Can someone explain the mentality behind discouraging spoon-feeding...

Can someone explain the mentality behind discouraging spoon-feeding? What exactly is the harm in giving people suggestions where to start on certain comics and cartoons?

I've heard some anons say that it reinforces casuals who pretend to be "nerds". That may or may not be true, but I would think that having some idiot parrot stuff about good comics would eventually encourage more receptive readers to seek them out rather than some pedestrian garbage.

So in your opinion, is it good or bad to spoon-feed potential fans/phonies, and why?

Other urls found in this thread:

I still think someone should storytime all the good inhumans stories so people dont have a bias againts them.

Nerds are assholes who believe that knowledge of a particular subject gives them superiority to those who don't know as much.

It got REALLY bad on Sup Forums years ago, that's pretty much the only reason. That's also pretty much the only place where it's discouraged.

>Can someone explain the mentality behind discouraging spoon-feeding?

If you have the slightest interest in something you should go look for it.

Literally, Lurk More.




And so on and so forth.

>Can someone explain the mentality behind discouraging spoon-feeding?
Because they're usually asking for information that could easily be found with a quick google search.

They have an endless supply of information at their fingertips but for some reason people get extremely defensive when you tell them this.

Also this

Telling people plot details, summarizing comics or in general telling them things they could just google is shitty spoon-feeding.

Rec threads where the OP asks for comic recommendations without providing information about what they like/have read are shitty.

However it's fine when someone puts effort in to ask more obscure questions, demonstrates at least a baseline knowledge of the subject and interacts with those trying to help.

>What exactly is the harm in giving people suggestions where to start on certain comics and cartoons?

Because instead of asking to be told what to think about something, you should read/watch it and learn to compose an opinion on your own.

>tl;dr Don't be a tool, think for yourself.

This ONLY started happening when the movies attracted Sup Forums and Sup Forums. It's the dumbest fucking shit. Rec threads were opportunities to help new anons and have a discussion, now it's either babies whining about "spoonfeeding" when they were originally spoonfed like two years ago, or people just parroting the same recs they've probably never read.

So in rec threads I always try to bring things that are rarely mentioned.

>Can someone explain the mentality behind discouraging spoon-feeding?
It makes people think it's acceptable to be stupid and helpless.

> implying the Sup Forums is love meme isn't the reason we have so many shitty people now

But doesn't that open potential fans to getting bad suggestions?

I mean that works somewhat with games and anime, but with comics, you're opening yourself to getting suckered by a top ten list made by watchmojo, or Marvel/DC's YouTube sites. Then they're stuck reading bland overrated garbage, while being completely unaware of some really good books in arm's reach. This is why shit like Civil War II, and Identity Crisis get popular.

And Then Sup Forums's favorite book gets cancelled, and everyone start wondering why nobody did anything to save it.

Sup Forums likes to think that all of it's posters are experts on comics and cartoons, despite all evidence to the contrary, and so shouldn't have to ask to be spoonfed.

Get out of my secret club right now

This. Saying hey I've read this can I get some good recs based off that is fine.

Coming here and asking for Sup Forums to explain an entire character's history, motivations and reasons is not okay. They are 9/10 times just faggots that want to seem knowledgable about comics to their friends and label themselves as "nerds" so they can use that as their identity.

>And Then Sup Forums's favorite book gets cancelled, and everyone start wondering why nobody did anything to save it.

If a book is truly good, fans of it will either a) story time it b) suggest it unprompted.

Also, people should start SOMEWHERE. "Hur durr Sup Forums what should I read?" tells me nothing because I might think Midnighter is the best thing since sliced bread, but OP might not want to read about the life of a violent gay anti hero.

Insecure Sup Forums posters who purely get their info from wiki and Sup Forums are threatened by people who would actually like to read a comic book. They also don't actually know enough to give an earnest recommendation.

It's typical territorial nerd who are too stupid to not be angry shitheads.

>But doesn't that open potential fans to getting bad suggestions?
Making threads asking to be spoonfed opens them up to the same risk.

>you're opening yourself to getting suckered by a top ten list made by watchmojo, or Marvel/DC's YouTube sites. Then they're stuck reading bland overrated garbage
Use discretion. Read reviews of what people suggest. Actually read the material and see if you like it. It isn't hard. Also, "bland overrated garbage" is pretty subjective.
>while being completely unaware of some really good books in arm's reach
If somebody is truly interested in a hobby then they should be willing to venture deeper for what they think they'll like.

