It's beautiful

It's beautiful

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Movies were a mistake.

So this...... is the power...... of adult....... western......... animation............

Seth Rogan was a mistake

I expected worse honestly, also what's with the cut away? no sound means we can't hear the audience

That smushed bun is actually really cute

>that dead silence

I never wanna eat again.

Here it is with audio and a little more of the ending

Love the amount of gay sex in this. Truly the representation we all wanted

>Sell it as a comedy
>Pretend the underlying message is Atheism
>The truth is that it's all a big ploy by Rogen and Goldberg to get Americans to stop eating so damn much.

And people said the sex scene from the script would be cut out of the final version...

aw man I wanted to see their threesome how disappointing

Man, this wasn't really that extreme, I've fapped to worse, but like... I dunno, the fact that this is in a mass marketed movie, aND there are people who don't give a shit thst thus is rated r and still take their kids to it...
I dunno, it's this degenerate caligula esque kind of despair where it's just too much in the wrong place and it just gives you a bad vibe.

Real people were paid to animate this.
This was written, and has been produced.
Nobody at any point told Seth to get the fuck out of their office and stay out.

>That still frame of the supermarket afterwards

Did they add that long still shot because they thought people would be ROLLING IN THE ISLES LAUGHING or something?

Cause it just seems like they put that in so the audience can question what the fuck they just witnessed and why they're still in the theater.

>Real people were paid to animate this.
You say that as if the animators had a voice and weren't just doing what they were paid to do..

>So unwoke that it's woke af

Fucking kek,what did I just watch?

>Nobody at any point told Seth to get the fuck out of their office and stay out.

They still got paid.


I just wish those talented and hardworking animators got to do something of value instead of whatever fucking fever dream this nonsense is.

am i the only one that wants to see this...

>blowing a vagina like a balloon
I bet $50 someone will die of embolism becuse his retarded bf went to see this movie.


>this is going to be a lot of peoples' introduction to the idea if animation for adults
>not ralph bakshi
>not the golden age Simpsons
>not adult swim anime like cowboy bebop or even the adult swim lineup

>a lot of people are going to grow up with the notion that the only adult animation is stuff like sausage party

>someone will die of embolism

>how do you like that, you cracka crack ass crackers?
This was an enjoyable movie and I don't give a fuck what Sup Forums says.

So are the smushed bun and half eaten hot dog retards?

>lol adult cartoons are all about sex jokes
It's time to stop.

If you don't give a fuck then why bother posting at all?

So what about that was funny? In fact, what was even that gross and outrageous?

The smushed bun yes, but sort of. There's a bit where brenda tries to force her way into a different package of buns and because of the tight squeeze, she accidentally crushes the head of one of them. Said bun speaks in babbles from then on out. The deformed hot dog is just deformed. He's a walking chode joke.

+6000 years of human history, all leading up to this moment.

>“Sausage Party” is chomping away at the weekend box office. The adult animated film from Sony is expected to ring up $34 million at 3,103 locations making it the largest August opening ever for an animated film.

It had a $20 million budget and has already made close to twice that.

It has begun.


I thought it was a ploy to increase vore fetishism.

>its a Sup Forums is triggered by degeneracy thread

Makes no sense every time

You know what?
It's an improvement, I'd rather watch yaoishit about some injun and his pox ridden twink


I think reading it in the leaked script allowed people to imagine it worse than it actually is. I mean, this is pretty bad, but in a qualitative way. It's more retarded than disgusting.

>You will never have Seth laughing behind you 24/7


now everything makes sense!

I fucking warned you faggots.
You deserve it at this point

Seth Rogen prints money. He doesn't actually have to try anymore.

Wow, that's a very long scene.

We can never be innocent again.

I look forward to how many uninterested schoolteachers will show this in class because "Talking food? Must be for kids!"

>the shortstack hotdog bun
Porn when?

There's porn in the OP dude.


>heterosexual porn
>yfw novelty counts for a lot

>the bacon fingering a fat limburger cheese and smelling the finger afterwards

How can you even tell what's happening in the scene? The image is tiny and blurry as fuck.

are you blind?

