Renew Your Vows Preview Art

Are you ready for the return of the one true Spider-Man Sup Forums?

See kids, this is how you have your cake and eat it.

I'll believe it when I see it.

I want to believe

No lie, I've actually listened to "When You Beleive" from the Prince of Egypt quite a bit since I first heard of the original RYV series.

Another pic

>Marvel and DC: "Dude monogamy is gay, let's break up every fucking marriage"
>Readers: "Why are you doing this, fuck you"
>Marvel and DC: "Okay nevermind, our bad"

I am completely okay with this.

Which marriages were broke beside Peter/MJ ?

Bobbi And Clint

How well do you think Renew Your Vows will sell, Sup Forums?

Do you think it'll eat into ASM's sales some?

Medusa and Black Bolt most recently

Well I don't mind divorce (I don't care about those characters you mentioned)
Divorce is actually a very common thing. I'm more bothered by shitty retcons.

How well did the last Conway-helmed ASM do? The Spyral mini with The Wraith?

Interesting to note how last year, Slott wrote the "pilot" series and Conway tackled the main universe stuff. Now the roles have switched, Slott tackles the main stuff as usual, and Conway inherits the RYV series

Lois and Clark
Barry and Iris
Oliver and Dinah
Arthur and Mera
Danny and Misty

>Arthur and Mera
They are still together

>Barry and Iris
Not a bad thing, Flash need a bigger supprotive cast.

>Oliver and Dinah
Yeah I forgot about this one

Does anyone honestly care about MJ? Has she been relevant in comics at all since OMD?

I'm sure Barry and Iris will be together after the Rebirth stuff ends, they don't remember their married and for some reason Wally won't tell them, yet he's trying to get his own wife back.

It all depends on number of marriagefags and will book be tied in Spider-events.

Yes, Quesada, plenty do, despite your best efforts to undermine her. She's remained Peter's wife in the newspaper comics for virtually the whole decade, RYV sold like gangbusters last year also, and Bendis is salvaging her in Iron Man. Marvel seem gung ho on making people care about her again] *(though Slott still makes the Mephistoverse version a complete cunt, but then everyone in ASM is a cunt)

>They are still together

True, but their marriage was erased in New 52.
Which was then fixed in Rebirth.

>Lois and Clark are back
>Arthur and Mera are back
>Green Arrow has hints of Ollie/Dinah returning
>Titans has too many Wally/Linda hints to count

I rather enjoy this

>and for some reason Wally won't tell them

Given that his Barry zap didn't fix that he probably realizes that it might just make it awkward to tell them they were together if they're not ready yet.

I know this one may trigger some.


Is Slott still around? If yes, it'll be shit

So what was the excuse for that? Im not keeping up with Inhumans but i remember reading a thread in here saying they were never really together.

Hes not writing this one.

Conway is writing this.

Though I don't have much faith considering how much editorial hates MJ and MJxPeter. Wouldn't surprise me if they plan on shitting on them and the comic turns out that marriage is bad message.

Is Stegman good again?
He was kinda shit for a bit

how does this even work? doesn't Black Bolt have many wives from different tribes to form some kind of peace between inhumans. if he isn't king, how the hell does that work. and why would Medusa be the undisputed ruler?

Because everyone is basically ignoring that part of his FF run.

I honestly wonder what happened. His Inhumans run started looking great...then it just got really bad by the end.

It seems like it's mostly that BB did things without telling Medusa, disappeared, and so she decided to start banging Johnny Storm.

Keep in mind that these are preview inks of individual panels only.

Out in November or December

It sold less than the main series, but it still sold pretty well, IIRC

Conway likes Peter and MJ as a couple, but wasn't a fan of their marriage which honestly confuses me.

That said only like 3 people in Marvel liked Spider-Marriage and honestly just give me the alt universe where it happens and I'll be OK with it.

Still I rather have Conway write about Mayday Parker than Anime Parker but oh well.