Scarlet Witch # 9 Storytime

The event tie-in that isn't exactly an event tie-in.

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> "I was caught up in my own part of the event"

I get it




> "Sewing the seeds?"

Marvel is understaffed and proofreading is the first thing to go.



Force Works reference! That's like the first in 15 years.

The fuck am I reading?
>what'll take it
should be what'll it take
Also is Pietro supposed to be an ignorant moron? If not just for the sake of hearing some potentially important information she's giving him relevant to the "sides" and shit.


The password is "bad proofreading." Also I think the editor quit while this issue was in production?

Some writers write Pietro as way worse than he usually is. I think that's what we're seeing here.

It's like in the '70s when he changed from garden-variety arrogant to an outright hysterical bigot to create drama over Wanda/Vision.




The power of BFFs prevails!

Maybe at some point they'll actually interact with each other again.

I'm angry

Pietro a sociopath? Since when?

Since she said so?

call the hokage

I wonder if she changes his personality with chaos magic on daibly basis.
>Pietro your a sociopath
>Pietro you are a bad father
>Pietro you feel guilty for being a thief
>Pietro you are a horny siscon. Now rest here with blueballs .

Who knew excercising could look so sexy?

still not as bad as her son, 'I may have accidentally wished my perfect special boyfriend into existence pre-programmed to love me' Wiccan

>for some reason I've always read his name "Pedrito"
it ruined this moment

>Remember Force Works
Is this Robinson pointing out that Tony once created a prophecy machine with Wanda to predict threats before they happen, just like Ulysses?

Why isn't Wanda more concerned about her friend Jen being in a coma?
More importantly, at no point in this issue did Robinson bring up the fact that Carol and Wanda used to be best friends, I hate that everyone at Marvel ignores it.
Also, shouldn't Hawkeye have killed Hulk at this point? You'd think Pietro would mention it.


Yes, she and Tony were all "proactive" and "stop threats before they happen" back then.

Either that or she's remembering the good old days when she exercised in a more American way.

It's weird too because over in Uncanny Avengers he's being written like a fairly nice guy (though that book also had a scene that implied Wanda doesn't want to see him).

Poor Pietro, writers have been trying to turn him evil since the '80s.

>Poor Pietro, writers have been trying to turn him evil since the '80s
>Namor was a scapegoat then got beheaded
It's always the arrogant ones


pretty much since ever?

>All these years later, Quicksilver is still salty about his ex-brother-in-law

So, how long before they reunite?

Next event where they end up on the same side.

>Hey Wanda, the Inhumans and the mutants are fighting each other. Since it turns out I'm not a mutant, I'm siding with the Inhumans because of Luna, also fuck Magneto. Wanna help out?

Okay, maybe the event after that.

Normally I'd say soon, but they really seem to be keeping Wanda away from teams/events for some reason.

At least they'll both be in Waid's Kooky Quartet flashback miniseries.

>Vroom room

Scarlet Witch is so cute!

This book was so cringe.
It's like the twins gained nothing from the retcon.
Quite the contrary, it's like marvel wants to broke SW, again

Let me tell you something
Pietro and Wanda should have never left the Brotherhood, and certainly shouldn't have joined the Shitvengers

> Your side is wrong

> Consider me Switzerland

> Attacks Quicksilver
(I mean, he WAS being an asshole, but...)

Getting mixed signals here Wanda...

Jones is pretty good with a decent inker and colorist, her art is sloppy on Lady Killer.

I cringe every time this book mentions the Twins real parents, or Wanda flippantly mentions No More Mutants like it was a bad hook up on spring break.

Marvel has to do the right thing and fix the QS SW Magneto dynamic, Quicksilver needs Magneto to obsess over

Anybody that has ever gone to a gym.

I can't fucking wait for Civil War II to be over. I'm actually looking forward to NOW 2.0 if only because it means no more CWII tie-in bullshit.

I'd plow the fuck out of Magik

why she doesn't have a solo book?

Stupid sexy Wanda

I too side with Carol. Tony has a point when it comes to going too far, but Tony and Clint went full retard.

Jesus Christ, Pietro, how can you still hate Vision so much?

>Quicksilver needs Magneto to obsess over
I disagree. Quicksilver was at his best in his time as an Avenger years before the Magneto retcon ever happened. All the Magneto retcon ever did was give people a reason to turn Quicksilver into a villain at random convenient points and would later be used to justify shit like Byrne's treatment of Wanda and "No More Mutants."

The Magneto retcon did far more harm to the twins than good because it turned them from reformed villains like Hawkeye into a "sociopath" and "insane."

Wanda is one of those characters who writers keep making the same "revelations" over and over, thinking they're the first to do it.

Mark Waid wrote a "Wanda asserts herself and tells Pietro she can make her own decisions" story 20 years ago and he wasn't even the first.

Other Wanda "revelations" that writers always think are more interesting than they are:

> - She's more powerful than she ever suspected and it's driving her mad!
> - What if she, like, got together with Simon Williams, isn't he the model for the Vision?
> - Long-lost parent!
> - She asserts herself in the Avengers and shows she can be a leader!

