
Who even remembers this is a thing?

I do. Why do you ask?

>Why do you ask?
I'm just curious really, I've barely seen anyone talk about it and most people that have talked about it seem to be dismmising it.

And some people are excited, because it's FX
There was a pretty hype trailer

>There was a pretty hype trailer
That is true, really liked the chaotic and insane feeling the trailer had. Have they mentioned if they're going to reference Xavier in the show or not?

They're referencing mutants. There were rumors that Legion might actually retcon mutants into MCU. And if you add it to the fact that MCU has Scarlet Witch, who is a walking retcon herself, well, it fuels people's theories

If you ask me, it's not going to happen.
As for the show, initially it seemed like the show was supposed to be separated from X-Men, but recent announcements make it look, like something changed.

They also cancelled Hellfire to make way for more X-related show.

I do because this is really different from the current marvel and Dc shows.

Marvel shows deal with spy stuff and secret organizationS with some powers.

Dc shows are villain of the week with a lot of plot twist.

This, is weird and i am excited to see where it goes

>There were rumors that Legion might actually retcon mutants into MCU.
Yeah I've been seeing this be tossed around alot, but I really doubt it will happen. I just don't see Fox playing ball and letting Marvel use mutants.
>And if you add it to the fact that MCU has Scarlet Witch, who is a walking retcon herself, well, it fuels people's theories
True, but don't forget her being in the MCU has alot of rights bullshit involved and they couldn't even call her mutant, they just went with enchanced human.
>initially it seemed like the show was supposed to be separated from X-Men, but recent announcements make it look, like something changed.
Really, what have they been saying?
>They also cancelled Hellfire to make way for more X-related show.
Yeah I know that, they said they were thinking of doing an X-Factor show or something right?

I think what I'm worried about the most is that the majority of people don't know who Legion is so there won't be that much interest in the show, they already put the Marvel name in the trailer so there will be people who will watch it just from that.

Yeah i think because Legion is a c-lister that might be really hard to market, unless of course they say he is profesor X son which is also another problem because the director has not responded of that is the case.

Even the Youtube channels that talk about comics movies/show have either avoided talking about this show or are a little excited.

Well, Dr Strange is rumored to introduce to concept of mutliversity in movies.

>Really, what have they been saying?
I don't have sauces at first, but from memory, in the initial announcements, they were avoiding the m-word or x-word, which did feel awkward.

The shows felt "inspired" by X-Men, rather than part of it.

>Yeah I know that, they said they were thinking of doing an X-Factor show or something right?
From what I remember it's supposed to be about random mutant emerging, and some underground group collecting them. It can be anything, from X-Factor, to X-Force, or even Morlocks.

The first season is supposed to have 6 episodes. I'm not sure how popular it's going to be, but I will probably love the shit out of it, especially that it's based on Spurrier's run (I hope he'll get some royalties for concept / ideas)

*I don't have sauces right now

>unless of course they say he is profesor X son
Yeah that's the problem, a good a part of Legion's has been his daddy issues with Xavier. I remember that was the big thing when he was featured in X-Men Legacy. But then again Legion's character has always been kind of incosistent so they could try and do something new with him.

Judging from the trailer it seems like it will be some meta-exploration and mental health. It's possible that every episode will have this question of what is real, and is Legion's imagination

Of course is going to be about morlocks, Kingberg ( the Feige of Fox ) said we would see some important characters in x-men history in that show, so the question is, who can play Callisto ?

Some androgynous / ladyboy / twink dude would be the best choice

X-Men Legacy by Simon Spurrier might very well be the best thing Marvel has published so far this decade. I am absolutely enthused that such strong material is being used for a live-action adaptation, and in pretty promising fashion. FX is a great network with a lot of creative freedom, and the serialized nature of television content makes it a much better medium for comic story adaptations, IMO.

More or less. I hope that Spurrier will return someday. But not until Alonso and Co are fired

What if he was supposed to write that Death's Head series, that didn't come to be?

Spurrier is good, but his book are sadly appreciated by minority. It would be probably a good comic, but would be cancelled after 12 issues

>Fargo creator
Yes, he's one of the few TV creators that has his own style and I love it

>They're referencing mutants. There were rumors that Legion might actually retcon mutants into MCU.
I want stupid people to stop spouting stupid shit, please.

>X-Men Legacy by Simon Spurrier might very well be the best thing Marvel has published so far this decade.
That's Vision, though.

Spurrier's run on X-Men Legacy was still good, though the part in london was really boring and came out of nowhere, especially when they were trying to convince the readers Legion went evil even though everybody knew he didn't.

You guys think they'll do the mind prison thing with Legion or will they come up with something else?

I think the scene with the dancing and Indian music might be the prison in his head.

there's not really a whole lot to talk about other than the teaser...

I do because someone fucked up and listed it as MCU canon on the Marvel website and got everyone's hopes up.

>fucked up and listed it as MCU canon on the Marvel website and got everyone's hopes up.
But is it a fuck up? It probably is, either that or some guy in charge of the Marvel website is fucking with people.

It happened because it's a Marvel Television joint. I really let the hype wash over me but I'm done. I don't want that disappointment. Why won't they acknowledge it? Are they testing the reaction?

>Why won't they acknowledge it?
>Are they testing the reaction?
I think you just answered your own question, but it could also be that nothing is set in stone yet so people on both sides are waiting a while before they say anything.