Rose Quartz is based now

Rose Quartz is based now

They literally just said a few days ago that Rose's Sword can't crack gems.

>Rose Quartz threads are permitted
>Peridot threads are not

A gem got cracked just from a rock hitting it in the latest episode.

That rock wasn't engineered to not crack gems.

Shes not cracking it shes stabbing it you fucking idiot, shes creating the perf fuck slit

I wonder what makes the diamonds so special in the first place, anyone think that there might be a slight hive-queen control for them?

There's a general?

I think it's more just from-creation conditioning: gems made with specialization and weaknesses in a utilitarian society would naturally worship utopian beings that give them their utility

The different diamonds might have different personalities and priorities (and run their own little mini-societies differently.) It might just be Yellow Diamond that seems so coldly utilitarian.

>getting this mad
Take it down a notch, user.

So did she seal Bismuth away because she didn't want her to see her that way or to protect her from the corruption?

I can't wait to see Steven's face when Garnet and Pearl tell him that they used to shatter gems all the time back in the war.

In a twist, Pink Diamond went all Final Hamon with Rose as a roundabout way of "punishing" her.

What would you do with the powers of a Diamond, oh high and mighty underdog?

the only one left now to see and contemplate is White diamond now, any good guesses out there?

IRL, white diamond is considered the perfect gem so she's probably the strongest out of the four. I wonder how she will be like?

>killed diamond she was sworn to protect
Fucking Rose Cunt

Rose is pink diamond. She shattered herself so steven could exist.

Rose Quartz of Murder

My faith in the series was restored.

I am pretty sure she used a difrent sword eyeball mentioned it being large connies sword is fairly small.

Then in the next episode a Gem kept surviving the same thing. Goddamn Kindergarten Kid was the worst filler yet.

No, they said the sword can cut a form without damaging the gem. They never said it CAN'T damage the gem.

Kindergarten Kid took liberties by virtue of being a Looney Tunes episode but even then, the form can take all the punishment for the gem as long as the gem itself doesn't take a direct hit (like Eyeball's did).

It's because diamonds are super expensive and probably the most sought after jewel in real life.

It's also why Pearls are treated like dime a dozen sex slaves, it's because actual pearls are cheap and easy to come by.

So it's okay when a white gems does it but when a blueberry ape does it. It's expensive.

I'm not a stone expert but aren't Diamonds value mostly manufactured and enforced?

Sounds like a comparison the show might use.

They're valuable because you're told how valuable they are. Never mind they're being scooped out of Africa by the fistful.

At the rate that a meteorite can be traveling, they can rip a hole through a satellite or the international space station if they are large enough.

Supply is tightly controlled to keep the market from being flooded and thus decrease the price of the stones. So yeah, it's a more artificial value compared to other rarer precious stones.

>It's because diamonds are super expensive and probably the most sought after jewel in real life.

Other way around, diamonds are incredibly common. Their price is kept up by gem cartels. Colored gemstones like sapphires, rubies, ect. are far more rare.

>Seeing issues in black and white
Underage b&

>and probably the most sought after jewel in real life.
Only in US and Jap markets thanks to marriage rituals and the like
Over in Europe and most other countries it's actually precious stones like Moonstone, Amber, Malachite, and so on that are worth the most because they actually are rare.

Diamonds are not that far off from Pearls in terms of being common, it's just when you frame a whole culture around that stone for marriage (it was done so because it was the cheapest "investment stone") it jacks the price up and by culture it's seen as rare and expensive.
It's like how many seafood dishes are expensive in the US culture now when just a few decades ago it was poor man's food.

I meant sought after by rich folk/upper class women, not in rarity.

The most important question is, how the fuck can there only be FOUR diamonds in all of gemkind?

Also, how can there be only FOUR diamonds in all of gemkind?

Well they control their creation and would likely want to consolidate power
it's not like they can get drunk and a few weeks later discovered they knock up some planet

>Every single episode must move the plot forward
Chill, user


You might have responded to the wrong post.

What I'm wondering is if there used to be more, but they slayed each other until only the current four (now three) remained.


Because they only MADE four.
Or perhaps "they" (no idea who) only made white diamond or and she made the other diamonds.
Plus they probably use a shitton of resources

The popular theory is a Higher race made the four Diamonds and gave them charge over things
Actually with all the implications of Pink Diamond just had earth it might have been just one diamond at first and they slowly add new ones when they expand to a certain size.

There's no way it's not going to be some artificial, enforced scarcity.

Yes I did

lets start a riot

actually they're a relatively common stone, you wont find one in your back garden, but they pull tonnes of the stuff out of the ground all over the world, the price is inflated artificially

Not completely, most are not 'gem quality' stones. That's why they are cheap and get put on saw blades.

They already can't make gems like they used to.

>They never said it CAN'T damage the gem.
But Bismuth LITERALLY said that

>I designed this sword for a fair fight. It can cut through a gem's physical form in an instant. Destroying the body... but *never* the gem.

Quartz swords can't melt Diamond gems

Nah I stand by what I said. You're taking it a bit too literally.

And besides a Quartz can just shatter a gem with their bare hands anyway, Jasper was going to do just that to Amy, so it doesn't matter one way or another.

>buying De Beers lies


>You're taking it a bit too literally.
>She literally says it can never shatter the gem.

Last I heard, emeralds are the only gems left of "precious" stones for jewelry that cannot be synthesized artificially.

Oh Shit Guys
Rose Quartz killed a diamond.

oh fuck you user, now you got me listening to three days grace

Dammit, I am too tired. I meant "topaz" not emeralds.




