Heroes For Hire vol 1 Storytime (Part 6)

Welcome back Anons! Tonight we're going to finish up Heroes For Hire! But first? Date night.

Fucking hell, Jen. How are you staying in that damn thin?


So did Scott and She-Hulk interact often enough for this to be a thing beforehand?

Given that she can do Hulk-leaps to wherever she wants, she seems to have the advantage in this, Luke.

From the way this guy is stuttering, I can only assume he shit himself just noe.

Wow, this guy makes Fisk look like Danny.

Well, at least one of them is getting punished.

LOL Jennifer is such a bitch

Last time the Heroes For Hire, along with Quicksilver and the Knights of Wundagore managed to finally beat Exodus.

She REALLY doesn't want to have to date him.

So that's two heroes they've lost in two issues, leaving it back to Luke and Danny, with She-Hulk as their legal representative and Jim Hammond as boss/angry grouch.

Seriously Jim, pull the stick out of your ass.

Various characters bring it up occasionally, but yeah, Luke speaks multiple languages.

And in case you're new to these storytimes, Luke's backstory.

I can't remember off the top of my head if Luke ever actually DID punch out a tank.


Yeah, Titania's got some issues, and I don't just mean the spikes in her costume. Good lord, that can't be comfortable.

I can only assume she's wearing pantyhose or something, because otherwise the artist forgot to give She-Hulk toes.


I'm reminded of the time Danny fought the Wrecking Crew early in his career. He didn't win, obviously, but he did surprisingly well.

What, Thor never tried that?

Do you think she remembered this in that one Thor issue, and she was just waiting for an excuse?

I want you Anons to remember this. Luke never actually went into the house with her.
In a month or two, this will come up, if I remember it.


So Reva was a legit character in the books huh

About as much as Murdock's Dad or the Waynes.
She EXISTED, but was dead before the series started.

>"Danny and the Pirates"

You've got my attention...


>MSG2 intensifies

Another character namin themselves after their weapon? With Scimitar and Scythe it was silly because it was the 70's, but now? I'm just saying, those better shoot lasers or something.

Wow, the cook's got balls.

Shame they weren't worth anything. Points for trying, though.

Colleen's finally got herself a costume that doesn't look retarded.

Man, I really do need to read Shang-Chi's solo.

God damn, my comic backlog is getting longer by the day, let alone my video game one...

Would you look at that? A rare sight, the pre-Bendis Jessica Drew.

Can you imagine the woman-child we've got now doing this kind of shit?

I don't know why they bothered doing the bone claws and the "snikt", it's not like a lot of characters have that obvious silhouette.


So was she, at one point, considered anywhere near as good as these four?
Because my mind can only go back to the woman we've got now doing this shit, and I just can't even picture it.

It wouldn't be a 90's Marvel comic series without a Wolverine cameo.

Welp, there goes the job.


... Okay, why the hell is Wolverine married to Lady Viper?

>Jessica Drew used to live in Madripoor

Seriously, does modern Marvel remember that?

Yeah, remember Danny's whole "summoning K'un Lun to Earth, merging it, resulting in the world being ruled by Yu-Ti and the Dragon Kings, while all Earth technology craps out"?

Yeah, Danny is still a dumbass.

Seriously, this dude can't even PRETEND he's not evil, can he?

Yeah, but last time you cheap-shotted him, remember? Just saying, probably wouldn't happen a second time.

Oh great, sharks.



The snarky narrator is right, Anons. This here is the last issue of the series.


Yeah, Shang-Chi is against killing in general. Animal OR human.

Don't tell me, Shen Kuei set them up the bomb.

Well... shit, that could've gone better.

Wait, what?

Wow, I think this is the first bit of emotion Jim's shown since Eshu was dealt with.

Remember, at this time Danny was only able to use the Iron Fist maybe once a day, twice tops.


And surprisingly absolutely nobody, Shen Kuei is a fucking traitor.


>"that haven of cutthroats and criminals deserves to be destroyed."

You know, he's not wrong...

He does this INCREDIBLY rarely, but Danny can use the Iron Fist with both hands at once.

Rematch time!


Wolverine, why would you turn your back on him?


Wait, he's a mutant? I thought he just had tough armor.

And there you have it. In a straight up fight, Danny beats Shen Kuei.

Okay, he's able to use the Iron Fist more than he used to, but he still can't do entire fights with it like he can now.

Well hey, it's Tony. Half of them know him personally, things can't get too bad.

Wait, you're firing a former AVENGER and a former member of the Fantastic Four because they project a bad image?

God, and I thought civilians were retarded.

And that's it for Heroes For Hire!

Thoughts on the series? Personally, I really like it. Remember, Marvel is releasing two paperback collections of this series in a few months, so be sure to try and get those if you can.

Tomorrow we go to another series to see a major point in Danny's life. It's not nearly as long as the last time we went into another series for a bit of Iron Fist, so we'll do the entire series in two days. See you Anons then.

Whoops. Got distracted. Will read tomorrow, comment if possible.

I don't know. Maybe she's jealous that Scott got to be Reed's replacement in the Fantastic Four, while she only got to be Ben's.

Also, shouldn't Luke's criminal record be expunged by now if his conviction was overturned and the Danny murder charges were dropped?

>Guest Starring Wolverine

Hello, end of series Hail Mary sales stunt.