any friends at all

no, I'm married.
But I still identify with him in the sense that he's a 20 something in a dead-end job with no idea what to do with his life

Pretty much
No friends or family at all, and my girlfriend is currently living far away

I'm worse, at least Betacai has friends

you have us

How the fuck can you even get a girlfriend without having friends

Yea, that's true now that he's trapped in space.

Mordecai can't truly be alone for awhile now that he's trapped around his boss, an eternal friend, a fat bitch, his best friend, and his best friend's girlfriend. High Five Ghost is in there too but who the fuck even pays attention to him.

How long until we get the OP pic exactly like it is but instead of sky there's a space background and on the porch below him Eileen and Rigby are chatting

Unless you're saying a girlfriend is a friend, in that sense, you can loose friends or cut connections with them over time, depending on how many you have it's easy to loose them fast

Having a girlfriend has nothing to do with having friends

Are those fucking gridlines or is something there in-context? I'm assuming from it might be story related but I swear if that fucking passed onto the show as production guides for the BG I'm going to be pissed.

I thought it was fan art.

first off, how the hell do you think it's not story related? maybe if they were thin straight lines but they obviously curve and have a painted texture like everything else, and there's a whiter line around them to show like light glares or something, it's not just thin straight gridlines. watch the show

i've never seen fanart for this show that looks on model, or even keeps the watercolor backgrounds, it's always shitty deviantart shading

It's the dome.

>i've never seen fanart for this show

I swear to god if I see this shitty fucking 2006 animated banana in the captchas again i'm killing someone

Yeah, but I'm not the same awkward beta as him.

Someone has made some attempt at asking about the gridlines/bio dome in every thread since The Button aired, it's fucking insane. Everyone's either watching it out of order for whatever reason or in this more justifiable case, can't pick up the simple hint that it's a part of the show.

No I have friends, regularly visit them or meet up with them, have a girlfriend, have a job I extremely love, and my co workers aren't fucking assholes or have some issue with me, and my boss is A+ and even gives me extra money sometimes because we're friends too. I honestly feel like something shitty is going to happen to me soon because seeing everyone else say "par for the course, my life sucks" with all their life shit being my opposite makes me feel like I'm having it way too fucking good, like it's not normal.

At least he tries. I haven't even managed to get that far

Mordecai deserved it for what he did to CJ.

deserved what?

No, of course not.
He has friends.

does he REALLY have friends?

Last I checked he did. It's been a season or two though.


I mean Rigby is the only one that seems to hang around him most of the time, I always thought the rest were more acquaintances, I was referring more to the S in friends rather than at all. It would be interesting to see a few episodes with Rigby and Mordecai doing their own thing or even just stop talking though.

I'm betting there is going to be tension. Mordecai is so used to Rigby tagging along with him that he might end up being the 3rd wheel to him and Eileen, since they're stuck in the park together. I don't see it not being a 3rd wheel situation. It won't matter next episode though because they're more worried about what's happening and how to get back to Earth than just talking. 7 extra episodes this season means they might be up there for a fucking long time, so they'll eventually calm down maybe, or at least have side-moments during the events.


will we ever know what this is about?

shit always makes me sad when he curls into a ball like that

he's probably the only animal on the show who acts like one

500 made for a 2013 comic con. I don't know the guy but he doesn't seem connected to the show. I think it's 3rd party work, but licensed in a way. I'm not educated on those factors, but I've never heard his name before. I'm assuming a talented well-known or so artist who got to do something and sell it.

CJ was way too troubled, she had so many fucking issues and she would over react at the slightest things. Sometimes it was for good reason but often I knew it'd be misunderstandings that caused her to go stormy.

>deviantart makes a regular show comic

No. I am never alone.

all the comics are shit

no, I'm more like alone like Skips. like he should be attracting pussy for miles, but gets completely ignored.



By choice, though. I'm 30 and never even held hands. That ship didn't just sail, it sailed, came back to port, was decommissioned, and taken apart for salvage.

>girlfriend is currently living far away
Niga I feel you
>meet a solid 9/10 girl on a trip last summer, surprisingly hang out a lot
>get to really like each other
>turns out she has a bf
>we live across the fucking country, a flight to her city from me takes 4.5 hours
>chat on the Internet almost every day
>realise that I actually love her
>tell her
>she loves me too
>that was my first time experiencing love
>breaks up with her bf (not because of me, its a long story)
>as time passes, her feeling for me start to fade
>hooks up with her bf again
>never tells me about it untill now, when she finally broke up with him for good
>broke up with him because she is moving to a new city
>it's even further from me now
1 year passed, we still haven't met, but we still talk a lot. I am a dear person to her, but we can't be together, so we are more like friends now.
Aside from her, my best and only friend is this guy I met when we both were 8 years old. He rarely comes out of his house, but he is a cool guy.

This thread feels exactly like the Doug one going on, if it didn't archive yet. Doug and Mordecai are a unique kind of betas.

Doug's not a selfish cunt, he's just got a mild mental illness that absolutely nobody is accounting for or attempting whatsoever to help him with. He seems to live in a world of clueless idiots

i found out recently the 'doug funnie is crazy' tumblr has started up again. that shit was great

>that mordecai

Yeah, I'm an attractive guy with a lot of good things going for me, but I simply can't bring myself to try and chat up a girl.

