ITT: Cartoon creators that you admire / inspired you to get into animation as a career

ITT: Cartoon creators that you admire / inspired you to get into animation as a career.

Pic related. Despite a shaky ending, he's done pretty good for himself 75% of the time while working on the show.

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>Alex Hirsch
At least he's better than Seth MacFarlane.

His story made me start working on my writing and that anyone can make it

The Brothers Chap

where's my reverse series, Hack

>setting the bar this low


I know, watching him drop the ball that hard is inspiring, it makes you feel like you could make a better cartoon.

>watching him drop the ball that hard is inspiring
Which is why I said, "Despite a shaky ending"

>Alex Hirsch

Haha, good one user! Hey, did you guys ever get that statue and claim it? No? Oh, well did you guys ever get a hold of any of the clues? Y-your mom did? Wow... well at least you guys have your own cartoo- no? Holy shit, do you even have a qt3.14 red-head girlfriend? No!?!! LMFAO, Hold on I think I have an idea for another book!

Hey if he'd set the bar any lower he probably would've had to resort to TRUMP!!!


Does this apply to feature animated films as well?


But user,I can.

Remember Lost user. Died on his quest to find the Hack's statue

Alex get off Sup Forums

hirsch looks like a douche i knew so its much more easier to hate him

Leave it to HackChan to cause someone to get killed, no big loss though, they probably would've voted for Trump.

Dubs for perfection.


Probably that Journal 3 replica you wrote in?

/Co has a weird relationship with the show, but knowing her first love was for comics and how genuine she seems about her work is really motivational.

I remember when I thought he seemed like a nice, cool guy.
And then I decided to follow him on twitter.

His shit might be cancelled all the time, but at least he's doing what he loves and is consistently employed doing so.

The only slav I'll ever love.
From interviews I can't tell whether he has no idea what he's doing or secretly a genius.

Okay than
Marc Davis
Glen Keane
John Lasseter
Brad Bird
Chuck Jones
Alex Hirsch
Justin Roiland
Don Hertzfeldt
Nathan Greno
Rebecca Sugar

Wrote every episode himself
Did half the voices
Created journal & treasure hunt just for fans
Ended show before it jumped the shark, despite Disney wanting it to last longer

He is the literal opposite of a hack. Hackanons are just babies who cant handle that a show ended

shut the fuck up

>Ended show before it jumped the shark, despite Disney wanting it to last longer
Are you that fag from the general who kept calling out everyone who got upset about no s3 when it was first announced because "it would go like spongebob did"? Even if you're not, a 3rd season would've been fine and only would have jumped the shark when HE made it.

>disney is the bad guy
>alex not

Chuck Jones and Don Bluth got me into art.

literally a tumblerina who did tumblr the show.


These two beautiful motherfuckers right here. Maybe not so much an inspiration for art (a lot of that honor goes to Bill Watterson), but definitely for making a show that's not only funny, but funny to themselves first and foremost; the rest of us laughing is just a perk to them.

this meme needs to die.

They're irreverent asses, but I like that they banter about everyone fairly equally and don't have an obvious vendetta against specific groups like Family Guy does.

>Implying he's not just baiting the shit out of you and you fell for it

But the sucks ass
They paid you for this thread?

why? it's a truth


>funny to themselves first and foremost; the rest of us laughing is just a perk to them

They can't be the only creators that fit into that mold. Are they?

except how the ending sucked


>the ending sucked
you just mad your fanfiction didn't become canon. The ending was fine, move on.

i'm mad about the terrible pacing
Gideon becoming good was an asspull with no build up
how they wasted a part on another "mabel is selfish but learns to appreciate her brother" plot
and how they tried ending the show with a lose that didn't even matter because it didn't really do anything anyways, like why have it in the first place?

>Alex 'Working for Disney is too hard so I'll just kill my opus and leave it unfinished' Hirsch
>An inspiration

Alex is a fucking quitter. Fuck him.

>"mabel is selfish but learns to appreciate her brother"

If only.

All the "Mabel is selfish" plots are bad, but this one is easily the worst as it is basically only resolved once Dipper gives in and gives up everything he wants for the benefit of his sister.

the fact that she used to make Ed Edd and Eddy porn is really inspiring

>Mabel is selfish but learns to appreciate her brother
But that didn't happen. She learned that if she throws a tantrum and ignores the world long enough it'll bend over backwards for her. She didn't even have the moment of "this shitty 80's knockoff of my brother isn't really the brother I love so much."

This man right here.

I'm sure MacFarlane fits in there too

The difference is that Seth isn't funny.

That's crazy talk if you're talking about MacFarlane when he first started. After FG went back on the air and The Cleveland Show ended, yeah, I can rally see that

Would've liked to see more of him

I think Seth is actually funny, he wrote some of my favorite episodes of Johnny Bravo, and did a few good episodes of Dexters Lab as well. I'd say his problem is he's reached the point where he's big enough that no one can say no to him. Plus, he stretches his jokes over multiple shows with almost the exact same premise now.

Better than anyone else in this thread. You know it's true.

>From interviews I can't tell whether he has no idea what he's doing or secretly a genius.

Greg Weisman, newfag.

I need this man to sign my banjo one day.

I've been marathoning everything on hs and it still holds up today.
Just got finished watching all the marzipan answering machines. So damn good.

Not Sup Forums but still the one true based god.

>Not Sup Forums
Then why are you here?

I'm a fan of Eric Goldberg's work

Dot you guys think that's what Dipper really wants instead of "I'm only doing this just to shut you up"

Todo praise his name

But why here? This is neither a thread asking for anime makers, nor a board about anime.

Seconding Rebecca Sugar. She seems really genuine about everything, and you can tell she cares a lot about her work. Plus, she's awkward as fuck, just like me, so she makes me feel like I could have my own show someday, too.