Post yfw Steven universe has better plot, writing, and character development than dbz

Post yfw Steven universe has better plot, writing, and character development than dbz

Yes dbz still has better fight scenes

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So? Everyone knows dbz is terrible.

that's not really much of an achievement

Most DBZ fans will tell you that DBZ wasn't that good. At best there's just a few good bits of wheat between the chaff.

What the fuck are you on. DBZ was and still is the shit. There weren't any trans-lesbo characters and the protagonist wasn't a chubby fuck.

Nnnnnah man, dbz was fucking stupid, man. Great designs, but story wise dragonball is better

I'll admit you're right if you can answer one question. Keep in mind the answer is only DBZ, so anything that takes place before Raditz doesn't count.

How does Goku develop as a character in Z?

Another quality SU thread

Has a son whom he protects with his life? Did you even read the original Dragonball?

He asked you how Goku develops in Z, not he overall metaseries. Having a son is not development btw.

School starts next week so we can finally go back to usual business. Like not insulting DBZ for no fucking reason.

He already had Gohan at the start of Z. If you take Goku out from that meeting on Kame House with baby Gohan, and the Goku who flew off with Uub, how are those two characters different?

>tfw no steven universe figuarts as good as the dbz ones

Played me like a fiddle.

Z is the direct continuation of Dragonball. Had you read either you'd know that.

During the Cell saga he decides that he's not the hero earth needs and passes on the role to his son, even choosing to remain dead. By the end he's even training Uub simply because he doesn't want to be the strongest anymore.

Why don't you just fuck off to your general? You are annoying like those GoTfags on Sup Forums.

Why would you be proud of that, DBZ never set out to do anything but fighting it's not hard to have a better plot, it's the baseline if anything.

Please tell me they're not really doing this.

>Z is the direct continuation of Dragonball. Had you read either you'd know that.

If you're gonna play that card, technically the manga just kept the name Dragon Ball.

Yes, but he didn't ask you about Dragon Ball. He asked you about Z. Within the loooong Z series, Goku has a miniscule amount of development.
People bash Bleach, but at least Ichigo is dramatically different at the end of just the second arc. Goku barely changes.

>but story wise dragonball is better

I love Dragonball but 90% of the 'story' was them finding the Dragon Balls and then waiting for the next WT.

Nearly all the interesting story moments were filler with the exception of the end of the Red Ribbon Army saga and the Piccolo fights.

DBZ is a classic. SU is a fad

>Please tell me they're not really doing this.

They've referenced the show once, and someone else set their audio to the show, but other than that they aren't.

Are you retarded? Can't you read? He goes from the student to the mentor. He starts out training with the gods and ends up teaching the next generation.

Not to mention Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan and all those other characters who also developed. Your argument is bad and you should feel bad.

>Rebecca Sugar
>It’s very important to me that we speak to kids about consent, that we speak to kids about identity… I want to feel like I exist, and I want everyone else who wants to feel that way to feel that way too

>Akira Toriyama
>I just wanted to make little Japanese boys happy

They aren't but they actually covered a SU song in a recent episode.

On that note, they posted a short Abrigded clip of DB Super on Twitter yesterday.

He gets a fucking family, makes new friends, in the Buu saga he gets a bit more serious and want the next generation to get stronger to protect the earth.
I even think he's gets less selfish with time and a bit more calm.

DBZ literally starts with revealing who Goku is, not to mention that he gets son, which forces a lot of changes to him, as a person. From being a carefree kid to a still carefree, but more serious adult.

But since you're a troll, the answer will be:
He becomes Super Sayian, then SSJ2, then SSJ3

The sad thing is, OTHER characters get decent development. Gohan has an arc throughout the entire series... up until Buu saga ruined it once Goku came back. Vegeta and Piccolo also got decent arcs.
Goku? Closest thing he had to development was trying to get other people to be Earth's next hero. And much like Gohan's development, Super just ignores that.

Based Akira

I'm not a troll, I love DBZ. I'm just not blind to its flaws.
It's the Ocarina of Time of Shounen anime.

>They aren't but they actually covered a SU song in a recent episode.

Oh hell no, I didn't notice that. When was it so I can blacklist the episode next time I rewatch it?

Wait a minute... that face...

I see, both were genre-creating groundbreaking hits before you existed?


In terms of plot it's poop vs poop with a little salt

but DB's fight scene makes it a 100X better

You sound like one of these bored teenagers straight out of Gillen's comic. Extrememly punchable

Maybe three episodes ago?
I think it was the second episode where Goku and Gohan trained in the time chamber. The song is right at the beginning.

That would be 51. Since I didn't see the show, I wasn't actually aware that's what they were referencing until recently.

is the long lost son of Akira Toriyama?

More he wanted to make small boys cry.

Also DBZ has the better soundtrack.

Toriyama is a hack. Sorry but its true.

lele, only if you're a faggot

Since when were people not aware that Dragonball didn't have good character development? I don't even like SU, but I know people don't watch Dragonball for the writing.

