Did they know?

Based on Pearl's reactions, it could be interpreted either way.

Pearl for sure. That was an "oh shit Steven found out crap went down (who knows what right now for the audience)" look.

Pearl definitely knew

Did they know what?

Of course they knew. Hell probably even Greg knew.
>There's no such thing as a good war kiddo
>Every thing they do is to make up for what happened back then


Even Amethyst knew.


Pearl and Garnet were probably there when it happened and Amethyst kept her cool pretty well so she definitely knew


I believe that Pearl was Pink Diamond's Pearl. The era of her life where Pearl joined the Crystal Gems and when PD was shattered is the most insane, traumatizing point of her life. Even now, over five millennia later, it still haunts her.

Garnet knows this, which is why in this moment Garnet is way more concerned about Pearl than Steven.

Clarification: Pearl and Garnet clearly already knew, obviously. Neither are concerned about Steven's reaction here.

Rolling on this being the case.

didn't Garnet join later than Pearl and Rose already being public enemies?

I thought we established that they fished Amethsyt out of the ground after the war ended? She's an "overcooked runt".

Pearl went overboard and shattered Pink Diamond, to prevent her being assaulted by other gems for it, Rose took the fall.

Ruby and Sapphire were around when Pink Diamond was around, and were around when she shattered. Maybe not in-the-room present, and probably not even on earth. But they were definitely around to hear the news "Holy Crap, Rose Quartz assassinated Pink Diamond!"

Dammit. This -
was supposed to point to this -

Kek disagrees with you on that

That's not the first time they've made those faces...can't remember when it was exactly.

Yeah. In The Answer, Ruby and Sapphire accidentally fuse as a result of an attack by Rose and Pearl. In the story she referred to them as dangerous rebels, or something along those lines.

Certainly yes. They stressed that Pearl's back was to Steven, implying that she didn't want to face him partly out of guilt for not telling him.