Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this was the best cape movie all year?

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this was the best cape movie all year?

Say what you will about the editing but the cast was much more likable than any of the others, and it had some fantastic imagery. The bar scene and boardroom scene with Enchantress were some of the best single scenes in a cape movie since the ballroom scene in Returns.

How low are the chances that we actually end up with that "director's cut" with all cut scenes back?


if mother fuckers can make a 8 hour chronological cut of MCU Phase 1 or original Star Wars then some nerd can edit a good version of this

Time to add to my holy grail director's cuts list along side spider-man 3 and transformers 2,

I grinned.

But seriously, a director's cut isn't going to magically save that movie from its script and boost it out of mediocrity, but those missing/alternate takes on scenes looks so much more like something I'd want to see.


>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this was the best cape movie all year?
No, no we fucking can't

God, why on Earth do you people want to defend this piece of studio-edited mess crap so bad? Everything about the final product turned out wrong in this shit

Probably because it's good? Sorry that triggers you.don't you have to go spin Ghostbusters' 70 million dollar loss?

>better than Deadpool

That's fucking insane. It's a stretch to say it's better than civil war as well

>SS>Deadpool>>>BvS UC>>>>shit>>>>CW>>BvS.

It was trash. Why do you guys like this? Sup Forums confirmed for fandom cancer.

DCCU fans really are like abused spouses

>i-it wasn't that bad! the director's cut will m-make things better!

Meh. Deadpool and CW were better. At least it was better than BvS, but it wasn't great.

If you only watched BvS sure.

SS actually made me like BVS better in retrospect. It took DC pumping out a hot load of garbage to have me appreciate Snyder's work on BVS.

All according to keikaku.

There's too many Cape shit films. Deadpool was decent all the others were bad, Civil War was boring and dragged on and Warner brothers have botched the DCU

This shit was goddamn schizophrenic.

deadpool is still my favorite but this is a close second.

I like the whole "roof top scene" with Harley reuniting with Joker/ helicopter getting shot down etc.

Pretty much.

Snyder is one of the worst directors of all time and BvS is his worst movie by far. It's so bad that he deserves to be executed for it.

SS is so exponentially better than it.

You seemed to have messed your list up, friend, allow me to fix it for you.
>Deadpool >>> Civil War >>> SS >>>>> BvS UC > Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BvS

Civil War was hot garbage

>muh spiderman!
No. He was shit.

This has to be bait. The only capeshit it was better than this year was BvS. Even X-men Alpacalips is better than this garbage.

Is the amount of people who genuinely defend this movie really from fans, or is it falseflagging? I have some serious trouble believing people would actually defend this movie.

Nice bait.

>You didn't like thing! Let ME tell you what you enjoyed!

Why is it that the typical MCUck is incapable of forming their own opinions?

Still better than BvS and SS.

Contrarian channer memeing.

It was better than BvS, but brain cancer is better than BvS.
SS/Deadpool > Xmen >Civil War > BvS

Libtard cucks are authoritarian sheep

This, DCUcks are fucking delusional.

It was an action movie with tragically bad action scenes. At least BvS had the Batman rescuing Martha Kent scene, this looked like fucking Power Rangers.

>Now that the dust has settled,
Anyone that stops reading past this should be ashamed of themselves.

>dust has settled
year isnt over yet
>implying civil war isnt the best

It isn't.

Suicide Squad wasn't completely awful. But it had too much licensed music, a shitty villain, boring fight scenes, 2 or 3 characters that mattered so little they could've been axed, and poor pacing/editing. The last 45 minutes or so was particularly bad. Maybe five years ago this would've been fine but not now.
I like Suicide Squad as a concept and there's a great movie somewhere in there, but we certainly didn't get it.

top grossing movie of 2016
not the end all be all metric of rating, but it is the only non-arguable one

So was my boy king shark in this somewhere or what?

Boardroom scene was good, but the bar scene depended on an emotional connection that just wasn't there. Only Harley, Diablo, and Deadshot had any real characterization, and it wasn't all that compelling.

Went in theater to hate it, came out loving it

And unlike BvS i dont need to waste time defending it to idiots with "plot holes" in their IQ posting shitty memes and nonarguments
its a fun flick with obvious flaws that dont matter at all when youre being entertained

Runs out of jokes after 20 mins...pretty awful

ponderous and a mess

>Civil War
Kinda Boring TBQH

decent first half...awful second half. Villain was dull

>Suicide Squad
a mess...but a fun mess.

Yeah...I guess its the best one. I know 12 year olds will say Deadpool was great but it really runs out of steam in the middle.


>muh BO

So we admit Skwad is objectively better than GotG?

It's the worst I've seen this year, although I did skip BvS, X-Men, and TMNT.

What an absolute waste of so much great material.

>Praises Suicide Squad
>Labels Deadpool fans "12 year olds"

Oh, the ironing.

I think it was kind of shit,i like some parts but overall it was shit,sorry man you can't make change my mind.

I just don't like Family Guy

it aint over yet, its still only at the halfway point, although it has to have something going for it for people to pay for it

Fucking this.

Deadpool wasn't one of ours but he's still not a shitty DC character. DC consistently makes some of the worst movies ever made with their awful characters, and retards suck their shit right out of their assholes.

What is God's name are you blathering about?

I was saying the Suicide Comics (at least the old Ostrander run) were fantastic, and the characters are all really cool and interesting on paper. But the movie wasted it all.

And keep in mind that DC themselves have pretty much zero input in these movies.

Actual list
I haven't bothered seeing civil war.

it kinda worked for it though.

CW and Deadpool remain on top. This was more or less around Apocalypse level, fun shit but shit still. Better than BvS though.

I could have forgiven a lot if the villains weren't so awful.

Do get me wrong, Bog Witch Enchantress was weirdly hot, but they had no clear goal, basically no characterization, and felt extremely out of place.