When are they gonna have another revolution?

When are they gonna have another revolution?

after loosing war with Mars

When are they going to restore the monarchy?

A revolution needs men of fighting age, but young Russian males are all either useless alcoholics or beta NEETs and soyboys

still men of fighting age

The thing is Russia has been a shithole for so long that it's all anyone there knows. How do you inspire revolution in a people that are used to living in a shithole?

>ywn never marry and impregnate Maria Romanova and start a new dynasty to carry on the legacy of the Third Rome

The median age in Russia is even higher than it is in Western cunts because of massive emigration.

Granted, that doesn't make it impossible (e.g. Ukraine had a revolution despite a ridiculously high median age), but it makes it all the less likely than with a young population.


you mean Anastasia Romanova

Living in shithole IS inspiring for revolution.

Alright, then why no revolution yet?

If there were another revolution, do you guys think you would split onto multiple states like those of which existed during your Civil War?


Now the situation is such that the revolution will not change anything for the better. Only change some oligarchs to others.

There will be temporary pseudo-states for the time of unrest and putsch. Then the new government will return them, as well as part of the former republics of the USSR. Most of eastern Ukraine will be annexed to Russia. But this is a long process, requiring the elimination of the threat of NATO first.

Russia tried monarchism, republicanism, anarchism, socialism, capitalism. What's left?


When there's indisputable proof that the FSB was behind the apartment bombings.


When are you are going to restore British colonies?



>Ukraine had a revolution
What revolution?
Pro russian oligarch switched with pro western oligarch that's a coup not revolution.

Russian orthodox national communistic autocracy

>Russian orthodox national communistic autocracy
You almost described Putin's presidency

He obviously read Mithgol but he isn't going far enough with this idea.

Sasa ke, beltaloda

>why no revolution
Life is getting better, it improved drastically for the last 20 years. The only ones who talk about revolution are 16 year olds and it's normal in their age to have such rebellious attitude.
People don't want revolutions right now, at least I want to believe they're not that stupid to have another one, like we didn't have enough in XX century. What Russia needs is a stable development, not to change thieves in the government to another, more greedy and cruel ones.

Your goverment=no-no, manlet chief and his shamans are mocking your tribe

Why did the sailors have to listen to lenin :C

>Life is getting better,

>What Russia needs is a stable development, not to change thieves in the government to another, more greedy and cruel ones.
This tbqh. Our government is just a bunch of incompetent thieves but it's not like a new revolution would change anything.

Putinshills please.

Look at the statistics, Russia lost decades of growth because of 1905, 1917 revolutions and the dissolution of the USSR. Making another one is your answer?
Yeah, that's what I meant by talking about 16 year olds, People who weren't even born in the 90's, were in kindergarten in 00's and the 2014 oil crisis is the first economical crisis they remember, so obviously can't see a bigger picture. Plus they don't understand anything in statistics and repost outdated pics like it's an adequate analysis and proves anything.
The main force of the upcoming "revolution", thanks for the great example.

>Look at the statistics
Meant for

r u retarded or smth?

Everyone who doesn't want the revolution is Putnishill, it's obvious black-or-white logic.

When Putin dies.

Mithgol the Webmaster.

Mr. Clean?

Is he an opposition figure or something? Is he credible?

This. We don't want to fight, we just want to drink vodka and eat tasty food. All who wanted to fight are already dead in Donbass.

Yeah dum-dum, that's what I meant. Your country is kinda rich but it doesn't reflect much in your pockets (regular people). Meanwhile in my own shithole life is probably the same as in Russia, the thieves that rule us act pretty much as yours: they got multiple news channels where they spread their lies about the economic growth and how well we are doing right now. What a strange coincidence.

He's a meme madman.

Because it is bad but not bad enough to risk your life.

>Your country is kinda rich
You mean rich in natural resources? It may seem rich in absolute values, but divide it between 150 mln people and it's nothing.
>spread their lies about the economic growth and how well we are doing right now
Here government wasn't very optimistic in 2014 when the oil crises and sanctions happened.

>but divide it between kooperativ Ozero, and there's nothing for others