Why was Sarah Lynn all of a sudden so self-reflective?

Why was Sarah Lynn all of a sudden so self-reflective?

She never seemed to care about anything in the past seasons.

She was scraping rock bottom. You tend to reflect on the life choices that brought you there.

She was finally growing up.

She'd been sober for a whole year and spent the last however many weeks going through the most ridiculous bender of her life. Her Oscar win made her realize how terrible everything had become and all of it came falling into place.

>all of those hints at her passion/knowledge of architecture

God damn, it's pottery.

She was high as fuck.

She usually was.


The stepdad that molested her as a kid apologized kinda.

Who cares about Sarah Lynn dying, can we talk about Sextina Aquafina instead?

>loli sarah lynn getting molested by thick bear cock
>adult sarah lynn getting fucked by a horse cock

she's had a rough life


>"Mommy, I want to be an architect"
>"Mommy didn't do what she did to that director so you could grow up to be an architect"

>starts building shit and changing Bojack's house when she moves in


>gets in an argument with Bojack over triangular and rectangular buildings

>runs over meerkat's playhouse
>"Yeah, you have to use parallel joints to support that foundation, dumbshit!"

>"Is it too late for me to go college? I always wanted to be an architect"

>wants to see the planetarium really badly
>"Isn't this place amazing!"
>"Totally, I always forget that there are more than the six stars you can see in the Los Angeles sky"
>"Yeah, that's cool too, but this building! It's a giant dome. Domes are so cool"

>Her final words are "I want to be an architect"

At least her dad apologized.

She won a major award.

It tends to change someone.

Bojack doesn't have a horsecock.
He was able to fuck Princess Caroline's thighs without penetration and think he was in.

That's a small dick thing.

I've never heard that one before, but I trust you have plenty experience on the matter.

>not sliding his horsecock between caroline's ass and the sheets causing him to climax without giving a fuck about caroline

Thing is, he's completely unaware he's not penetrating. That means he's completely in sweaty skin...well, fur, but nowhere even near something erogenous.

That was probably her molesting bear stepdad that accepted her Oscar. She probably fucking cracked seeing that.

everyone in this show is a shell for the writers to fill their pseudo intellectual entry level nihilistic garbage with, it doesn't matter who they are

>nothing from s2
So you're just pulling things from your ass. Okay.

I bet you're the kind of contrarian faggot who calls Rick and Morty "Reddit: The TV Show".

no i actually like rick and morty, moron

I enjoy the Dan Harmon bits of Rick and Morty, but even I admit it's reddit the tv show.