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>flavor of the month

In other news, Omelette, a generally reliable brazilian website associated with Collider, has just reported a SUICIDE SQUAD sequel is slated with begin shooting in early 2017, with most of the cast coming back, Will Smith and Viola Davis already 100% confirmed, though there's still no word on David Ayer coming back.

According to them, the plot WB is entertaining right now is that, in the aftermath of JUSTICE LEAGUE, Batman is declared an enemy of the state for assembling a private metahuman team and Waller sends the Suicide Squad to bring him down.

I hope she goes bisexual with Ivy in it

I don't get it, Sup Forums. Deadshot was the best part of Suicide Squad, whereas Harley clearly didn't go over as well as they had hoped. Are they doing this to convince us that Harley "can actually be pretty good, trust us"? Or did they just make these decisions before seeing the feedback on (or possibly even watching) Suicide Squad?

They portrayed Joker and Harleys relationship pretty positively so I doubt it

That would be pretty rad.

I thought she said she hated the role?

She loves Will tho and will come back for him if he is in it.

>Batman again


I was hoping we'd move on to more international missions and general DC universe after establishing the universe.

Nah, she said she'd be down to play Harley forever,and it was Margot herself who wanred a harley solo

That's what a Suicide Squad movie should have been in the first place. Not the clusterfuck we got.


Fuck off, tumblr.

So Suicide Squad vs Justice League

There's going to be a lot of stupid rumors until Wonder Woman comes out to fill the 10-month gap between movies.

Just Batman.

> whereas Harley clearly didn't go over as well as they had hoped.

Oh so we're just making shit up now. Is that how it goes?

If they are going after Batman because he started the JL wouldn't that preclude they'd be involved as well.

How can you POSSIBLY be surprised that WB is relying on Batwank yet again?
After everyone went "Batman is the only good part about BvS" "Based Battfleck solo will save us!", Batman being the one to assemble the Justice League and Suicide Squad, which is mostly Batman rogues and supporting characters, ends up being the most successful movie of the three despite its shitty editing job?

Really. After ALL the people slobbering over the prospect of Batman in on every conceivably level, how is this a surprise?

It's called DETECTIVE comics for a reason. You should consider yourself lucky you even got a Superman or Wonder Woman movie out of the mix.

>team is formed
>one member betrays team
>rest of team sent to stop traitor
WOOOOOOW what a clusterfuck.

This rumor is complete bullshit, but an entire movie where the Suicide Squad tries to take down Batfleck sounds fucking awesome.

does WB want to fail?

>whereas Harley clearly didn't go over as well as they had hoped.

>Deadshot was the best part of Suicide Squad
Uh, no. Leto's Joker was barely in the movie and he was still the best part aside from the female character's bodies.

Can someone please update this image using the official logos? Particularly for Cyborg.

Batman will want to handle it himself.

I feel that Leto's Joker came off as trying too hard to seem crazy. I would have liked the movie more if the Joker was completely absent

How exactly? He seemed about on par with every other Joker performance, except he was barley in it and a glorified side character.

I think its more an issue with how his character is just thrown in there. Its the issue the movie has with all of its characters. It just throws them all at us real quick and then jumps us as fast as possible into the story. It he had been the focus of the plot I think he would've come off alot better. I was furious when he was first cast and we first got a look at him but its grown on me. Especially the story about how he has the grill because Batffleck knocked his teeth out. I think that's fantastic.

Only if they add more people to the squad to balance it out more as the Waller League from New fifty two, I'm not saying it needs to have only heroes on it, but it'd be a good way to introduce some more metas, and maybe we'd even get a good Green Arrow too.

It's not the basic structure that was bad, it's how the scenes didn't mesh too well or how various plot points didn't make sense.
Also the one team member that betrayed them were literal gods. In a world where Flash and Batman exist. Hell, those two were even in the movie itself.
Also they weren't event sent after Enchantress, they were sent to evac Waller. No one was taking care of Enchantress until she took Waller hostage.

Bring them all back, give them a more covert, close quarters mission and let the characters bond and interact with each other.

One of the most stupid things in the movie was how El Diablo grew really attached to the squad despite spending half a day with them. If you really want to give the characters (who I admit were great) a family bond, then let them actually speak to each other and not just have Deadshot and Flagg butt heads all the time while Harley makes an epin joke on how she's a villain.

batman is pretty much the best thing about the dceu so far. he has issues but most people seem to agree he's the best part of it so far.

Why are you millennials so pro-gay?
You're going to ruin the comic experience for generation z.