Also I should say that DB does build up really freaking well.

I don't know man, he created Dr Slump, Sandland, Kajika. All of which were great.

The japanese version, anyway

That was a SU song?

>Dragonball didn't have good character development

okay, since this is a shitposting thread, I'm out.
have fun with your baits

>mfw i realized piccolo is only 9 years old at the beginning of DBZ

Fuck me, this guy was older? That's just sad.

Nameccians are like dogs. 9 years for them it's like 18 for us.

I'm more talking about the Shunsuke Kikuchi BGM tracks.


As far as I can recall Goku stayed the same stupid kid throughout. Same for the rest of the cast. But it was still a fun interesting cast and a good adventure story. DBZ eventually ditches all that though.

I don't know, watching Gohan in that fight always gets me. The way he cowers in fear even after all that training and Piccolo tells him he's useless. The way he's just standing frozen and trembling as Nappa beats the shit out of him. The way he finally joins the battle afterwards, realizing he's going to die either way.

I don't know how it's translated in english, and I'm not a yankee

Well yeah but it's important to note that Dragon Ball is the brainchild of a man who made up the plot of his comic book series as he went along, he didn't really take any of it seriously. There's also the little problem of adapting an ongoing comic book series into a weekly TV show with barely any breaks in it...

Of course none of this changes the fact that Dragon Ball has been popular for almost 32 years and is probably going to be considered a classic in comics and animation for decades to come, Steven Universe on the other hand resonates with an online fanbase but (according the ratings) not with the actual target audience and as such may very well end up forgotten like 5 years after it ends.

Power level development isn't character development.


Don't listen to that faggot. Manly tears are okay.

Also, is this thread a DBZ thread under disguise?

moving the goalposts is shitposting


yay, I learned a useless trivia today.

This picture feels relevant.

That's not moving goalposts. Powering up simply isn't the same as character development.

So his position changes. Do you understand the difference between character development and plot development?

All of Sup Forums is annoying though, mate.

During the Cell saga he decides that he's not the hero earth needs and passes on the role to his son, even choosing to remain dead. By the end he's even training Uub simply because he doesn't want to be the strongest anymore. He is a different person now, but you're still retarded

We need a return to the aesthetic era when the value of meaningless formal beauty was understood.

You probably missed the part when it says "since you're a troll". And since you're a troll, you keep replying to move the goalposts, even if there is no argument left

>Character development
Eh, for what little there is in DBZ it's better than SU. Like Gohan.

>war is trivialized by making a fat white kid cry and is solved by him telling you to stop
>better than anything
It's juvenile garbage. Sugar is an empty shell, typical white subburb products with nothing to say, and it shows.

Do you understand the difference between shitposting and posting?

Though not all character development was good. Just look at Freeza.


Dr slump is way better than dbz

Frieza didn't really have any development though.
He was just a space emperor that got mad at some people and was still mad over 10 years later.

It's a bit too silly. But I have to admit that this one's really really good.

>there is no argument left
No kidding. You never had one in the first place.

DBZ has a terrible plot that falls apart.
What OP fails to realize, faggot that he is, is that SU has only been around 3 years. Dragon Ball took 3 years to air as an anime.

When you compare SU against Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball wins in plot and writing.

So what are the odds that at some point down the line another show will reference steven universe in the same way other shows referenced dbz?

And then he's a cyborg and a daddy's boy who brings like 20 people and one ship to fight a super saiyan despite owning most of the known galaxy. Shit got pretty dumb.

>DBZ has a terrible plot that falls apart.
I wouldn't say it falls apart (outside of the android saga because time travel) but it is extremely simple.

The scene where Goku angrily waits for Frieza to power up to 100% so he'd have no regrets, while dramatic music plays

>DBZ spends multiple episodes powering up and screaming about power levels
>Steven Universe spends multiple episodes crying and talking about their hurt feelings

Like pottery.

Eh, it's probably pretty low in all honesty.
SU didn't reach the cult classic level of DBZ and other series that aired in the west at that time like Sailor Moon and such.


Nah, Japanese Showa - early Heisei shows and their trumpets are the best.

Kikuchi also did the score for Showa era Kamen Riders.

The difference being that the powering up scenes were essentially glorified filler moments.
SU is all canon.

the power ups is essential for three reasons:
1. Saves animation
2. Allowed the manga to progress ahead of the anime
3. Most importantly, it served as a build up for the fight.

I honestly liked it but i can see why people hated it

So, when do we get a Gohan SSJ2 tier power up for Amethyst?

When Amethyst gets her head crushed by cell onscreen

If anyone is legitimately arguing that DBZ is a good show from a narrative perspective you either need to reexamine your definition of "good" or watch more than Steven Universe and whatever flavor of the month and/or random C-tier shows are airing on Toonami

Go away, Pat
dont you have birds to grind

The postmodern aesthetic. It's beautiful because it existence merits it. Comfy as all fuck.

Is there a clip on YouTube?

Reminder that Steven Universe fags are literally bronies in different clothes