Ugh, can you just like, not?

Ugh, can you just like, not?

Why do creators hate us so much? I know Tynion lurks but everyone else won't stop slamming us ;_;

Other urls found in this thread:

Because we're pretty terrible tbqh

Doesn't "murder, rape, and invasion of privacy" describe Alias and his Daredevil run exactly?

When did we so those first 2? I mean, sure we've all exploded some vans, but we never physically hurt anyone while doing it.

>invasion of privacy
>saying this on Twitter of all things


It's Bendis, he's probably mad Sup Forums makes fun of him so much so he's convincing the SJW army to kill Sup Forums.

>Why is Sup Forums still a thing?
>Sup Forums?
>yes, Sup Forums...

Because we don't suck their dicks

Can't stand people with a brain laying their shortcomings out in fine detail

You see, user, rape and murder FEEL like things Sup Forums would do, so naturally that means we actually do them.

Does anyone have thst screen cap of a post listing all the surprisingly good things Sup Forums anons have done vs all the bad things tumblr anons have done?

>Comparing invasion of privacy with murder and rape
>Implying Sup Forums has ever killed or raped anyone
Fucking Bendis

Sup Forums - Murderers & Rapists

People that have never been to Sup Forums assume every board is like Sup Forums when in reality it's actually a pretty reasonable place to find good discussion about anything.

you know that (((they))) want to shut down Sup Forums, that is not a secret.

Jessica Jones definitely browses /soc/ in her downtime.

You mean fucking Bendis? Like, in his ass?

Remember that time an actual serial killer posted photos of a dead body on Sup Forums?


Not really. Unless by good discussion you mean people complaining about how nigger and jews and fags and cunts are ruining everything.

Murder and rape?

Where do these idiots get such a bizarre, warped view of Sup Forums? It's not some elite hacker den of debauchery. We're just a bunch of losers who want to talk about Chinese cartoons, cooking, animals, literature, tabletop games..

well...arent they ?

Eh, maybe a few years ago. Current Sup Forums can get pretty insufferable at times.


He is giving user too much credit.

You're just as likely to get a rapist browsing Sup Forums as you are to get a rapist visiting church or a rapist going to the supermarket. Hes trying to lump the entire userbase into one stereotype; Sup Forums is a unique place made up of various cultures and archetypes. You take the good with the bad; you tolerate the disgusting shit and see how people really behave when they're hidden behind Anonymity. Sup Forums shows us the true face of humanity; it is the most honest place on earth. Fuck faggots like Bendis who want to push us more into false social norms.

Twitter and Tumblr has bullied people to actual suicide, tracked people down for imaginary offences and have them fired with fake, anonymous reports of paedophilia and rape.

Why is Bendis scared of Sup Forums when the places he hangs out are so much worse in every possible way?

Think it was "just" a first-time killer

>implying Sup Forums is anything but the primordial soup of shitposting that bad memes are made from

I don't think you seem to understand just how many people have uploaded videos and pictures of rapes on Facebook.

>Literally just a collection of hobby image boards where everyone is anonymous and there is no filter or political correctness
Why do we have such a bad rep? Like I get people being wary of the site and thinking it's bad on account of the above but we get treated like the worst deviants of all time

It is worth saying that Sup Forums has its own set of social rules, even if they are very loose.

He's just mad Sup Forums shits on him so much.

Have you tried not being a rapist?

Weird that Bendis would forget to put words in, but he forgot "threats of" at the beginning. Pretty much everyone on this website is a babyback bitch who wouldn't dare.

because we dont have faces and cant use us for their agendas.

Like "those white/blakcs/latinos sure hate niggers/jews/muslims" since we dont have a face they cant use us.

>have uploaded videos and pictures of rapes on Facebook

Do go on.

>implying Bendis cares enough about continuity to do research

I think the issue, though, is that those individuals have come to other boards assuming they are like Sup Forums and with their contribution the boards have naturally molded towards that pre-conceived view.

There's a word for that kind of a situation, but I can't think of it.

Yeah. They are.

Hes attacking Sup Forums users because he's one of those superficially nerdy people who will bully actual weird needy people the moment they come into the frame. You know, those people that are uber normies and duper out of place in a fandom they don't really give a shit about because at the end of the day they're just another meathead.

Because Sup Forums

Remember that time Sup Forums killed a guy?

Ironically, because of conservatives initially bitching about Sup Forums in the first place.

Well, to be fair, we have had some murders post about their crimes on here before. There was the /r9k/ shoot, obviously. And that famous one from almost a decade ago where the guy posted pics of his girlfriend's corpse, saying it's harder to strangle people than it seems. I'm pretty sure /k/ also convinced some dipshit in Brazil to flush a live grenade which got him killed.

It's not a completely bullshit claim.

There was a guy who strangled his gf and posted pics of her corpse on. Sup Forums. Then live chatted with everyonr while on the run


A lot of creators come here for actual critiques since we don't praise in their glory

Alex was here
Faust comes here
I know the creator of log horizon actually went to Sup Forums

We are honestly the last part of the internet that is still honest and we're dying unfortunately

Or that time one murderer revealed the location of a buried body in the middle of the desert when someone got trips


Sup Forums has always been toothless. Sup Forums's EDGY TWISTEDNESS has always been a meme.

>seriously murder, rape, invasion of privacy...seriously. why is mexico still a thing?
he's just trumping.

I'd post that one image, but my posts either get deleted for NSFW or because mods don't like being reminded of that.

It's not perfect, but I still view it as one of the best places for real discussion on the internet. You can usually ignore Sup Forumstards.

When have we murdered or raped anyone? Come on guys, fess up.


Well, no surprise there.

