There is literally no superhero more amazing than the Amazing Spider Man. He swings around stylishly...

There is literally no superhero more amazing than the Amazing Spider Man. He swings around stylishly, sticks to anything, and has a spider sense. Super soldiers and flying bricks are a dime a dozen.

Prove me wrong.

You didn't post the Amazing Spider-Man though, you posted MCU's Spider-Man

Not the same thing at all

Go back to Sup Forums. "Amazing" is Spider Man's adjective you pleb.

In just the MCU alone
>Stark's AI and mechanical marvels
>Antman's size manipulation
>Vision's phasing and density amplification,
>Wanda's psionic powers
>Strange's magic

>Some guy who can shrink and grow
>A robot who can walk through walls
>A woman with telekinesis

Sorry but that has nothing on the sheer awe of watching a man crawl on walls and spin webs like a human spider.

>implying Spider-Man isn't just technology

>go back to Sup Forums
>says the guy who posted a picture of MCU Spider-Man instead of the Amazing Spider-Man

No, you fuck off to Sup Forums faggot your Spider-Man sucks so does every MCU adaption

You cuck, Spider Man has always been called "The Amazing Spider Man". Just like Invincible Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, and Mighty Thor. Sony's shit movies didn't invent the name. Go back to Sup Forums Sony shill

i think he is more spectacular than amazing you know

Livin' on the edge,
Figthing crime,
Spinning webs
Swinging from the highest ledge,
He can leap above our heads

Oh yeah, nothing impressive about INFINITE ENERGY and Artificial Intelligence so complex JARVIS was able to stave off Ultron, a byproduct of the Mind Stone, commandeering the entire Internet.
>Some guy who can shrink and grow
And minimize and magnify other objects and people, the limits and applications of which startle even Stark.
>A woman with telekinesis
And telepathy, both of which have proven immensely powerful and capable. The telekinetic force to rend vibranium apart and the telepathic capability to indirectly interface and influence the mind stone.
Nuff said

Wow, you really are an idiot.



Fuck off MCU shill

One part of me wants to believe a lot of samefagging is being done here to draw attention to the thread, the other doesn't want to know the truth.

You're trying too hard to save face user. You dont even know what you're trying to say anymore.

No you. And read some comics while you're at it, Sonyfag.

I know exactly what I'm trying to fucking say you fucking poser. "The Amazing Spider-Man" is NOT fucking MCU Spider-Man, they're not even the same character

Because you're a fucking movie faggot you automatically assume I'm talking about Sony's "Amazing Spider-Man" trying to have movie corporation wars since that's ALL you movie scum fucking know, rather than knowing what I'm actually saying, which is that The Amazing Spider-Man is NOT FUCKING WHAT YOU POSTED

I always have a soft spot for Peter. I can't say there's any terrible spider films, mediocre? Yeah.

I went to see Civil War just for Spidey and I wasn't disapointed.

I've read many series and have yet been disgusted by any. My first comic was a reprint featuring some bird dude that came with my paper. Ever since I just want pictures of Spider-Man.

So I quickly googled, and I'm not insane that I had Spider-Man in my paper when I was 9 or 10.

Anyone else had this? Seems like it wasn't just another Gary Indiana thing.

>The Amazing Spider-Man is NOT FUCKING WHAT YOU POSTED
Yeah it is. You being a Sonypony and not having read comics is the only reason you'd think differently, and it'pretty obvious now you are trying to backtrack because you were wrong.

This is autism. Just go back to Sup Forums kid.

He's clearly Superior, you subhumans.

>So I quickly googled, and I'm not insane that I had Spider-Man in my paper when I was 9 or 10.
Wasn't Stan Lee himself working on the newspaper script long after he stopped writing the comic issues?

Nah man, I'm talking like a full out issue, was packaged in there with my dad's paper. Like a real comic book from the boringly Sunday paper.

okay now I am mad with you


No one asked you, Otto.

I've never liked spiderman, ever.

He's honestly my least favorite superhero ever. That might have something to do with not reading his comics as a kid. My dad bought me dark horse and DC the whole time (89).

It got me a true 1st edition superman mint so fuck you guys. I'm dead-on, a DC fanboy. Marvel can eat shit. My grandpa collected detective comics and action. I have almost nothing marvel.

Not a fanboy, I was just born DC.


you forgot the best one of them all

>Captain America's freedom

there's a unique posters counter at the bottom of the page

Flying brick

Isn't that a God given right?

>the other doesn't want to know the truth.

With heat vision, freeze breath, enhanced senses, and other abilities.

Should add, it's a legacy set.

It's cased as hell. It's honestly the coolest fucking thing ever. I get it after my dad does but I don't want either of them to die.

Totally cool comics. I hope you don't have to be the person that hopes for their death to get them.

It's not alright and I'd rather they had them forever.

I was born in '89, and similarly I was born Marvel. It was just what I grew up with...all comics I had were Marvel, all I cared about was Marvel aside from Batman

These days though, thanks to MCU faggots ruining the brand and the comics being utter shit and making shit choices on purpose to cause internet drama, I am pretty much always in defense of DC over Marvel

Brand loyalty only matters when the brand cares about you, Marvel likes to shit on me, I may always be a Marvel fan but the Marvel I'm a fan of is long dead

Like I said, I hope my grandpa wills that his superman 1 is willed to be buried with him. I don't want people fighting over it because I will be mad as fuck. I have two sister lawyers and I'm a doctor.

Then again, those harpies can fuck off. My Father is the executor and I can just tell him that they shouldn't have any right to it. Bury it with him, because he loved it.

If they try to Jew your grandfather then pull an Antigone and go against the law. No amount of money is worth disrespecting him.

Since your father is Executor, tell him to execute them. :^)

Spiderman is a terrible character though.

Yeah, it's a shame since his powers are so great. DC should power up Slipknot and make him their Spiderman.


Especially for that flat-assed thing you posted

God. How happy do you think old man Lee is with all the cosplay hookers out there?

Spider-Man. Don't forget that hyphen, boys and girls.