That's fine, I didn't want my character to be Robin, anyways

>That's fine, I didn't want my character to be Robin, anyways
>Duke is better than Robin ever was
>have I mentioned that Harper is the perfect sidekick?


>snyder actually believes duke's shitty lark identity is better than robin


Don't you see all the Batbranding on him?? DC is going to make a bundle with all that free advertising.

That's why Damian's not in the main Batman book now, the Robin costume has no bat logo on it.

fuck i love his power ranger suit so much

it's soooo fucking good

The thing about Robin is, even if you accept all of Snyder's bullshit about Duke miraculously being just as capable as the rest of them, Robin has always been more than just a sidekick; he's been family. Whether it be the surrogate son he desperately needed with Dick, or his literal son, it's always been called the "bat-family" for a reason. If you want to try to shove your OC into that family, that's one thing, but to claim that he's somehow better? That's complete horseshit.

Fuck this shit

>Let's have Batman give Duke a fist bump, that's what black people do, right?

>Batman covers his black boy's face
>Doesn't want him to be a robin

Remember me

Maybe Bruce is mad that Damian ditched him for Jon and the TT?

It needs a "my nigga" edit.

Literally the new DC Benis

All that development of the superhuman presence in Africa, doomed to have at best a passing reference once every decade.

He's not saying Duke is superior to the past Robins, he's just saying that coming up with your own damn name is better than being the 5th Robin.

RIP and fuck Lucius Fox's OC donut steel gary sue son.

This was actually going to some interesting places. Shame DC stealth cancelled it and replaced it with Lucius Fox's boring son nobody gives a shit about.

David, come back, I miss you...

All Star Batman 1 was fucking awful

Snyder cant write dialog worth a shit and the story already feels retarded

If you didn't enjoy Zero Year or it's sequel All Star Batman you honestly just have shit taste. Go read some New52 launch Detective Comics and Batman: The Dark Knight.

>Robin doesn't need a Batman
>Good. Batman doesn't need a Robin.
Jesus, I'll admit I haven't read this, but that sounds so childish.

>Batman doesn't need a Robin

Isnt Tim's entire origin about how he does?

That's because it came from a childish hoodlum character with abandonment issues to some serial stepdad with abandonment issues.

He's just being tsun, he still needs a sidekick.

I completely ignored you because of your shit costume.

Oh, now it all makes sense. Snyderfags have only ever read new 52 bat titles, and that's why they think Snyder's run is good.

No shit, Sup Forums has been saying that for years

>>Duke is better than Robin ever was
Well he hasn't died.

No you stupid faggot, I'm saying you want to read generic goop, All Star Batman is great for the same reason Morrison's, Paul Pope's, Loeb's, Miller's or Moench's was great, it's why Black and White is essential, it's a invigorating fresh take on the character.

This has to be bait

How many good Killer Moth or Riddler stories have you read lately? You're just a hivemind faggot trying to fit in.

and look there goes another potential African-American Batfmaily member down the drain.
*Batwing 1 and 2
*Azreal 2

Seriously writers get one to stick that does not rely on taking someones role that already filled. Or you know give a good reason to be around, Seriously it keeps happening.

Killer moth- Batgirl Year one (he's not in very many stories)

Riddler - dark night, dark city
When is a door

Its not invigorating or fresh

It comes off as tryhard garbage

Sorry if even mainline, colorful villain punching Batman comics go over your head. Maybe pick up a hobby with even less reading?

What's with this "I'm trying something different" bullshit? Why does he have some kind of armored suit thing?

To me it's always stupid to have bat family characters in armor EXCEPT when used for a single fight against a character like Supes or some other massively powerful individual.

Fox's son was dumb. Batwing is dumb. The Muslim one in France or wherever is dumb. Bat-Family should be Gotham or surrounding areas like Blüdhaven.

And they need to be street level. Peak human conditioning with acrobatics, stealth, and some gadgets.

And lets be totally honest. We wanna see good looking white people who are financially well off who occasionally have sex with each other.

Snyder really doesn't do subtle, does he? His butthurt over Robin is palpable.

(And what is his problem with Damian/Robin anyway, this goes beyong being "uncomfortable" writing about him?)

>Killer Moth
Really? Are people pretending to care about Killer Moth now?