My favorite example of that is how in Busiek's Avengers there was a whole story about her deciding to accept the position of deputy leader of the Avengers and this was portrayed as a big turning point, even though she already led the West Coast Avengers and then Force Works. (Busiek being a continuity stickler, he actually acknowledged this in the story but had her shrug it off with "I was a different person then... angrier, more bitter.")

They're just keeping Wanda away in general. Really bums me out, but oh well. I enjoyed this issue.

He hasn't really hated Vision since the '70s, writers just keep returning to it because of the inherent drama of him opposing his sister's marriage.

Sometimes Pietro's bad qualities are exaggerated to make Wanda look better and I think that's what Robinson's doing here.

>They're just keeping Wanda away in general. Really bums me out, but oh well.

It's just Wanda's luck that she gets to be in a movie just as Marvel's "make the comic book Avengers exactly like the movie" policy ended.

Or maybe they ended it to spite Wanda, I don't know. We Scarlet Witch fans are paranoid people. Probably she's just not a high priority character because of the shared rights.

Marvel is recycling everything, aren't they? They just got into the creative nadir. How long till they just stop publishing new comics, except the occasional movie tie-ins?

The mid-'90s look may be Wanda's best costume and she's one of the few superheroes for which that can be said.

I hope the Kooky Quartet book does well and we end up with a good writer handling them in the future

Maybe they can do a story where Ben Grimm is cured of being the Thing, but then he's not. Or what if the X-Men went into space, has that happened yet?

>work-out Wanda feat. sexy tummy
This made the issue worth it on its own

I don't know why I've misread it as
"This made the jews worth its own oven"

scarlet feet

You could not be more wrong

What did she gain by joining avengers?

I want to lick her stomach

If they'd stayed in the X-Men book then Wanda might have married Scott Summers instead of the robot. I don't know if that's a plus or a minus.

That's for starters. Also, House of M would have never happened, nor Avengers Disassembled, as X-Men might have trained her to use her powers properly

Becoming a recognizable icon, a personality beyond "Magneto is such a meanie, but he saved our lives so we have to stick with him" and "Calm down Pietro", relationships with other characters, romance, tragedy, better powers, magic, several good stories, a long history and being in a movie.
Pretty much everything that makes people care about Wanda comes from the Avengers.

I dunno, if you're going to have a mentor, then Agatha Harkness may be better than Xavier. Sure, she's an old, secret-keeping, manipulative, possibly dead-all-along spooky witch, but he's Charles Xavier.

>recognizable icon
>a personality
>romance with toaster
>better powers

>several good stories

>a long history and being in a movie.
yeah, being not-Jean Grey

>as X-Men might have trained her to use her powers properly
Her powers are magic, what the fuck are the X-Men gonna do?
And of course Disassembled and Decimation would have happened. Bendis would have found some other Avenger to wreck everything and Quesada would have come up with some other way to depower a bunch of mutants.

She was Chuck's mentor?

>Her powers are magic, what the fuck are the X-Men gonna do?
>Who is Magik

And even if it would happen, at least Scarlet Witch wouldn't be ruined

>>romance with toaster
Hello John Byrne

Who are the ones on the far right and inbetween Wiccan and Magik?

>>Who is Magik
A character that debuted over 20 years after Wanda and isn't even a master of magic herself? She still needs training.

>Who is Magik
a person with an entirely different type of magical powers and is also a novice at magic that only started getting training in recent years. Not to mention she was a kid and dead for the longest time.

Brother Voodoo, Shaman and Hellstrom

Meanwhile, Magik is better than Dr Strange

Bendis era is not canon

I would like to see Magik get her own ongoing with the tagline: "The BIMBO from LIMBO!"

Seriously, what gives? It's clear that Carol isn't pissed at Wanda anymore, so why don't they ever interact? Does Marvel think that Jessica Drew is Carol's only friend?
And why don't Wanda and She-Hulk ever interact either?

How exactly would Pietro and Wanda benefit from being Magneto's whiny underlings forever?

>Magik is better than Dr Strange

I think most writers just didn't really know Wanda because she hadn't been in the comics for long.

Also Steve Wacker may just not like her. He edited Carol's book for a while and now he's at Marvel animation where he refuses to add Wanda to any show. I assumed it was just Fox/Marvel animus but maybe editors genuinely don't like her.

She is now.

Strange has been nerfed to hell and back in his ANAD book to make him more 'interesting'

She pawned Doctor Strange in AvX

Magneto abandoned the group, they would have probably be part of Mystique's brotherhood

They might not like Perlmutter

I recall this other Marvel editor that outright said she still hasn't forgiven Wanda for Decimation, even though retcons have already absolved her.

>I think most writers just didn't really know Wanda because she hadn't been in the comics for long.
That can't be it. Most modern writers grew up reading comics long before Bendis came in.

Thank God Joss Whedon is so nostalgic for the '70s he would risk ruining the story of the Avengers sequel just to get Vision and Scarlet Witch into it.

Old nostalgic men: saving the world as always.

All magic got nerfed
And Tony beat magneto. That even was full of bullshit. Not to mention that is only in her own realm with the help of her demons. On magic skills alone she has nothing on him.