Its actually the exact opposite you colossal faggot. If you left your house youd realize how fucking annoying it is when someone trys to make their entire identity that they like comics then when you try to talk about it they don't know anything. It's fucking annoying as hell. There is this guy in my office that everyone thinks is like the comics guru and he doesn't know fucking anything. Its an excuse for people to hijack the hobby without actually giving a shit about it so they can have a sense of identity. If you are gonna try to come off as some comics lover at least fucking take the time to read some runs instead of wiki pages.

Pretty much. I never understood why people on Sup Forums have always been so adamant about being accepting of retards. It really isn't something to be proud of.

>Making threads asking to be spoonfed opens them up to the same risk.

Fair point

>Use discretion. Read reviews of what people suggest. Actually read the material and see if you like it. It isn't hard. Also, "bland overrated garbage" is pretty subjective.

Another good point, but I personally don't know where one would go to find good, critical reviews of comics outside of Sup Forums. Everything on Amazon almost always has an average of three stars.

>If somebody is truly interested in a hobby then they should be willing to venture deeper for what they think they'll like.

I don't agree with that. That's like telling someone to dig through dirt until they hit oil instead of just telling them here an oil field is.

Then again, that comparison isn't quite appropriate since everyone has different tastes. Which is why, I guess, it's necessary that people have an idea of what they are looking for before asking for suggestions.

It's just the "Give a fish or teach how to fish" thing except with telling the person to fuck because the fish is so damn easy to get.

I think it's because this place is centered around discussion, with OPs being necessary to foster said discussion.

Begging for recs isn't really a discussion or a conversation at all, it's just some user asking a question, and a bunch of people spitting answers.

OP can't actually contribute to it, because he doesn't know what anyone is talking about (if he did, then he wouldn't need recs).

Rec threads are especially bad because they take the place of a thread that could actually foster two-way communication.

Also, google exists.

It really isn't hard to discover new things unless you're someone who has a very small comfort zone, I used to just read Marvel for years back in the early 2000s and branched out without having the luxury of scans or sites like viewcomic, I had to buy shit blind based on artists and writers or hope my Library had a decent shelf of comic shit. But over time this becomes easier as you develop your taste and find creators and concepts you like and they lead you to new creators and comics, I found out about Love and Rockets because Ed Brubaker mentioned it in a forward he wrote for example.

It's just Sup Forums. They're all mentally ill.

Either ignore them, or call them faggots until they get scared off.

It's fine on Sup Forums because we don't have many people here anyway. At the same time some people just ask dumbass questions with no intention of actually reading the comics, but whatever.
On Sup Forums it's irritating because just google recommended anime. Really good comics are kind of tough to find, I found a lot of my favorites on Sup Forums.

I think recommendation threads are great on Sup Forums, because it's very difficult to find the right stuff, especially if you're looking through capeshit.

How the hell is an average reader supposed to know which runs of Daredevil or Batman are the good ones? That's why you ask here. I'm happy to help, because I want people to be able to experience the same joy I felt when I read/watched the stuff I love.

Though I totally understand why some people wouldn't want to respond to those threads, especially if the person asking hasn't even done basic research, or already tried widely recommended stuff like Avatar or Sandman.

It is in the sense that attracted a bunch of contrarian tryhards that injected their Sup Forums-brand elitism solely to go against the co is love shit. Considering the wonderful level of discussion and activity of nu/co/ you can see how well that worked.

I don't see it as a big deal, though if we ever got together and put up an official Sup Forums recommendations page (that's not a tumblr) then we could actually say JUST GOOGLE IT.
But we didn't because we're not spergs like Sup Forums, so rec threads will probably always be a thing. I just wish anons asking had a better idea of what they were looking for.

Daredevil is an awful example because all of the best runs with him are echoed everywhere online because there's like 6.
Batman is more difficult just because there's a lot more shit both good and bad out there especially outside the modern era which is even hugely ignored here on Sup Forums.

Sup Forumss attitude regarding spoon feeding is the only redeemable thing about that board.

When your medium is so plentiful, like comics or anime, recs become pretty useless, as there is no real simple answers.

