Robert Downey Jr

>Robert Downey Jr.
>Chris Evans
>Chris Hemsworth
>Mark Ruffalo
>Scarlett Johansson
>Jeremy Renner
>Elizabeth Olsen
>Paul Bettany
>Anthony Mackie
>Sebastian Stan.
>Benedict Cumberbatch
>Chadwick Boseman
>Brie Larson
>Chris Pratt
>Tom Hiddleston
>Josh Brolin

That's a big cast.


Which ones will die?

Lines that will be in the movie:

"Avengers Assemble"

"Perhaps, I too, shall be saved by love"

"Love is for souls not bodies"

"You can control it...and you'll have to."

And yet, we'll already have an idea who they are, what their personalities are, what their motivations are, as well as what brought them to where they are in a lot of cases.

Thry pulled it off in civil war, and they don't even have to inroduce any heroes in this.

They should make each part of Infinity War 3 hours long, like Lord Of The Rings, otherwise there won't be enough screentime for each character. But knowing Marvel, they will probably pussy out and make them, like, 2 hours 40 minutes.

Sigh, LOTR movies are wayyy too long, who could be bothered rewatching that shit. I mean besides the fandom.


Wait are Boseman, Stan, and Hiddleston confirmed?

Stan was confirmed yesterday. No idea about the other two.

Hiddleston's been confirmed since AOU, Stan got confirmed like yesterday and I don't know about Boseman.

They don't have to introduce any new characters and most of them will already have at least one movie before Infinity War. Hell, the main Avengers already have like 5 movies where they appeared.

They can focus on the story and won't have to bother with character introductions and set-up.


Let's see how many movies they'll be in before IW

>Robert Downey Jr.
6 movies

>Chris Evans
6 movies

>Chris Hemsworth
5 movies

>Mark Ruffalo
4 movies (technically Ruffalo will be only in 3, but I'm thinking about the Hulk)

>Scarlett Johansson
5 movies

>Jeremy Renner
4 movies (if we're counting Thor cameo)

>Elizabeth Olsen
2 movies

>Paul Bettany
2 movies

>Anthony Mackie
4 movies (if we're counting AoU and Ant-Man cameos)

>Sebastian Stan.
3 movies

>Benedict Cumberbatch
1 movie

>Chadwick Boseman
2 movies

>Brie Larson
1 movie if she'll appear only in Avengers 2019, no movie if she appears in Avengers Infinity War

>Chris Pratt
2 movies

>Tom Hiddleston
4 movies

>Josh Brolin
Endless chair cameos and end-credits

Doctor Strange will have the least amount of screentime before IW, unless Carol will also appear in the first movie. She's the only one that would need an introduction.

>Samyou El Jackson

>>Mark Ruffalo
>4 movies (technically Ruffalo will be only in 3, but I'm thinking about the Hulk)
I think Ragnarok might have some scenes of him as Banner and not be in Hulk mode the whole time.

>unless Carol will also appear in the first movie.

In all likelihood, she'll be introduced in 3. I think Marvel said that Dr. Strange is going to be the last solo introduction film in the MCU. So Carol is going to have to get an introduction in Avengers 3. And subsequently any other other new character who will have a solo will be introduced in some other film.

Will IW be her origin story, or will she show up with a brief introduction and her solo film will jump back to show her backstory in greater detail?

Truthfully, I don't know.

But if I had to guess; the former. It'll introduce us to the character (kinda like with Black Panther in Civil War), and her roll will probably end in the event in which she gets her powers. Setting up her solo movie.

Probably the former, they said they're gonna change up her backstory a lot to make it less GL-like and absorbing it into Infinity War would be a good way to shortcut through it.

If not part one, wonder if we will see spiderman/tom Holland in part 2.

He'll probably be in both.

He'll probably be mentioned in the first one and show up in the second after he's been established longer.

this tbqh

And the villain will still be mediocre.

I dunno, they said that they don't intend to make Thanos some shallow kill-everything baddie. They'll be adding some Starlin characterization to him.

Vision is clearly going to get rekt

Thanos is going to get that fucking infinity gem

It's a Marvel Studios movie

The villains are always secondary to the heroes,

So any idea what the second film is going to be called? I was expecting them to save Infinity War for the second movie and go with Thanos Imperative or Infinity Gauntlet for the first.

>So any idea what the second film is going to be called?

No. They're supposedly not releasing the title to Avengers 4 out of the possibility of giving away a detail of what's going down in Infinity War.

Though yeah, it would've made more sense to put Avengers 4 under the Infinity War title and give 3 something else.

Pretty sure Boseman has been confirmed when they were talking about the tight filming schedule saying that some had two movies to do at once like Boseman doing BP and IW.

I'm guessing they'll still have something with "Infinity" in it.

Avengers: To Infinity And Beyond

He's been shooting for a bunch of smaller indie films too hasn't he?

Oh you.

Sounds expensive

in during

Math is off about Evans unless your counting a 5 second cameo in thor

It's okay, the Mouse can afford it. After 10 billion at the box office (even more after all the Phase 3 movies), Disney shouldn't have a problem giving them 500 million each for the big culmination movies.

Carol Danvers

What about Tom Holland

Bucky gonna show up in Infinity War piloting Voltron.

Does that mean Mar-Vell and the Kree will be involved?

I'm not wholly familiar with Captain Marvel. But if those are part Carol's origin, then they probably won't be involved since Marvel stated they're changing her origin to make it less like Green Lantern. She'll probably get her powers from some kind of bullshit related to the Infinity Gauntlet when Thanos arrives.

Carol will be one of Thanos's daughters.