What was there to go over my head? Was it the lame chainsaw scene?

>I'm good

That was a lot to take in....

I'm giving you a big NO on everything, you're objectively wrong.

At this point I'm sure Snyder tried to push Duke as the new Robin while Damian was dead, but editorial and other Bat-writers wanted to keep Damian as Robin( and rightfully so since he has more narrative potential than Duke ever will)

"Wah wah after I had a son my eyes really opened to the horrors of child endangerment."

Real comic connoisseurs want to build a big, interesting and healthy rogues gallery at every opportunity, dumb normies want more Joker stories, high bodycount big events killing C listers and Bendis style sassy putdowns.

Exactly, Batman never used his bullshit skills to bullshit a life sized Batman wood carving before, it's fun, invigorating and fresh. How the fuck was that book tryhard garbage? Are you literally and figuratively retarded?

Let's just be glad that Harper was a complete failure.

He was jealous of how Morrison made an indelible mark on Batman with Damian while all of his own attempts to leave a mark failed

Court of Owls is here to stay.

>Real comic connoisseurs want to build a big, interesting and healthy rogues gallery at every opportunity, dumb normies want more Joker stories, high bodycount big events killing C listers and Bendis style sassy putdowns.
There are literally dozens of Rogues in Batman's gallery, and just because Snyder picked one of the many who haven't had any stories doesn't make him some miracle worker.

No it doesn't. We're in agreement! I sure enjoy when lesser used characters get a chance to shine though. Don't you agree?

>he doesn't want Dick and Babs sex scenes on hot dark roof tops during the height of a Gotham summer
>only after beating the shit out of a bunch of low level criminals of course.

>Tim fucking whoever he's with these days
>Damian and Jason eating pizza playing video games together still in their costumes while Bruce and Kate discuss politics over one of Alfred's fancy dinners before she goes to fine a lesbian that will lick her clit



David was literally the most invested I've been in a street level (dune level?) type character in ages. The untrod ground of Africa's super-crime scene was incredibly interesting and I will be forever mad that they just up and abandoned it.

Who really gives the slightest fuck about Africa? You got AIDS, boy?

But SnyderBat had two Joker crossover arcs

Damian is Arabic

Yeah, and Snyder writes a miserable, embarassing fucking Joker, easily the run's lowpoints. But Capullo's art carries DotF into just sorta bad, and Endgame into ok.

>Capullo's art carries DotF into just sorta bad
Not even Capullo's art could make Joker's 2edgy face look good.

What sucks is I was ready to like Duke. I still think King can salvage him but it's gonna be hard with Snyder writing a book side by side. Thank god Seeley and King have been retroactively undoing everything Snyder set up right in front of him whilst saying they like him so he doesn't notice. Pure CIA.

>Who really gives the slightest fuck about a new setting that's relatively unexplored in the DC universe?
Hurr durr i dunno xD

Only a quarter and not a Muslim

>Ra's literally burned down all traces of his village's religion and culture

Was he the first edgy atheist?

Probably Vandal Savage desu

If he isn't it's only because Vandal Savage is

>fifth robin, second new one in ten years.

Fuck that. And lets see how well snyder sells without Capullo.

But he's not a Robin. They're being explicit about that.

He's got JRJR putting out his best work since Spider-man now

And the next arc is Jock

Stephanie Brown has more narrative potential than Duke. He has the least compelling background of any bat character and that is in a field with Harper and Batlesbian.

Meh, neither is in Capullo's league, but your right. Both of those artists have followings. Snyder is in Johns territory now where he never does anything without a ringer artist.

>wanting to be a robin

fuck no


or he just was a good place to have a fistbump

fuck you guys make everything about race it's not even funny.

How can you argue with that 60% mortality rate?


Holy shit...It all makes sense now

Reeses in pieces all the great Batman Inc characters, hopefully Rebirth magic brings some of them back eventually

I hope you're not implying Snyder's take on them was good. Jesus, man, get yourself checked for hypogeusia.

Kate Kane has one of the best background stories, though. She has a compelling impetus for her vigilantism, a well-rounded supporting cast, training that differentiates her from everyone else. If you don't like her, fine, but insinuating she doesn't have a compelling background story is asinine.