Hey, Sup Forums. I'm not feeling too good...

Hey, Sup Forums. I'm not feeling too good, so I thought I'd make a thread where we just talk about our favourite comics and cartoons.

>What are your top favourite comics?
>What are your top favourite animated shows?
>What are your top favourite animated movies?

Let's just have a nice discussion thread, Sup Forums.

>pic related, they're my favourite comics

I always have a problem keeping these things to 9 so I blew it up a bit.

Don't have a 3x3 anymore since I recently did a format and I really can't be bothered to make a new one so I'll just post my current favorites
Jack Staff by Paul Grist
Dogs and Water by Anders Nilsen
Panther by Brecht Evens
Time Clock by Leslie Stein
Susceptible by Genevieve Castree
Doctors by Dash Shaw
Fanet Bukowski by Noah Van Sciver
Remake by Lamar Abrams
Jim by Jim Woodring

>up in the center

Favorite Western Animated movies here.
r8 mah taste Sup Forums

My favourite comic of all time is probably the reboot Legion of Super-Heroes comics, even if they're capeshit and shit taste and what not. I really came to adore the characters and that run had a lot of really heartfelt and nice moments along with some pretty interesting plots.

I also love stories in general that do world building, especially space world building. Well developed planets with unique cultures and stuff are the bee's knees.

>Chicken Run
>Curse of the Were-Rabbit
>Secret of Kells
>Song of the Sea
>Secret of NIMH
OP here, you've got good taste, user.

If you have not you should read Prophet

Everything here is good except Kells, holy god that movie was overstylized and boring.

You seem to like everything which is too general to have a taste

>>>What are your top favourite comics?
- Thor - God of Thunder - God Butcher & God Bomb
- Watchmen
- Silver Surfer - Requiem
- Hickman's Avengers, New Avengers, Infinity & Secret Wars
>>>What are your top favourite animated movies? (Not counting anime)
- The Land Before Time
- Atlantis - The Lost Empire
- The Secret of Nimh
- The Rescuers Down Under
- Titan AE
- The Rescuers

It sounds really good, I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for the tip user!

Right now I'm reading Hawkman by Geoff Johns. I know like almost nothing about Hawkman, but I wanted to try something different than my usual Superman reads

>What are your top favourite comics?
Pic related but Love and Rockets trumps all. That series has done shit to me. I have a second version of this where Sakana is in Yotsuba's place to imagine it's part of the image as well.
>What are your top favourite animated shows?
I dunno. Probably some anime. Bebop and Champloo, FLCL, Toradora, newer series would probably be shit like Beyond the Boundary because I really like the characters. Trigger's track record has been really fucking rocky but I've enjoyed everything they have put out despite being written poorly in a lot of areas.
>What are your top favourite animated movies?
I have no idea. GiTS is cool but I prefer a lot of stuff in the manga compared to the movie. I really liked Lilo and Stitch when it came out as a kid and it's still probably my favorite animated disney movie. Mulan is good too. I also really like Mamoru Hosoda's movies. They're visually appealing but the stories are whatever from what I've watched. Summer Wars was him doing the Digimon movie without Digimon.

Been meaning to really sit down and just watch Satoshi Kon movies.

That is a great list of books I got to read more Asano

I keep meaning to pull the PunPun trigger but have other stuff to get first.

I feel like if you're going to include Heavy Metal you should specify which bit.

I like Asano but my interest in Punpun is kind of low, bunch of dudes I know that read it told me the ending was kind of a disappointment and it just looks like depressive sad boy wanking. I mean his other works are that too but I ain't got the energy for 15 volumes or whatever it is of that. People always talk about Solanin being his weakest work but Solanin and What a Wonderful World are super nice feel good reads that hit me in a nice place.

Nijigahara Holograph is good horror, Girl by the Shore is a good read too. I need to catch up on Dead Dead Demon's Dededededestruction.

>What are your top favourite comics?

Fear Agent

>What are your top favourite animated shows?

Venture Bros.

>What are your top favourite animated movies?

American Pop

Keeping it short and simple to bump the thread

I like your taste. What are the two mangas to the right of yotsuba?

A Silent Voice/Koe No Katachi
It's getting a movie but it's about school bullying, a deaf girl, and looking back at your life and how you feel about it.

One in the middle is A Bride's Story/Otoyomegatari
Kaoru Mori is some sort of fucking wizard woman with her art. It's the biggest draw I feel but that's about Silk Road era stories about marriages and whatnot. Neat stuff.

Eh I went ahead and made one anyway

>What are your top favourite comics?
pic related
>What are your top favourite animated shows?
I like Loud House
>What are your top favourite animated movies?
La planète sauvage, Wizards, Kanashimi no Beradona, Suzumiya Haruhi no Shōshitsu, It's such a beautiful day

I kinda agree, it was underwhelming. The animation shined when it did though.

>Les Triplettes of Belleville
>The Incredibles
I'd love to binge watch movies with you over a beer

another one trapped like myself
atleast it's over in a few days

Excellent. Pretty general but I think it's nice to be able to enjoy a variety of things and still be able to narrow your choices down.

>>What are your top favourite comics?
Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?

>>What are your top favourite animated shows?
Aqua Teen Hunger Force

>>What are your top favourite animated movies?

>>What are your top favourite comics?
Shadowman (90's Valiant), Bloodshot Reborn, Rai (nu-Valiant), Jack Kirby Captain America, Alan Moore's Tom Strong & 1963, Usagi Yojimbo, IDW TMNT, Transmetropolitan, and Steve Gerber's Howard The Duck among others
>>What are your top favourite animated shows?
Squidbillies, Aqua Teen, Celebrity Deathmatch, Eek! The Cat, The Centurions, King Of The Hill, Trap Door, Moomin, The World Of Beatrix Potter Gumby, South Park, Tron Uprising, Rocky & Bullwinkle, The Adventures Of Super Mario Bros. 3, and the Paddington Bear shorts from the 70's among others

>The Adventures Of Super Mario Bros. 3

I wanna hang with you guys.

Yes. While it might not have the same amount of rewatch value as say the Super Mario Bros Super Show, it's still an incredibly comfy watch

Ehhhh, I bailed on bleach when fullbring was a thing. Soul Society and early Bleach is some of my favorite stuff though. Shit needed to end during the Aizen war.

I want Kubo to just start a fashion manga

you bailed at the right time
the ending blueballed me hard