

wake up baltides

labas rytas bucharas

labas, kaip sekasi?

They say itll get better

a lithuanian with jungle fever?

>another day stuck in my room

Not bad. Had a hard time waking up, but it's alright now.
First microbiology class. Finally something interesting.

>go to Senukai looking for M3 screws
>they have no M3 screws
>but they have M3 nuts
Even hardware stores make no sense in this country.

Pornography surrounding me

>going out with friends today after a month of sitting at home
Can someone remind me how are people supposed to act in social situations?

jus b urself


Lost & Found

In a year from now I’ll be dead

Can't you get it done sooner?



I just want to remind you that Baltics is rightful russian land.

For once, this is actually true, since they're friends.

Last time I hung out with anyone was new year. Feels like it was ages ago.

>no chocolate slave gf

Take my lungs and take my eyes
Cant decide if i should meet my demise

Sup /balt/?
Its my 9th day without a cigarette today, who else
h e a l t h y here?

Me, 20th year without cigs.

Dont get started then, I have never had a worse ordeal than quitting it

ooo provoda
ooo gori gori
ooo provoda
ooo gori gori

Best one yet.

>tfw only smoke sometimes when drunk
>been doing it for years
>never addicted

Havent gotten out if my bed yet
Awake for 4 hours

Get out of bed and do the push ups.

Wtf, don't you go to uni or something?


In paranoid someone could enter my room at any point and there are people walking around outside
No im still in 12th grade but im skipping school today because i cant get out of my bed
Do live in a dorm however

How so, and why the hell would anyone want to go into your room?


Is this from a song?

Sometimes the maid can open the door to check if the room has been cleaned or not
Some kids could pull a prank
My classmates could come force me to go to class
Its all quite tedious
Ill do the pushups when ive eaten and its dark out

any kaunas lad going to lizdas tomorrow night

First one yes: ken - the top
Second one i made up

What kind of school is that?

Also, I'd advise against doing push ups right after eating. They should wake you up quite well, too. Do it and don't worry about something no one cares about.

Is that some hipster joint?

idk lol
there's techno tomorrow night so I might just go
how to make lithuanian friends?

Don't ask me lol

How do you make friends in Belgium?

Just a normal high school
I live in riga but study far away so as to minimize my contact with my family

Wont do it right after
Probably before going to “sleep”
Im not sleepy i just cant be bothered to get out of bed

>Probably before going to “sleep”
bad idea.
>so as to minimize my contact with my family
Why :(((

you get drunk and yell at eachother

How is it a bad idea
Stop listening to soviet parent pseudoscience

>pedokoto is underage and has been sent away to a boarding school for mentaly challenged
It explains so much.

Well, same here, then i guess. Don't be too offensive, though.

But I'm sure many will be curious just to talk to a foreigner, so shouldn't be hard. I remember meeting a Swiss guy at a concert once and teaching him how to bad-mouth Russia in Russian.

It'll raise your blood pressure and shit, will be harder to fall asleep, you don't want that.

Doesn't answer my question. Too personal?

how to get finlan gf

Get more booze.

At least he's not acting like an asshole anymore, so there's that. It's a huge improvement.

Havent you read my chronicles
I got anxiety attacks and migraines in riga due to being socially isolated so i went back to study at my old school where i had friends

Oh no high blood pressure
Not like ive been living with that all my life
I dont have problems going to sleep ever
I answered that question in yesterdays thread dont want to type it all out again

>Don't be too offensive
what does this entail?
I can already guess that ironic soviet apologism isn't going to go over well

>not acting like an asshole
Its because ive been home all day
If i were in school and then came to /balt/ id be shitting all up in your face
I bully my classmates girls included when im on my shit
Living like this is torture but some people have it worse))))

Yeah, that and maybe no gay jokes.
You should be fine.

No grabbing people by the pussy. Especially men.

no gay jokes as in not pretending to be ironically gay or no homophobic jokes?

It's almost as if being made fun of makes people not want to talk to you.

See you in a few hours. Pretty sure you can't post using mobile data.

>can't phonepost
u wot m8?

First one. Depends on the person.

"Ironic" gay jokes is something I only do around my closest friend and we're at least slightly drunk.

Naudoju tele2 neta ir sako banned. Pabandysiu dar karta

What is the official flag of Balt?

They still talk to me because im so funny and nice when im not on my shit but they dont care enough to be with me in my tough times
Im still grateful that they withstand me
I dont just outright make fun of them in the classic way of middle school
Its more of psychological warfare that makes the other person more self-aware and quiet

This is for Latvians and Estonians. It seems to be dominated by Lithuanians rn, so idk.

Čia priklausomai nuo kokios pastotės gal. Man anksčiau darbe mesdavo banned (darbovietė šalia mokyklos), o kitur mieste - ne.

I think that's the flag of the United Baltic Douchy that Germany planned to create as a German client state in 1917 after the treaty of Brest-Livotsk, and from the territory they conquered from Russia.

Which parts are Courland and which parts are Livonia? Cause I think United Baltic Duchy was Livonia.

>i think thats *posts argumentated scientific essay*
Insecure history-boo
soyboys OUT

Look, a pird. He likes berries.

It was Latvia and Estonia. If there's nothing better, I guess it's alright, even if unrepresentative of Lithuania

Eating brekky

>file too large

I'm going to a techno night tho
there's probably a few gays walking around there


(He was Lithuanian and smoking hot)

Fun fact: Kaunas used to be known as gay capitol of Lithuania during the early 2000s. Ironically at the same time it was infamous for its gang related crime and gopniks.

So if United Baltic Duchy was only Latvia+Estonia, what were the Germans planning to do with Lithuania?

>cant post anything taken outside because theres too much light so the file size skyrockets

>caring about krauts


Nice birb

They were going to grant us "independence" but we would have been economically and politically tied to Germany.


Just set it to take pictures at a lower quality in thr settings.

Already did so

Never forgot madman Prūsa,
Teutons and Poles couldn't deal


found the rabbikraut

Also, this is a trap, right?

Oy ve... ich bin keyn rabbikraut!

into the oven, hansberg

germans = jews

This is a well known fact.

Off into Stutthoff with you, semi-slavic subhuman!

>germans = jews
Yes, that's what I've been implying.
I am pure Galindian.


even the fucking Seli and Yatvings were cooler than Galindians, truly a pleb blood you got there

You see a penis anywhere? Can you not tell genders apart?

To: 85347107
and neither
that's because you've only been exposed to the pleb version of history

seriously? Are there any texts in Galindian?

I know some mates IRL who have baltic typages. And I think, are they have Galindian/Golyad ancestry, ot they have baltic finnish roots

I do not associate with niggers

sure there are
although today it's rather erroneously called "Russian" literature
>Golyad ancestry
if they have roots in the Moscow region, then they just might be

Besides getting assimilated, what are Galindians known for?

I don't trust pics of cute girls on Sup Forums anymore.
Trap doesn't have to be futa.

being the progenitors of Balto-Slavo-Thracians, for one

it seems that you know something that I don't know

there are still some words after the language - lobas, geltonplauke, I read this in livejournal, but I'm not sure that it's now fake and larping.

the truth is out there

>It's not