If We don't agree with a writer is LITERALLY rape, according to Bendis.

>he's convincing the SJW army to kill Sup Forums.
All those SU threads makes sense now!

user, this kind of people believes Anonymous is an actual organization (like a real-life Hydra), don't expect them to know that Sup Forums has more than one board (or what a board is).

>Still no /M&R/ board

He's not.

He's trying to get Good Boy Points by virtue signalling to the places he posts on. He damn well knows that Sup Forums is harmless, and that's *why* he can get away with accusing it baselessly of vile shit.

You'd never once see Bendis post a comic critical of Islam, because hey guess what, that would be shitting on a group that *is* filled with murderers and rapists, and that's actually dangerous.

Sup Forumss continued existence is actually a fantastic idea for the containment of the "there's always one" issue that all public spaces invariably have.


Oh, fuck you.

Why don't we just shut down Sup Forums, like, seriously?

Well said.

That tweet is from 2014, and it was in response to that guy that killed a woman and posted it on Sup Forums.

And nothing of value was lost.

Trump publicly and unironically thanked Sup Forums for support. So since a lot of people hate Trump, they hate Sup Forums as well.

>but I still view it as one of the best places for real discussion on the internet

It is kinda sad that Sup Forums remains one of the better places for comic discussions.

Nice one, user.

Go back to Sup Forums.



Shut up, Bendis.

Well you see there was the time that I-
Oh do hohoho. Nice try, FBI man. You aren't tricking me again!
It's actually fucking real.

Social media in general gets the same sort of shit happening on it too. Anywhere people can get attention will have shitters posting on it. The difference is Sup Forums is so contrarian when a shithead comes on Sup Forums or whatever to try to get internet points for being a "badass" Sup Forums ends up calling the cops on them. Like that time they got some edgy kid threatening a school shooting arrested by tricking him into revealing where he lived/what his school was.

Go to back to tum- oh wait.

the last paragraph is bullshit but the second one is right, taking a shit on Sup Forums would be seen as a good thing for 70% of the people that read Bendis books

Fuck off Mohammed.


Technically, we've had school shooters post on Sup Forums. So, I suppose that's *kinda* true?


Greentexts, I guess. Maaaybe CP? But I can't recall any times those have ever turned out to be Sup Forums-made.

Rape fantasy, as well, although that pretty much falls under greentexts.

Bendis confirmed for an authoritarian shill, I guess.

Thanks a lot Sup Forums

Didn't we use to have a Don't talk about Fight Club rule here?

Natasha Allegri came here pretty frequently at some point and she did Fionna and Cake drawings. I think we spooked her off, though.

This is my problem with all this, though. Sup Forums HAS done fucked up shit, but literally any other social media platform can be as cold-hearted and dark as we're made out to be.

I hate to bring up the Boogieman, but some members of Tumblr have literally bullied people into suicide attempts and felt no remorse afterwards for it, successful or not.

Every place is equally shitty. It's the Internet, and it's very easy to access nowadays, so naturally fucked up people are gonna be everywhere. It's not a community that's the problem: it's the people in it that corrupt it.

Back when normal people were just getting on the internet for the first time, Sup Forums was quite shocking because people thought of the internet as something akin to television rather than as an anonymous shared space. So seeing things that no curated media source would ever allow was shocking. This generated the "Sup Forums is the edgiest, scariest place ever" meme which persists to this day despite Sup Forums not being any weirder than any other forum.

I thought we were pretty good about reporting any actual murderers and rapists that show up, unlike Tumblr.

Bendis continuity.jpg

We've done the last two a lot. But hey. If Star Lord can go from being a stern, no-nonsense space warrior to a quip machine then I'm sure our backstories can be revised.

We'd better get our Dennis Reynolds rape kits ready.

Not since 2008 or so. Shit went mainstream.

>But I can't recall any times those have ever turned out to be Sup Forums-made.
That little brunette girl (Jessie was it?) she and her dad frequented Sup Forums for a bit right after 12chan died. So no, Sup Forums wasn't the progenitor, but they helped enable it.

Real life has become a parody of itself

I remember the last tumblr attack.

>can't stand people with a brain
>Sup Forums

Whatever you say, kid

At least we got a thank you at the end of Superior Foes.

Oh fuck, that explains why this place is so much worse during this election season. Thanks, you fucking orange skinned retard.

Wasn't that just for during raids?

>Natasha Allegri came here pretty frequently at some point and she did Fionna and Cake drawings. I think we spooked her off, though.

Too many people asking for porn and too many comments about fucking her and then she was gone.

Steve still shows up every now and then

Nothing wrong with thanking people who support you, and Sup Forums showed a lot of support.

>thanking Sup Forums because of Sup Forums
It's like thanking the entire country of China because one chinese guy returned your lost wallet.

Well fucking obviously. Doesn't Reddit still have childporn subs buried away? We're just an easy target because no one has a name or identity here. Can't be accused of cyberbullying or whatever the fuck when it's anonymous.

She's terrible anyway so good riddance. Her Marvel work has been complete shit.

wtf I cum on bendus he hiss at penis

So how many of you guys greentexted a horrible murder/rape story only to get v& and learn that you basically described unsolved murder #92616 from half a decade ago, and they ask you for an alibi which you don't have because you were fucking off on Sup Forums like you always do?

>murder, rape, invavion of privacy ?
>murder, rape, invasion of privacy
>murder, rape, invasion of privacy as in murder, rape, invasion of privacy
>yes the killing of another human bean, aggravated sexual assault and the act of dissrespecting one's privacy

Mostly to pimp The Fix

Yeah you can always tell when someone's new when they try to act all edgy on /ck/ or /an/ or something.