>i love woman watching
>too bad there's so many humans in this city

i wouldnt want a girl for whom 'chatting up' worked
by definition if it worked, some other guy would have done it by now.
I want a girl who fucking loves what i am and fucking hates the opposite of that. I'm the coconut flavored candy in the box, I want the one girl that likes coconut. i dont want to put on an extra coating of chocolate and get girls who are into chocolate but hate coconut. then i'm re-dipping that fucking coating for the rest of my life hoping she never takes a very deep bite.

>tfw you're asking for more than satan is

He's extrovert to compensate for the fact that he is actually scared.

I don't really keep up with Regular Show.

Doesn't he have friends and room mates? If he does, I think he's better off.

Before, but then i found cool friends and even a girlfriend at college

>tfw good friend of mine was mostly unhappy in high school, then went to college and got lots of friends, a gf, and much happier
>tfw I was largely happy in high school and had plenty of friends, but since going to college have become a sad loner

[Spoiler] is that you j? [/spoiler]

I don't know who this J is, but I'm pretty sure it ain't me

Sorry bro, you just sound like someone i know

>Awkward beta in mid 20s
>had a good relationship with a girl
>instead chose to pine over a girl he had no chance with
>relationships with both girls are now extremely rocky
>has done nothing of worth since high school

I dunno. You tell me, OP

don't listen to most of what' sbeing said in these threads. Mordo doesn't have any problem with women. He's just got an undiagnosed anxiety disorder that kicks in at random whenever things are going okay. When things AREN'T okay, he mans up. He does what it takes. He wins over the girl by being nice and listening to her and cool shit like that.
Then when things are just right he randomly decides to do something really stupid (or most of the time random circumstances shit on him, so it's not exactly his fault he gets nervous about that)

did they tickle the rigbone yet

Think positive, you have someone willing to help you figure it out

>be in various friend groups throughout my life
>i'm the outcast in all of them
>get along with nobody individually
>things would exactly be the same without my existence

I don't know why I even try anymore.

I've always been the Rigby of my friend groups. I'm always the shortest, I can't punch for shit, I'm the tag along of the taller guy, and I'm also a high school drop out. Being the 3rd wheel or worse has always been my position.

I was even a shithead in middle school who tried to keep my friend away from his friend so I could talk to him some, sometimes I went a little far but I just wanted out of the 3rd wheel position, it fucking sucks. No one really notices you, sometimes you want to make a joke or join in, but if you do there's an awkward silence because you don't click right with your friends' friends, especially if you've had an issue with one of them in the past or at the time.

Friends are a hard thing to manage and I wish I was in the select few who could just say "how are you doing" and start a good connection. I can't even speak well around people. Being a male in America is shit.

>using spongebob reaction images
are you in 2006?

So is Maellard's wife / Pops' mom dead? Where have all the lollipop folk gone?

I don't think any human alive can be quite as socially fucked as Mordecai, regardless of what they might say. You can relate to his struggles but you can't pull off the shit he has in your lifetime.

>tfw kissles virgin at 31
Not everyone was meant to find love, and that's okay. I got used to it a while ago.

I feel like I might know you... east coast of the states..?

That's correct. Florida to be exact.

But Mordecai was never alone.


>relationships with both girls are now extremely rocky

But it isn't with Margaret. At least watch the show before saying something on that matter.


What the fuck is this scooby doo shit.

Get outta here m8

>Mordecai, Rigby, Thomas
>Margaret, Eileen, CJ

Why is RS so full of cute girls and guys.

noticing a lack of benson and audrey in your post

Benson isn't a cute guy. He is husbando material. Audrey doesn't count.

Well, like any girl on RS she was adorable. Even Starla isn't that bad.

Are you a wizard?

No just a faggot.

How can you say Mordecai's relationship with Margaret is rocky when they nearly settled down and started a family as opposed to CJ who broke off contact entirely?
Considering how much a fuck up Mordecai is and how educated and hot Margret is supposed to be, You would think she would break off contact with him like CJ but she didn't.

>Benson isn't a cute guy. He is husbando material.
I know no difference.
There's one specific scene I like of him blushing at mordecai and rigby.

Claire or Pam? They're both scientists.

Benson knows Claire in the comics because of his chess club, and they both date in the comic. She works on nanobots.

In the series, Season 7 has Pam and she's working for the Dome corporation.

Interestingly both note space as a part of their project. Claire was going to send her nanobots to space for something, and Pam was the Spark situation.

Both also have glasses

I still prefer the black woman from Deez Keys.

No, because I never had a girl like C.J. If I did, I would have clung to her with all my might.

Mordecai's loneliness is his own fault.

But he isn't lonely.

I wouldn't know. I stopped watching after Muscleman's wedding. Just got fed up.

At least you are being honest about spouting opinions about things you have no idea about.

>he doesn't know the show got great right after

It's like a battered housewife going back to her man because, "Things will be different this time, I swear."

>comparing a cartoon to domestic abuse

Please stay away then.

It's literally not the same at all.

>what are analogies

Are you female? You sure are acting like an upset bitch over this.

How are either of us acting like an upset bitch? Seems like you just have poor intuition.

>sidestepping this hard

I am next to my sleeping girlfriend

I'm very alone. Have no friends due to long distance, still living with my parents since jobs are a piss to find these days and I'm stuck with this for a long time.

>it's a blog thread

>Wanting to be in a relationship with a person who has both anger issues and murderous tendencies.

It was a literal OP asking about your relationship and social status set up.


Yeah. A blog thread.

