Which one Sup Forums?

Which one Sup Forums?


Not because I'm a weeb, but I feel like eating sushi. Something lighter.

Otherwise, most days, it'd be A. then C. then B. then D.


Anyone who picks anything other than A and C needs to be gunned down. I don't even know what the fuck B is.

A = D > C > B


Souv you tank fuck

All look terrible.

A > C > B >>>>>>>>>>>>> D

the fuck is a souv

or did you mean to type soup?


The jap one

A > C > D > B

Sushi. I always feel quite fresh after eating it. Get rather bloated from burgers and pizzas d/e/s/u.

Why is every FUCKING Aussie poster Greek or Serb diaspora? Even we call the kebab or shawarma and we don't even have Arabs

A durum, it's like a "rolled" kebab.

does it look like soup


C but not the shit burger in that image, a good fucking steak burger from my local fish n chip shop around the corner.

It's a fucking Euro-burrito you autist. A, B and C, I want all 3. Fuck D.

Weird, I always thought Sup Forums loved sushi.

> Euro burrito
My sides

>there are people who don't like sushi
I'm a fat slob of a man and even I like sushi.
It's just good.



What the fuck do you think I am, a commie?

Well it is a euro burrito


Why would you think that?



What is D?
Perhaps Sushi?

A Pizza
B Kebab
C Burger
D ?

Anything other than D is just asking to get diarrhea

That's a good name for it tbqh


>What is D?
>Perhaps Sushi?
Is it not?

Many be rolls

Sushi in the west is very different from sushi in Japan. Normally they don't even have "rolls", they mostly focus on nigiri, sashimi etc. And the concept of putting extra fish on top of rolls is completely unknown there - noone will even know what the fuck a california roll is. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with western sushi, it's just very different from what you find in Japan. It's like giving and Italian man from Naples a pizza with kebab on it from a turkish grill place.

Sushi are tasty, nutritious and cheap af when you made them in home.

A = C > B > D

pizza burger

Don't eat burgers much thanks to you fuckers. Every time I do eat one I think of the stereotypical American. I don't like sushi, because I don't beat bait.


D > C > B = A

I used to worship pizza as a kid but once you expand your pallet it's very bland, at least the shitty type in OP's pic

That's a Shaorma, not a Kebab.


Why germany is so autistic today?

never had a kebab

C > B > A > D
Though kebab is the most affordable while pizza is the easiest to make at home.

I could go for anything right now ugh

>kebab is the most affordable
You forget about the pizza in a plastic bag from Lidl.


I mean value to taste to hunger elimination ratio.

Because he is russian german.