Sup Forums Friday Night

It's Friday night. Which Sup Forums character would you take out to eat and where would you go?

Power Girl, and down on her for hours.

Wow, OP. This is a great idea for a thread. Considering how no one here would take an actual girl out on a Friday.

Would go rob people for their picnic baskets at gunpoint with Yogi bear and BoBo. Okay maybe not.

>A "take your fav Sup Forums character out" thread
>No way this can get derailed
>yup. No way.

Who is derailing it? You are.

Personal blog incoming

I typically go out to eat alone because I enjoy it. Tonight I went to a nice Italian place, but when I went to pay the waitress said another customer paid for it for me.

What the fuck happened?

Forget going out to eat. I'd go tinder trolling with best Sup Forums womanizer to walk the earth.

act of kindness, pay it forward next time.

That was me, user. I didn't say because I was nervous, because I like you...

fuckin plot twist!

But I'd take this cutey out to eat sushi. Because she's a cat. Then after that we can go to a dojo and for a sparring match. Id let her win since it's the gentleman thing to do... right?

Seeing people going out to movies or restaurants alone makes me sad, as it does a lot of people. It was an act of pitty and kindness.

I want to take Zuko out to Olive Garden!

Donatello out for pizza, at a quiet park, under the stars

he'd like that

If Hal Busby could do it, so can I.

Ms. Sandiego and I would go out for tapas and wine. I guess stealing the nearest monument could make a great end to date too, assuming we dont get shot and escape to the Caribbean.

I'd chill with Shocker at a sandwich shop.
Seems like a really down to earth guy, for a supervillain.




No, you let her win but simultaneously get her to put you in a headlock between her thighs. Win win.

We'd eat light by having Chef Quasimodo whip up a mouse omelette with scream cheese. Then do some mini-marting for some Slurpeés before going for a nice romantic walk in the cemetery.

Anyone else remember her looking like that?

Martian Queen is best. That way I only have to pay for myself.

Well that wasn't the plan exactly... But whatever works. Closeness achieved.

she seems like a cheap wine and chinese takeout kinda girl

Sounds bout right ta me, user.

If there's ever a Johny Bravo reboot, the show will probably be something like that. I can see it happening.