Guys I have to write a 50 page master's thesis by the end of summer about the DC Multiverse timeline

Guys I have to write a 50 page master's thesis by the end of summer about the DC Multiverse timeline.

Help me out.

Other urls found in this thread: Beginner's WikiGuide to Hypercrisis&collection_id=60fd9c63ba57e2600609935263046c90d4d1687e&writer=rdf2latex

That wasn't a good idea dude

My original thesis was about Guardians of the Galaxy being the Citizen Kane of modern cinema.

I flunked that one.

one page about each universe duh. than intro and conclusion.

ur welcome, paypal me 20 bucks for doing ur homework

Get started on it. Wait 2 years and then rewrite it.

>thesis written the dc-way

Which versions of it?

And now there's more. Media and infinite.

How the actual fuck do even map a multiverse? You do realize there are no directions in the multiverse right and there would also no center to the multiverse either. My head hurts.

Every universe is 3 dimensional therefore you could map them in the 4th dimension.

Talk about how it lets them have freedom to reinvent characters that should be your main point in your thesis. Use the Jay Garrick , Barry Allen story as a basis for how this all started! Go onto elseworlds shit and alternate worlds and such!

I can't remember all of them and don't have the page that lists them, but for instance, along the bottom right edge, you have the Cartoon Rim.
Kirby's Earth 51 is polarized to Lee's Earth 6.

End it with "I see U."

So you're an idiot who picks bad topics
good to know
pick something else

>My original thesis was about Guardians of the Galaxy being the Citizen Kane of modern cinema
In what fucking way?

>my head hurts
That means it's working.

are you going for a degree in autism?

you might as well get a diploma in cucking, it'll pay more than an liberal arts degree

Why didn't you make this thread earlier in the summer, if you wanted help?

If you need stuff to cite outside of comics themselves try Morrison's Supergods I guess but it's more autobiographical than properly historic

They all occupy the same space by definition. The locations are merely representative.

For a 2 dimensional mapping like that, wouldn't you need at least 2 more dimensions?

Because he's lying.

No. You can map 2 dimensional universes (for example pieces of paper) in a 3 dimensional environment, therefore you can map 3 dimensional universes in a 4 dimensional environment.

This. It's quite simple; every universe occupies the same space but vibrates at a different frequency to its counterparts. Infinite universes in the single multiverse pre-Crisis means that there are an infinite number of different frequences, but that explanation isn't necessary for the post-Crisis single universe and its antimatter counterpart.
You can use that explanation again for the multiverse post-52 and in the nu52, but I don't know how you'd begin talking about the infinite number of multiverses as established in Multiversity.

Yeah, but not the way that diagram is laid out. They'd be "stacked" the same way those 2 dimensional plane universes are, if you only add one more dimension.

Obviously it's just a representation like how a map of the world stretch the countries the farther they are from the Equator because it's originaly a sphere.

Alright guys, lets all help him out by contributing one word each.



...but its not even the best MCU movie

>Can only be penetrated by memes



Just read the 2009 print of The History of the DC Universe, it's a mix of both the original 80s History of the DC Universe that focuses on the Post-CoIE continuity, written by Mark Wolfman and Perez, and a new resume of the everything else that happend up to the begining of Final Crisis (including smaller Events like No Man's Land and Our Worlds at War).

I have to admit I love this fucking book, and it's the reason I fell in love with DC. Reading the small one panel introductions to all the of the 80s DC series/characters really spaked my imagination, and I ended up making up several stories involving characters like Amethyst, The Haunted Tank, Atomic Knight, Arion, Space Cabbie and Creatue Commandos years before I ever actually read anything that featured them (I got some pretty off ideas about what some of them were about, specially Atomic Knight). It will also make you undestand why some many people were mad a New-52, all that nice lore, gone.

As per Post-New-52, the jury is still tecnically out on that, since Superman and Lois Lane of pre-New-52 Earth exist, even though New-52 and Pre-New-52 are apparently the same universe with "5 years missing".

So that's why you made this thread last night.










Explain what it is. Then explain why it exists - be sure to mention the first suggestions of a multiverse (In 'Wonder Woman'). Explain the nature of the multiverse's structure - how the differences between the universes are not nearly as vast as you'd expect (Like, half of them have some version of Supeman). Then explain how the multiverse led to the Crisis. Then go over the various Crisis events. Mention Grant Morrison's view on it; the symbolic structure of his view of it. Mention Hypertime.

50 pages is probably not even enough.

Welcome to Grant's wild ride. Just click on the link and wait. Beginner's WikiGuide to Hypercrisis&collection_id=60fd9c63ba57e2600609935263046c90d4d1687e&writer=rdf2latex


>264 pages
>wild ride

Jesus fuck

>not 52
You disappoint me, Sup Forums. You can do better.


You just keep fucking up dude. Do you even know what makes Citizen Kane "Citizen Kane"? Because it completely changed the medium of film. GOTG did absolutely nothing.

>no speed force link

here's some sources

here's some references to ger you started.

Good Job anons

>Just read the 2009 print of The History of the DC Universe

History of the DC Universe 001 (1986) (hybrid) (Novus Year Three) (OkC.O.M.P.U.T.O.-Novus-HD)

History of the DC Universe 002 (1986) (hybrid) (Novus Year Three) (OkC.O.M.P.U.T.O.-Novus-HD)


yea as you fucking should have.
this isnt the worst idea

yea user just write a paper dedicated to Darkseid's rule. I wrote a paper in my lit class last semester about how Darkseid in final crisis is comparable to Oedipus due to his hubris, as that ultimately was Darkseid's downfall, and got an A. Darkseid is user. write about him. become him. do his bidding. anti life justifies all

Godfrey pls go

>The Beginners Guide to Hypercrisis

Here is a 200 page document on the hypercrisis which covers the multiverse history and cosmology.

this is one of the sources i used in my oeudipus/darkseid essay, good shit OP
sorry abob, i just get swept up in his glory sometimes, but who doesnt

You think that's bad, I got a 50 word essay that's due at the end of summer and I haven't even started


This sounds very familiar. I swear I saw this post last year or so, except the guy was just beginning his paper. Guess it didn't work out