How many times did you watch this in slow motion at a 500% zoom?

I feel like they could have gotten a lot more creative than this.

wait for the uncut bluray release

It's hollywood after two terms of a black president. Elect Hillary for two terms, you've seen nothing yet.

The US is going to make Japan's most deviant shit look tame in the end, but they'll do it on the big screen rather than in comic books for outcasts.

Alright then. I'll vote Hillary. I wanna see where this shit goes.

>that picture is funnier than the entirety of Sausage Party
How did we get to this point?

I-it's ok, user. We're living the same thing as in the sixties. Shit will come down to normal eventually.

>dat feel when Shad is going to have a field day

It does honestly.

I would have perferred Anomalisa getting a wide release instead of Sausage Party, but if SP does well enough it will at least show studios that there is a market for adult animated films out there.

Hell Illumination Entertainment wants to adapt Pluto into a movie, so it's riding on SP to show that people will watch adult animation in the theater.

We will have to answer for this, do you understand? Don't think that this will be forgotten. This is forever.

It's much more graphic in the script.

wow this looks terrible
I guess I won't be watching this on monday

Keep telling yourself that


Ya know, I could actually see Tim Curry masturbating to this. He seems like a total deviant.

How do we stop it?
Can it be stopped?

I agree.

Just go ask /aco/.
Its what its for.

>tfw had a dream last night seth rogan became president of the united states due to a sudden bullshit turn of events
>wake up to this

I'm tired

That board is alive? I forgot it even existed.

no, it was set in motion by the end of the 80's

Well I guess it's a testament to my (our?) depravity that this didn't seem that extreme really.

Get ShindoL up in here. Then they could have made something crazy

>implying ralph bakshi didn't get this bad

A lot less gross than I thought it would be.

Even the sex scene in Team America was filthier.

Sure, you just need to reverse several decades of socioeconomic trends for hundreds of millions of people

It was to show how the sound of all of their organs were loud enough to scare off a flock of birds
Idk if you can even see the birds in the cam

>you will never have bros to smoke weed and fool around with

Why is autocorrect such a prude

>this is what western animation has succumb to

>implying this isn't a simple gateway to ACTUALLY GOOD adult animaiton

I mean, shit like Bakshi films were also shit, but they didn't get the privilege this film gets in terms of visibility

At least they actually fucked. The non-perishables were probably the best part of the movie

So, just an observation...

Let's say the Food kills humanity, then how do they produce more of themselves?

Without the humans, there will be no more "food".

The vegetables could maybe get something done. The imperishables could survive, perhaps.

In other words, I can't help but feel their nihilist exercise is ultimately expressing for the Food...

"Fill the void of immorality in your life with an orgy, then watch your people go extinct because there's no future. LMAO, I love weed."

Which is a piss poor message to inspire in people but it goes further with the ending revelation.

The "real" ending where they go into the real world, it's compelling the now Nihilist Foods into murderous lust monsters which is expressing...

"Life is a meaningless tragedy, mask the emptiness with orgies and drugs, then kill people who disagree because why not! LMAO I love weed."

non-perishables, my bad.

My sister who works at the dinner theatre was serving food as this scene was playing. She said the audience was terrified in silence and others at their tables were laughing in horror.

Also I ain't ever getting that Goon movie, huh?

This guy talks like how bad shills talk.

I wonder what future generations will have to say about Sausage Party? In all likelihood it will be forgotten, except by a select few autists in the comics and cartoons section of 2024chan.

>All of these HAPPENING posters

It's just a dumb movie that people will forget about within a month. Calm your tits.

What the FUCK, this is a kids' movie?

This has better reviews than any movie in the DCEU.

>Illumination Entertainment wants to adapt Pluto into a movie
What, is there any source for this? I love Pluto.

I disagree with Weeb. "Landmark movie?" This guy does realize that watching CGI DUDE WEED LMAO will just lead to the next movie being about DUDE WEED LMAO



honestly, you people sometimes...