It's better to just do your own leg work.

The shit you dig through will give you a better understanding of the gems you're looking for.

>then we could actually say JUST GOOGLE IT

I like the Sup Forums approach where people make rec charts for similar interests, pic related.

It encourages you to stop being a lazy fuck and find stuff on your own.

It's sink or swim, bby.

Spoonfaggotry may work on Sup Forums, because everyone is retarded and the board's slow, but you have to learn how to provide for yourself on Sup Forums.

We have like a score of new shows every 3 months where Sup Forums has like 5 shows airing at once, in a good decade.

What if you end up avoiding what could be a great vintage book/cartoon because the cover looked unappealing?

Nothing other than there's entire wikis and tumblrs dedicated to archiving various recommendation lists that have been posted on Sup Forums, especially with regards to Sup Forums and someone posts "Where do I start sith Batman/Spider-Man/The Punisher?" at least once a day.

Or who could forget the countless, "comics are cool but supeheroes are dumb and hold back the medium!" threads in which OP is shown to be a retard who doesn't know there's more than DC and Marvel?

See, these are the types of people that make rec threads.

You don't even understand how tedious you are to deal with.

The biggest problem is that most threads start with "what are good comics?" Without mentioning genres or characters they are interested in. Those threads I ignore.

If a person has enough sense to say "I'm looking to read Superman and would like recs" or something along those lines then I will gladly give advice where I am able

>We have like a score of new shows every 3 months where Sup Forums has like 5 shows airing at once, in a good decade.
Thanks for reminding us.

you can avoid that by just avoiding being a pussy about media, I've watched so much garbage from when I had a blockbuster next to me because I liked to watch new shit that just looked interesting or weird. You need a mindset where you aren't "afraid" of shit like that.

There's like a handful of autists who get mad about rec threads. Most people don't mind them.

I only get annoyed when it's dumb "how do I get comics" threads. Like shit man, you don't know how to pirate stuff?

This, share what you know, because if you don't people will pick up on the fact that it's all you have. And it's not yours. They'll find out sooner or later.

Don't rub it in you weeb fuck.

The good news is that every time you have a genuinely worthwhile show, everyone knows about it and it isn't obscure anymore, so you have nothing to lord over the rest of the world.

Have fun never having a show as good as FMAB again.

My biggest gripe about rec threads is how inherently selfish they are.

OP comes in with nothing, arms open, and begs up to do his work for him, and just leaves.

He can contribute nothing while we waste time catering to him.

If it makes you feel better, most of them are shit, but I still think we get more good ones than you do.

The averages are probably the same. At least the girls are cuter, though

OPM was this year, Nyugga.

Have fun never having a show as good as either EVER.

>but I still think we get more good ones than you do.
Because you do. Japan releases more series, which means more turds, but also more gems.

There's probably a maximum of 2 series that are keeping me anchored to Sup Forums, and neither of them are even airing right now.

OPM is premium shite in comparison to FMAB, so don't even bother with that silly argument

And I don't need something better, because I know about both without having to enter your shitty board, because Sup Forums sucks balls at keeping anything of quality secret

Are you really implying One Joke Man is the highest peak anime can be? There's plenty of cartoons and comics that can match its comedy. At least mention Rakugo as its directing is something no western show will ever have.

Sup Forums sucks.

>le epic deadpan
It's fine.

You should've said Electric Chinese Batman. Now THAT is WAY better than any real Batman series we'll ever get. Yes, I fucking love BTAS, but it simply isn't as good as DTB.

Is right

See the following dumb weeb posters for proof

>Browner than Shit

go read essex county you turdfarmer

or, if you don't feel like actually experiencing quality media, at least recognize that "it's popular" is not a good excuse to hate on great anime.

To boil it down I think that it encourages all of the negative things we are seeing happen with popular art these days. Instead of fostering unique tastes based of self discovery it brings the conversation back to the same old classics that have been picked apart to death for fans of the medium. It also boils a wealth of great stories down to a few recognized commodities, which results in misinterpretations of popular characters and oftentimes a fundamental misunderstanding of comics in general where people start with the touchstones of the medium but don't understand why they are good outside of the fact that they liked it for some reason. Also with today's IP farming and dumbing down of popular culture in general seeing the same things get recommended over and over while there is a glaring lack of new classics to replace them (and the dialogue surrounding comics in general seems to have taken a huge nose dive) makes the whole process frustrating honestly. Occurring in a vacuum, asking for new recommendations isn't a crime and shouldn't be discouraged, but with the Internet at your fingertips and people's desire to never read anything they don't like I think it becomes something of a problem.

