How do we make Sup Forums white supremacist again?

How do we make Sup Forums white supremacist again?

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>my wh*Te ass is on fireeeeeeeeee


How do we get rid of all wh*Tes on Sup Forums and in the world?

>my wh*te leaf ass is burning!!!!!!!!

only kara boğa and meds allowed

back to your shithole wh*Te subhuman

Is Sup Forums the liberal/left wing version of Sup Forums
>pro socialism/communism
>pro Islam
>black supremacist
>anti white
>pro diversity

Seriously, though. I don't know how you do this.

no we're just being silly

We whites leave Sup Forums and move over to /wsr/ (white supremacist room) since it's an irrelevant board anyway. eventually, only non-whites will ruin this board and beg to be let into /wsr/ where we will spam Sup Forumsnigg pics at them

Sup Forums was a white supremacist board, and it should be again.


This is our board now whiteboi.


Sup Forums is a BLACK, let me spell that out for you B L A C K board


There's already a containment board for that shit

Truthfully, every board should be white supremacist. It's a default, and beneficial to whites.

inshallah kara brother

Let's start now

it would help if whites were actually whites and superior

a bunch of brown retarded LARPers doesnt cut it

I can smell your fear, wh*te DOGS.

you already have your board

Preach, brotha!

>wh*te supremacism

No, there is no reason Sup Forums should not be white supremacist. You would be better off, you would feel better.

You are not white anyway, why do you care?

Sup Forums was always concerned with whiteness

there isn't any reason Sup Forums should be white supremacist
you already have your containment board,stay there

I'm a globalist technocrat, not a commie. Fuck off whittu piggu.

*there is no reason

There is every reason Sup Forums should be white supremacist.
Being superior is good.

1. i type on my BLACK keyboard
2. i type the TRUTH ABOUT wh*Toids
3. wh*Te bois SEETH



kek,you never gave anything good to the world,you just stay in your room shitposting on a japanese imageboard
how does that make you superior to anyone?

It's not about being superior in any quantifiable away. But there's no reason to be against it.
Why limit yourself?

>im not actually superior but i pretend to be

Exactly. That's good.

that's not

Sup Forums has always been a BLACK board. Now its beautiful BLACK history is getting wh*Tewashed

let's make it an asian supremacist board

It really isn't that bad. If you don't base it upon qualifiable or quanitfiable achievements, then it doesn't matter.
Better than the opposite anyway.

>have Sup Forums opinions
>but love talking about international cultures
Where do I go now?

Just a reminder to all of you nazis that a BLACK MAN gave moot the idea to create an Sup Forumsernational board. BE THANKFUL

you could spend the time you spend LARPing doing something to improve yourself

Here. Do you really care about the opinions of living failures? Just have fun and post.

>living failures
That's not what they tell me.

Fuck off wh*tey, /int is BLACK board

you can always stay here as long as you try to force your shit on other people and you're prepared for people to disagree with you.

not that anyone could force you to go anyway.

>I love talking about international cultures but need the discussion to be tailored to my political views or I might go into cardiac arrest again

You should probably go take a nap on some railroad tracks for a while you precious cunt.

So if I became improved by some immeasurable characteristics, THEN I can become a white supremacist?
I mean, whites used to be racist all the time, and they didn't see anything wrong with that.

>but need the discussion to be tailored to my political views or I might go into cardiac arrest again
Only at least half of the time on the most important issues.

You should be the best you can be, yes. It makes your ideas look better as a messenger. Although white supremacy is retarded because "white people" aren't a monolith and races are equal.

>"white people" aren't a monolith
In Europe, no. In America and Canada, more so.
>and races are equal
That could be 100% true based on objective criteria, but it still wouldn't negate the benefit of belief in superiority.

"Whites" have much different histories and backgrounds though. How is a Russian similar to an Italian besides both having a lighter tone of skin than an African? They can be nationalists but ethnic nationalism makes sense, not "white nationalism".

White nationalism is a retarded north american invention.

>My Sup Forumstard ass is on FIYAH

Bring more argies.


Fuck off fascist, this is a socialist board

I thought you had Canadians filtered, Iranian.

Fuck off /p*l/ vermin

We are not pro commie tho
That's just a boogeyman