Watch two episodes of Mummies Alive!

>watch two episodes of Mummies Alive!
>they're the best two
>specifically the first and the 18th

Wow, the animation was much worse than I remembered, but holy shit dat nostalgia

So is this twice the world has appeared in Sup Forums related stuff?

it really is a hell of a cool show.. and sometimes the budget got a little low.. i tried rewatching it a while back but the problem is the WRITING was quite bad. i'm too damn sophisticated now
this needs the thundercats/voltron treatment hard

People usually watched if for only one reason.

Seriously, watch S01E18

That is hardcore Sup Forums

This show has the greatest of all undead why-foos.

>The Pillar Men and Za Warudo in the same fucking picture

The fuck are you guys ever talking about?
I know what jojo is but what has that to do with this?

>tfw I didn't even know there was a gurl Mummy until I saw that PBX piece

The fact that a cartoon made me attracted to a mummy is far more disturbing than any furry-inducing characters from the 80s/90s

Jojofags feel the need to mention Jojos at any given time. They also believe that anything and everything is a Jojos reference.

For a moment, I thought this was Jojo.

I don't fucking get it. Jojo looks like nothing else. it's pretty damn unmistakable. you have to squint pretty hard for anything to remind you of it.

>he doesn't know

My buddy likes JoJo and I said something similar to what you said to him. I also said that jojo is the anime version of MLP. And he said that's sounds about right.

MLP has autistic pony OC donut steel fanfiction stories that are written by edgy teenagers. JoJo fans watch it, discuss it and do other things. It's only annoying when you see it EVERYWHERE


Depends, on Sup Forums it's ponyfag tier autism but they're fairly well contained on Sup Forums (where they belong)

>wow all this mysterious magic modern technology how does it work?
>brb building us a dragster

That shit didn't even fly when I was a kid

neffertina was and still is the best i wish there was more porn of her

You could say that the supply of Neffertina porn has gone dry?

I just...I don't know how I feel about myself.

It's a blue chick in a banadage \top
Nothing particularly mummy-esque

fair enough they DID have chariots. ancient egypt basically used wheels as WD-40. Now if that thing explicitly had an internal combustion engine....

>That episode where Refertina revealed that she was raped by her fellow chariot riders after they threatened to reveal she was a woman.

Dark stuff for a kid's show.

Nothing will ever be a better Jojo ripoff than this