>Not wanting to see hot chick kiss.
Gay indeed.

Sounds dope as fuck. I always wanted a movie where Batman is the antagonist.

>worst part of Suicide Squad gets her own movie

There is no justice in this world.

>having a lesbian fetish is a millennial thing now
the fuck


>Batman is declared an enemy of the state for assembling a private metahuman team
Please fucking no......I really fucking hope this isn't true. Why would fucking Johns allow this?
>the world is scared of the Justice League
This isn't fucking Marvel where the public hates the heroes. In DC the heroes are supposed to be beloved by the public....because they're fucking heroes.

Plus it doesn't even make fucking sense. Wouldn't the rest of the JL come to Batman's aid?
>You're fine to continue protecting the planet Justice League
>but we've gotta bring the Bat in for forming you and thus saving the planet
Fucking hell the people at WB are stupid as fuck. They clearly desperately want a JL V SS movie.

Please fucking stop them Johns.

The problem is the traitor turned out to be world ending level threat with god like powers.

Oh stop whining, she's a cute.

>Believing Johns has any real power


All these people bitching about Batman. It's Suicide Squad you fucks. Batman works best when he's a side character, and as an antagonist it would be great. We'd finally see him from their perspectives.

You seem to be assblasted about Batman. Were you equally upset when Marvel banked on Iron Man to appear in all their films?

We'll never get Jester Harley Quinn, but I do want to see this: Because we can get an abusive Joker.

Iron Man didn't appear in all their films, however. Aside from his own series and the Avengers movies he only made a cameo in "The Incredible Hulk".

Batman is slated to appear in every single movie from here onto Justice League 2.

Harley makes mad cash for DC and WB. If Marvel had a hero as popular (That they could actually use) they wold have made a movie a long time ago. I'd rather see Margot's Harley Quinn than Larsons Captain Marvel

>I'd rather see Margot's Harley Quinn than Larsons Captain Marvel
A billion times this.

why would you believe in justice?
Aracely's story will never be followed through

PLEASE let it NOT be a Sirens movie. Less I need WB shitting up the group

>This isn't fucking Marvel where the public hates the heroes. In DC the heroes are supposed to be beloved by the public....because they're fucking heroes.

If true. It wouldn't be about the public hating them. It would be about the US government having no control over them; hence why they send in their covert-ops teams as opposed to an actually government sponsored team.

But of course it ISN'T true. Did any of y'all catch the mid-credits scene?

This is the beginning of the Batman Extended Universe.

After Wonder Woman and Flash flop, only Batman related characters will get movies.

It was always inevitable, I suppose.

I was a little, actually. But with Batman it's worse because of all the BATGOD PREPTIME LOL meme shit.

Batman is like cat memes and bacon. I might have liked him at one point but we've gone so far past the oversaturation point that I need a goddamn break.

The DCU has so many great properties but we will NEVER see them because the only thing WB is willing to even try to do with more than half an ass is fucking Batman. Get ready for him to cameo in the Fash solo, if it ever even gets made. Might just be cancelled for a movie to introduce Robin.

>Marvel banked on Iron Man

Not the same poster, but yeah. Iron Man is a who gives a fuck C-lister with a varying personality depending on the writer because Marvel didn't give a fuck about Iron Man until they realised that they didn't have the rights to their three pillars:

>Fantastic Four


Johns has to work in the framework provided by Snyder. The fact that the civilians of the Snyder universe would be at home in an X-men movie is just something you're going to have to accept.

Like turkeys voting for Christmas.

Exactly. Batman is to DC what Wolverine and Spider-man is to Marvel.

And look at how Fox is trying to milk Wolverine and Sony is trying to milk Spidey, against all common sense.

Suicide Squad is probably more like the Sinister Six movie that Sony wanted to make than any of us are going to be comfortable admitting.

Why is this a surprise. Harley Quinn is DC's fourth biggest brand .

They're idiots, content with the fact that they have one lucrative products to peddle, and if people ever tire of that they're fucked. They're in their current situation now because for the longest time they were similarly content with Harry Potter, and went into panic mode when that well went dry. At least Sony knew, based on the email leaks, that they were fucked for having nothing but Spider-Man.

These jokers have the like of Superman and Wonder Woman on their hands, thanks to the effective moves made by their predecessors, and can't figure out how to make these IPs work for them. Mind-boggling.

Personally, though, it's simply boring. They have this vast universe filled with magic and alien worlds and all they focus on is a vigilante without powers. Plenty of those in the real world.

