What's the best episode of DHMIS and why is it episode 4

What's the best episode of DHMIS and why is it episode 4.


The love song is the best song.

It's the funniest one.
It has a catchy song.
Computers are something most people can relate to.
Red guy is the main character.


I hate that picture. I hate everything about it. This is HTF/Creepypasta fandom all over again.

I would have liked that song a bit more if it didn't have so many interruptions aside from the Michael story, which flowed in pretty well. The style of the song didn't fit with all the stops and all the different animals chiming in for a line or two.

>tfw you want the red guy and creative girl to fuck.

Swap 5 and 3 and it's perfect

2, 4

1, 6

3, 5

Uh, hey Sup Forums

uh, wouldn't it be funny if, um, one of these threads came alive? Ha, here.

>I am a thread, and you put images in me

>Do-do-do-dooooo a threaaaad

y'now, l-like it did a song?

that sounds really autistic

Time and Love.

I don't know, I feel like taken in relation to everything else and taken as an ending, 6 is good, but taken in a vacuum, I feel like it's the weakest entry by far.

The best don't hug me I'm scared is the 1st one the 1st time you watched it and had no idea what would happen.

5 is the only bad one

What's wrong with 5?

i don't know about everybody else, but my problem with it is that it didn't really have a proper song running through it (each bit was only a few seconds long before being interrupted), so it was less memorable to me. it was different from 1, 2, 3, and 4 in that way.

>Hating on 3

What are you, gay?

Top tier post.

finally watched all 6 yesterday. I really didn't expect 5 and 6 to be what they were.

5 was the worse

No, he's lonely!

Post videos of this shit. I need to overcome my fear to puppets!

You know it's funny how you can trace the drop-offs in humanizations?

There were a fuckton for the Notepad and the Clock, a few for the Butterfly, and none as far as I know for the Computer, Steak, or Lamp.

Such things do exist


That Roy isn't bad, but Yellow would be an awkward, big-nosed little kid.




It's supposed to feel uncomfortable and darker compared to the rest.

They are all bad and have the same joke. Oh it's a kids show but suddenly it turns dark.
And it's not even really dark, it's made by some vegan hipsters who think some piece of meat with glitter on it is scary.
Why is this decade so lame?


I ship shota Shrignold with shota Yellow Guy.

Because it has computers


I love them all equally, but have a soft spot for 2 and even 4 despite only memelords loving it.

They'd make steak a bara and the canned spinach a quirky loli.

Catchiest song that's why.

Time is still the best teacher though.

Epsiode 4 is the best because it has the best memes

Y'know, that kind of fits.


ᵁˡᵗᶦᵐᵃᵗᵉ ᴾᵒʷᵉʳ


Don't eat from a stranger's plate

> final episode aired June 19
What did they mean by this

The 3 minute live-action scene in Episode 6 > Everything else

I like them all. 1 and 2 are the best standalones, 3's an experiment with the format (removing shock value and gore in favor of more lowkey creepiness), 4's a good subversion of the formula (Red trying, and managing, to break out of the song), 5 takes the horror elements to a new level, and 6 is an excellent climax that builds on all the previous parts. ("I wonder what will happen" was GOAT.)

That sounds like something a gray teeth haver would say