The designs in this show are getting worse and worse. These legitimately feel like Donut Steels

The designs in this show are getting worse and worse. These legitimately feel like Donut Steels.

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Why is Woolie hanging out with Pat's mom?

Dont be mad OP if your OC didn't make the cut.

Oh man! Another thread on these designs!?!! Gee whiz, I can't wait to hear the all-new all-different opinions on these two!

It's a good thing Bismuth is bubbled forever, and we'll probably never see Smoky again.


The designs have never been good.

This reminds of those fags in Sup Forums who are complaining that the gymnasts aren't little girls anymore.

Woolie on sleepycast again when?

They are just trying to appeal more to their demographic, fat black womyn


>Black character is sassy
What a progressive show.

the only thing i don't like about smoky quartz is the one double arm. just looks fucking weird

>we'll probably never see Smoky again

I don't watch this show that much. Who is Steven fuzed with there?

>Fusion of Steven and Amethyst
>Looks like Steven and Amethyst

OMFG! Worst design! 0/10! Rebecca is a hack!

literally designed by Tumblr.

Steven + Amy = Fat sassy nigger

How exactly?


Steven is fat and sassy.
Amethyst is a nigger.

why does Steven even need to fuse with Amethyst, tho? Why not, ya know, come up with unique and different designs? the only other unique design OP is critiquing is also the one you seemed to not mention.

Is she cheeky tho?

It has a bit more to do with the storyboardists becoming complacent assuming everything they shit out is golden and are not trying nearly as hard.

Tends to happen when a series gets mindless worshiping fan hordes.

She's also a war veteran who became too battle crazed and thirsty for blood, causing her leader to destroy her body and trap her soul in a pocket universe for 6000 years.

It's the overall shape is an unappealing blob with stubby limbs, unnecessary out of nowhere freckles, the two forearms on one arm looks awkward, the skin tone does not go together with the shirt, has an overall slovenly look.
Don't defend bad designs just because you like the show, there's no point.

Smoky Quartz is none of those things. Rose, Steven, and Amy are all separate from Smoky.


This. Bismuth I thought was actually alright, but her transforming hand was super generic. Smoky... well I hope we never that abomination again. (S)He haunts my nightmares.

I thought that user was talking about Bismuth.

The fact that user couldn't tell I was talking about Smoky shows how terrible and generic these characters are.

This reply is hilarious to me.

It's because most of the core cast and original fusions were designed by Sugar while the originals were designed by her shitty art team who are right out of college.

I don't know why people don't like the double arm. After seeing it work the yo-yo, it's the only feature I actually like.

No, it shows how loose your description of "sassy and black" is. Like I was pointing out, one is a battle crazed war veteran, the other is a fusion of an angry midget and a peace-loving teenager. They're completely different from one another. But of course if you just break their characters down into two vague personality traits, they'd sound similar.

Oh shit. It's almost like you don't know how color palettes work when you mix colors together. But that can't be the case, r-right? I mean, it's not like you're retarded or autistic, r-right?

I wholeheartedly agree. Most of the characters were distinct looking and fit their personalities whilst still pleasurable to look at.

Sup Forums makes a lot of threads about how ugly the Gems look which I don't get, but if all the gems were as terrible looking as Bismuth I don't think I'd given the show a chance.

it's ugly no doubt, but I like the yo yo function and it is what they would look like fused honestly.
it's also like fat gotenks, which nobody I know complains about so could be worse.

bismuth's design is fine tho, idk why so much hate for that

we're seeing smoky again on friday, user

opal is never coming back because her voice actor is gay and won't respond to the studio's attempts to contact her

Dumb nigger says what?

go learn the difference between additive and subtractive color mixing

Go understand the concept of Steven Universe being heavily praised by Tumblrites everywhere and the crew increasingly feeling pressured to appeal to them.

The fact that the lesbian undertones have pretty much burst through the surface and most new Gems we see end up being "black but not really" is evident of this.

>the crew increasingly feeling pressured to appeal to them

That's probably not the case.
Sugar's probably been wanting to do this kind of stuff from the start, but needed a solid fanbase and ratings before she could wiggle out from under CN's thumb without getting cancelled.

Magilla gorilla actually had pretty good characterization and a fitting VA for her build.
The design could definitely be fixed with a few tweaks.

Smokey on the other hand is pretty irredeemable. The hair is ok, but everything else it so bad, Id go so far as to say that it ruins the hair. That hair style will forever be stained for me after seeing that character/design.

At least Pink Diamond looks like she'll be cool.

Goal post status: Moved

>looks like Steven and Amethyst

Their height doubled, but their width quadrupled.

It's comically obese.

o:^) Poil
o:^) Poil
o:^) Poil
o:^) Poil
o:^) Poil
o:^) Poil

user... she's dead

More bulk = More momentum.
Xir's built for combat.

The Crystal Gems shattered her, but still possibility of seeing her in a flashback.

I thought the ugliness was kinda the point, seeing as how it's a fusion of two characters that are awful. Fusion should be even worse.

>comically obese

That was the point.

That Jasper would be beaten by a living joke.

>two blue diamonds

sucrose why

Second from left is White Diamond, you daft dolt.