Does Ben Affleck have a contract? Can they really is him for this many movies? Is he really this deticated to this character or does he need money/being paid a lot?

>If true. It wouldn't be about the public hating them.
So why would they just go after Batman? It makes no fucking sense and is clearly some shitty way to shoehorn in a either a JL V SS movie or a Batman v SS one.

Why are DCEU characters so smug?

Frankly you shoud've seen the writing on the wall when Man of Steel came out and it was 'What if Superman had angst like Batman'.

Or maybe even before that when WB went "The reason nobody liked Green Lantern was because it wasn't dark or edgy enough!"

WB pays better than Disney from what I know and Ben genuinely loves Batman.

>WB pays better than Disney

Only because he's Ben Affleck and is playing Batman.

No. Mamoa turned down the role of Drax because the pay was shit. C'mon man the pay disputes even among the Avengers actors didn't happen that long agao. Look it up

Isent that a job you dont need the suicide squad for you dont need deniability.

I don't dispute the pay is meager at Disney, but I dispute it is so big at WB.

Momoa turned down a secondary character in a self-contained franchise over a shit pay, but he wouldn't turn down a steady job frontlining two franchises.

The Suicide Squad clearly won't be doing morally questionable wetworks in the movies, bro. Just let it go.

>No Batman v Batman
Missed opportunity

Unlike what happened with the first movie, with a collection of convicts being drafted to save the world, instead of, say, The Flash, this actually sounds like a job you'd want for the Suicide Squad, specifically. No actual hero's going to dirty their hands with something like this, and the government doesn't want to be connected to it either. As a further out, most of the characters making up the current Suicide Squad are people who'd have beef with Batman anyways, so it'd be easy to play the entire thing off as a bunch of villains teaming up to get revenge on the guy who landed them in prison.

Fuck man, like a Batman v Bizarro Batman or Batman Battle for the Cowl style?

But the CADMAS arc was one of the best DC stories of all time.

She's actually second. She sells more than Wonder Woman and Superman.

Harley Quinn is getting a movie? neat
btw who is the woman in the picture? I don't reconice the character?

>Harley clearly didn't go over as well as they had hoped

You're a fucking moron

>Harley Quinn is getting a movie? neat
>btw who is the woman in the picture? I don't reconice the character?

It's the redesign version of Jewelee

Well, they aren't going to do it because of you know THE MID CREDITS SCENE IN SUICIDE SQUAD. But lets go into whether "on paper" Amanda Waller would honestly believe the Suicide Squad could defeat any members of the Justice League

Alien God who is super-strong, can fly, has heat vision, is indestructible (accept for a substance of which Batman has the only workable amount). So Superman's off the table.

>Wonder Woman
Literal demigod with magic artifacts who is super strong and is indestructible. Wonder Woman's off the table

>The Flash
A dude who can run so fast he can destroy universes with his feet and has a healing factor. Definitely off the table

Super strong, largely indestructible. Can literally just hang out in the ocean and is the monarch of a race of asshole's who're just itching for a fight with the surface world. Also off the fucking table

Technomath who can literally just make the Suicide Squad's heart-bombs blow up by thinking about it. Off the table.

A really well trained, wealthy and smart dude who spends his evenings punching criminals in the face while dressed up in a Bat-costume. Not indestructible, and does have an "I WIN" button. Batman seems killable on paper.

From that perspective it makes the most sense to go after Batman, because Amanda Waller doesn't know she's literally dealing with an ubermensch.

Batman vs. Owlman

Because they're cool.

It seems weird because Waller in the movie seemed to get wet at the thought of Superman

I so badly want to agree with you, and I certainly don't disagree. But don't you think that, at least once in the movie, the Joker should've made you laugh?

No. I've never looked at the character of the Joker with the intention of actually laughing,
The only exception being Romero's Joker and Boner Era Joker.

But the mid credits scene only helped to setup a Justice League or Batman v Suicide Squad movie.

it still baffles me how 10 years ago, Hulk was the most popular character they had the movie rights to and now he's not even in the top 10

equally baffling is how shitty they can make norse mythology seem by making Thor garbage, but that's another matter entirely

Will this fanbase ever stop being so fucking delusional?

No, no. It's Batman vs Wrath. Owlman takes Wonder Woman's position as the surprise cameo.

ben affleck fights michael keaton in an empty room, 2 and a half hours, 3 hour director's cut

BRAND, not comic. Superman and WW are still far bigger icons and have way more comics to work with, even currently.