Enchantress, Harley, and Katana concept art from Suicide Squad




>that massive fucking cleaver
Sheesh. Badass as hell honestly.

Otherwise all of these look pretty good actually.

I'm pretty much happy with what we got.

Any others, OP?





We dodged a real bullet with that Katana.

Harley's pretty much what we got.

Got any Croc or Boomerang concepts?



bts shot


Dodged some bullets there.


Gross. Movie version is way better.

I kinda like that.

Cyberpunk as fuck

Needs the scarf


>Chato's Sunday best

I kind of like the samurai pauldron idea in the middle left.

Oh shit Bruno Mars is gonna be in the DCEU

Wait, why the fuck is there fire?

Cute. All of them.
>Smith trying to be serious while everyone else is posing for a sitcom promo

Anyone have any concept art of Deadshot?

That's some nice sketches.

>shirt says boomer in concept art
>movie says captain
I don't know which I like more

couldn't find any

I like Captain, like what's the reason to call him Captain? The media probably dubbed him captain boomerang because his jacket says captain and he throws boomerangs.

I prefer CAPTAIN. It fits the aesthetic that their costumes are cobbled together from normal clothing. Plus aussies and yurops love soccer so giving him a soccer jacket just drives home that hes straylia

So like #2 and #3 and #4 here are actually all fucking great. I think probably I would have preferred the big design, it's even more balls-to-the-walls Bōsōzoku and it looks more gangsterish, less professional. But I do really like the design we got.

>. Plus aussies love soccer
No we don't.

The one at the top of the left
I want oto see more of the last one of the right
Almost hate all of them

I dig the sunglasses.

>Doesn't use a Katana
Actually looks pretty badass

>Pssst kid, you wanna buy a boomerang?

>one on the right

that's actually kind of fucking cool desu

It says Boomerang and that's lame. Captain is better.

What the fuck is he doing here and why wasn't this in the movie?

is that it?

I wanted more of this scene.


His feet are HUGE