Too bad she's fat.
Seriously she would be 10/10 if she weren't a fatty
I also hope they don't go the cliche route of Rose being in literal love with Pink Diamond because I feel like that's the direction they're heading.

>literal hambeast power fantasy where fattie kills beautiful slender woman for no reason

Given the timeline, I think the most obvious answer is that Rose shattered Pink Diamond BEFORE recruiting Bismuth and requesting the sword. She wanted a weapon that could not shatter a gem specifically because of remorse over doing that to Pink Diamond. It was an event she did not want to repeat.

Thats also explains why she would have reacted so badly to Bismuths "shatter them all" plan.

You could kill someone with rubber bullets, but they're made for subduing targets alive.

You could shatter a gem with Rose's sword, but it's made for KO'ing them so they can be bubbled.

The thing is is that she isn't even fat (at least not the grotesque bbw fanart makes her out to be) but rather the woman version of bear-mode.

If irc, pregnant rose is the first full body shot we get of her so sjw tumblr-tards use that as the base model rather than what she actually looked like.

Guys Its easy, Rose poofed PD, then she broke her gem letting it fall to the ground (diamonds have high fragility)

Rose probably shattered Pink Diamond with her own weapon, whatever kind of weapon a Diamond would use.

Once Peridot shatters a Diamond. You have my permission to post Peridot threads.

>Got a question fr you. How did Rose shatter Pink diamond? With her sword, or with something else?
>That's right, with her sword. Because Eyeball saw Rose Quarts use it against Pink Diamond.

>...What you mean?
>>Rose's sword can't shatter
>But Eyeball said she saw Rose using it.
>>I know. But it can't shatter.

>That doesn't prove anything. Rose's sword shattered Pink Diamond.
>>>Yeah no, but listen. Bismuth made it so that it doesn't shatter gems.
>But Eyeball wouldn't lie to Steven.
>>No, Rubies are idiots.
>>>But he was pretty vague.
>But Eyeball saw Rose using it.

>Oy, Paul tell 'em.
>>>>They're right. Rose's sword can't shatter gems.
>No, no, no.
>>>>I don't see what you don't get.
>>>Are you alright?
>...I don't get that.

or this theory wich its even more obvious

That's what Bismuth said. 300 years latter Rose adopted. She learned her lesson. She turned her sword into a weapon that can kill Diamonds.

Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

That was my theory too. It used to be cool. Now it's contrived.

She uses literally the same model as Jasper. Its just the difference in clothing and poses.

Rose Quartz has the same gem placement as Pink Diamond. Pink Diamond's engraving clearly shows she had only Earth and the Moon under her control. She was a new addition and Earth was her proving ground. We know Fusions are voiced by pop singers. Patti Lupone, a famous broadway musical singer, voices Yellow Diamond. We know sametype fusions result in larger versions of themselves. We know fusions mean more power and more power means bigger gems. The diamonds are just massive fusions. Rose was the part of Pink Diamond that wanted to abandon her project. The internal disagreement split Pink Diamond in two. The shattering was always a misunderstanding (our only witness is a Ruby, and they are notoriously dim) The other half is sealed away as Lion.

My theory now is that Pink Diamond asked Rose to shatter her. Something about how earth could never truly be free under the rule of the authority maybe?
Would make for a wicked tragic plotline.

nuh uh its lion

>diamonds are just massive fusions
I was with you until that bit, it seems too imposable.

it'd explain the need to keep a strict caste system, so no lesser gems can attain the same power as a diamond.

Patti Lupone has a long history as an actress but she's strictly a stage and concert actress. She's never stepped outside of that role, not for TV, not for film. The fact that she's on the show means Sugar had to have asked for her; there's no way Patti would have auditioned for this on her own. And there's literally no other reason to rope a professional singer into her first TV acting role in the context of this specific show other than to maintain the pattern with the fusions.

From what we have seen many of the fusions are dangerous, unstable fucks like Sugilite and Malachite and almost everyone who ever fused became a fusion slut, even Pearl. It makes sense to prevent your citizens becoming druggies and randomly turning into destructive war machines.

Just briefly glancing at her IMDB page doesn't seem to support that.

It's the inverse. Gem-quality pearls are far more rare than diamonds.

>watches show created by sjw
>gets mad when SJW themes appear

>literally any quartz
Yeah, okay.

She's a hypocrite.

Man , gems are weak as fuck
Humans can easily GG those dykes

>replying to obvious bait

because diamonds have the highest rating on the mohs hardness scale

theyre sharper than all other gems

Yeah, it was a common belief that "only a diamond can cut another diamond" not given high pressure drills we have today.

In the SU world though, the Breaking Point is the only weapon we've seen capable of breaking any gem (including Diamonds, as said by Bismuth herself) but we know Rose rejected this idea. Either Bismuth didn't know Rose shattered PD or this is prior to PD being shattered at all.

However with Eyeballs account, it seems Rose used her sword? We know the sword was forged by Bismuth before The Breaking it doesn't quite add up.

either rose used a different sword or pearl is the one that shattered her

I really really really hope its the latter

Inb4 white diamond is voiced by sugar.

Pink diamonds hand in this pic is drawn wrong cause her thumb is in the wrong position

Or you know because she wants to hear Yellow Diamond sing.

Yes, you're being too literal.

Bismuth is just saying the purpose for which it was made. She's not saying it's impossible for it to shatter gems, just that it was made so it could poof them without ever needing to hurt their gem.

So when is black is black diamond going to appear and destroy everyone especially the diamonds?

All hail black diamond and her glorious new regime

No today's episode was.
What was the point of this episode at all?
At least kindergarten kid was funny

Only diamond can cut another diamond