Bismuth is a one-off character, maybe an occasional guest appearance at best. Not every side character in a big cast ends up with a great design. My hope is she'll look a bit cooler when she reforms.

>all-new all-different
>nigga gem
I see what you did there

for the longest time I thought that Wollie looking thing was a guy. Find out its not. Then what ever the hell that other thing is exists. Why does it have two hands on one arm. How do you fags actually watch this shit.

Fuck this show and the filth who engage in this type of content.

This guy sounds like his parents are first cousins.

Sleepycast is over, bruh.

that fusion made me remember the failed fusion of goku and vegeta...could it be that smoky quartz is just a failed fusion?

Because not everyone decides on what they will watch based on the attractiveness of the characters, let alone side-characters and occasional fusion techniques.

it's called satire user go read a book or something lmao

I totally agree smoky is literally one of the shittiest designs i've seen in a while

also why is bismuth only wearing an apron?

A fusion of two weird, abnormal gems. Probably was BASED on the failed fat fusions, though, knowing Sugar's obvious inspiration from DBZ.

>ITT: Faggots who are mad because their shitty OC didn't make the cut.


Considering this show consistently rips of DBZ, this is probably another "reference".

Blacksmith's apron. She's a blacksmith.

Did anyone notice it's like Steven absorbed Amethyst during the fusion? When they separated, she just spurted out from his physical body.

Dunno, just found it interesting.

Steven rapist confirmed.

>not only catering to fat fetishists, but vore fetishists

sasuga sucrose

Yeah but she's only wearing an apron wouldn't that be kinda counter productive since she has nothing to protect? It's weird how we're not allowed to see rock boobs even though they probably don't have boobs.

Yeah but hopefully we'll get at least one flashback. We got one with Blue Diamond.

Is Pink Diamond naked?

Get a sound alike, faggots. We had like ten people play bruce banner for the marvel movie universe, surely a bunch of kids won't care that a character sounds slightly different.

There's no way, given the audience and the worldview of the staff, there is no chance they would use fatness for humor.
Almost certainly they are being sincere with the design.

the fuck?

>a shitty show gets shittier
truly this is newsworthy

Parents have gone apeshit over humanoid pokemon being naked. They would go apeshit over this.

Opal has had like 3 lines in the entire show. I don't think anyone would notice or, if they did, even care.

Smoky Quartz is just as much of an abomination as I would expect from the two characters who composed it. May it never be formed again.

Bismuth is fine.

Well it's not like her voice is THAT distinct - it sounded pretty generic to me. She only said maybe three lines and then briefly sang a little during her introductory episode and that's it. They could easily replace her if need be.

I actually imagined how it should have happened.
>steven and amethyst fuse
>an abomination is born
>the abomination make a bluff and try to hit jasper
>jasper just punch the fat ass in the face and crash ugly on the wall
>get back up and try to fight back...
>only for them to get slapped the shit out of them
>the abomination suddenly farts in jasper face
>jasper get pissed off and try to hit the abomination
>thanks to the clumsiness, stupidity and many other defects made this fusion actually unpredictable.
>after many funny moments and practically parodying the fight for a while.
>then when jasper had enough and just went to shatter this joke, they suddenly defuse and evade the attack in time.
>amethyst seeing no other option decides to fuse with peridot, creating a more decent fusion to fight of jasper.
>they actually clash and just by luck they accidentally impale her and bubble her.
>the end.

They should have just hired a normal voice actress, same thing with Sugalite, since she's voiced by Minaj, her use has been curtailed before it ever had a chance.

I remember before I knew what SU was. Garnet looked like the wonkiest mf ever. So damn ugly.

I don't know, this is technically Smoky's first fusion right? Garnet's first fusion was kind of a mess (though a Pretty Mess), Amethyst and Steven will probably need more time before forming a decent looking mess.

Aren't all gems technically naked?

So why did Connie and Steven look beautiful? That was both of their first fusion ever.

I guess that's just how it goes when you put starstruck little girls in charge of television programmes

Technically but PD's silhouette looks like she didn't form any clothing constructs at all.

This is from some Twitter in 2015
Bitch got really close to the actual design

there is legitimately nothing wrong with bismuths design, after i got used to it and saw her in motion i enjoyed it. fucking smokey quartz on the other hand is an absolute shitshow

not obese and disgusting enough

Make the skin more pink and this would actually look good.

We aren't here for your entertainment, you fucking faggot.

Your here for ours.
Either discuss it or fuck off.

that bitch actually made a v2.0 of that fusion.

no one cares about dbz anymore. fuck you.

Also she have 3 eyes...
>i wish smokey quartz were like this

I think Opal is the coolest gem fusion design and the coolest gem fusion weapon. It's an excellent use of the whip/spear into a wholly unique but believable "fusion" and she's got the sleekest "humanoid" design without looking too much like a hideous monster or a strange cartoon beast.

I guess

I guess it's pretty cool that not all gem fusions are pretty. It sort of helps to let the audience remember that even though these waifuable alien babes are pretty, they're still horrible mineral aliens.

>there is no chance they would use fatness for humor.
Fucking this.