>One Meme Man

Anime truly has fallen.

Essential reading and opinions are two totally different things.

To give someone suggestions on the filler they can skip is just helping people getting into comics.

Being an elitist who thinks we're in a super secret capeshit fan club need to fuck off

Essential reading is an opinion, that's exactly the problem.

Spoon feeding specific runs/issue numbers in an effort to actually make someone read a comic is fine, giving someone a summary is BAD

>Talking Comics

Okay, nigga, the gloves is off.

Show me a Sup Forums comic as good as Natsu no Zenjitsu

old dead meme from back when Sup Forums only had outcasts and weeboos

Cerebus the Aardvark
Andre the Giant

Only dead on Sup Forums which is one of babby's first boards.

I already did. Essex County.

Here's another one: Usagi Yojimbo.
Here's another one: Saga (before it dropped the ball).
Here's another one: Sandman.

Youre a fucking newfag who think they know everything, you're at the peak of that dunning krueger effect thing
Saga? Fucking Saga?
Sandman is not even as good as its spin off Lucifer
Jesus christ youre giving comic fans a bad name

So Sup Forums is perfectly fine with giving out suggestions whenever they're challenged by anime and company wars fags?

One could have easily tapped the French Market, because Blacksad is easily better than NnZ, and anything you posted.

Saga is ass, dude.

Are you serious? That Andre The Giant comic isn't even the best Box Brown comic

The guy above me recommended fucking andre the giant.

that book sucks my hairy fucking balls.

Blacksad is only better when it comes to art, writing wise it reads like a rejected Raymond Chandler manuscript. It's gorgeous for sure but of it wasn't I would never had bothered with anything past the first volume.


Truth be told, I only read comics for the art.

I've never read any comic, American, French, or Japanese with any sort of excellent writing.

Some of them can be pretty funny, but Vergil they ain't

>So in your opinion, is it good or bad to spoon-feed potential fans/phonies, and why?

Considering I only got into the hobby with The Avengers, and thus still remember knowing nothing about capes or comics in general, I'm pro-spoonfeeding. With so many of the good torrent sites going down, and most of the ones that are sticking around being Honey Pots for viruses, I can identify having trouble actually finding comics to read.
Of course, by Sup Forums standards I'm still a casual since I haven't read all of Cerberus (I read 30 issues so far and I couldn't bring myself to give a damn anymore), but I suspect that unlike most people who bitch about spoonfeeding, I actually still interact with casuals. In talking the kind of casuals who genuinely think that Leto Joker will turn out to be Jason Todd.

You have no excuse not to like it other than it's popularity. It has mostly great animation, fantastic worldbuilding, a likable cast of characters, humor, drama, political intrigue- even the OPs are high quality.

Literally the only thing I could imagine not liking is the shonen-ass ending.

Or maybe he prefers the tone of the original anime? That's always a possibility.

You're allowed to like other stuff more, but to "lol" at it, as though it's funny that someone would think it's high quality, is retarded.

Only mongoloids who can't be bothered to put in the effort to familiarise themselves with the subject outside of superficial interest get bumbothered about people refusing to spoonfeed them. Put a little bit of effort into your posing.

This. People here act like MovieBlob when he got pissed off at Scream for teaching everyone about horror clichés. People have nothing going for them other than their knowledge of this shit so they guard it like gold.

There's nothing wrong with asking for character or genre specific recommendations but a lot of what we get is "How do I comics?" or the same few questions over and over and it gets old.

Maybe it's a generational thing too, like I had to read all kinds of shit to figure out what I liked but these kids come along, "marathon" a single issue and want to know exactly what the "best" thing to read is. Figure it out you ADD fucks.

Basically this.

Bullshit. Sup Forums has tons of recommendations that they give to people. They've spoonfed heavily.

You can find that with a google search. Sup Forums anime recommendations. Anybody who can't even perform a quick google search is an idiot, and it's a small wonder why Sup Forums throws them out of the board as fast as they can.