Let's get spiritual. What religious cartoons do you know of?

Let's get spiritual. What religious cartoons do you know of?


Other urls found in this thread:


Veggietales (think it trigged my fear of veggies)

I wanna see a cartoon for kids about Church history, like Ante-Nicene times, various Saints, ecumenical councils, that kinda stuff

I vaguely remember going over to my aunt/uncle's house and seeing this VHS as a kid.


Superbook. Loved that shit as a kid. And then they told the story of Job and I knew I'd never be Christian. Good work mom.

Flying House
Become Jehovah's Friend
My Last Day
In The Beginning: The Bible Stories
Those Happy Science movies



>Kingdom Chums Original Top Ten: furry Christian cartoon!
Funny thing is an actual furry was on the animation staff. Mike Kazaleh, who had already done smutty comics and pin-ups, is credited for layout.

Also those Aum Shinrikyo propaganda videos.

she is a baaaad company?


Looks like it's time for Sparlock the Warrior Wizard!


Uughhg fuck, girl scouts are my weakness. I wanna slam every one of those little lambchops. Especially the one with the glasses and the braids.


I can't remember which show it was, but we occasionally watched animated stuff in Sunday school that had high production values and were animated in Japan or some shit. It even had hardcore violence and shit like Goliath getting gratuitously brained by David's slingshot.

Sounds like it was In the Beginning.

Eh. Bump.

I want to push my cock in to that raccoons ass

I also would fuck the shit out of the little female bear


I want to fuck every character in this cartoon.

An user who was an animator on one of these shorts posted in a thread a few years back, said that most of the animation staff didn't know they were working on a Jehovah's Witness DVD.


>that completely different style
They made everybody look a lot less fuckable. The mom and Grandma are still passable though. Luckily I have low standards and will happily fap to porn of this.

There will never be porn of this.

I'm drawing it myself

Judas and Jesus. A true classic.
And the closest thing to porn I found on Youtube.


This is the only part of the film where she was attractive.





I wanna be a Jenova's witness too!

also am I the only one that wants to fug the Jehovah out of that mom?

Hm, I remember Goliath's brains getting splattered everywhere, but getting beheaded is just as good. Thanks user.

ill work on the dress rip soon

I like the cut of your jib.

This had no right to be that good.

Religious cartoons seem to use animal characters more than most.

God tier cartoon. There used to be high quality episodes on youtube. Should have saved them when I had the chance.

May as well post this one again.


Making progress don't worry

you'll see soon enough

There was a cartoon series in the 90's that adapted the bible in animation, called Testament: The Bible in animation where each story was animated with a different style.


Holy fuck, those sheep girls are hot! What were they thinking drawing them like that?
Taking porn requests now.

This must be the most internationally celebrated cartoon the Germans ever made.

Obligatory shearing request

i.imgur.com/cekW8lT.jpg Dress rip is finished

Oh my god thank you user. I've been trying to remember the name of this shit forever. No amount of googling let me find it but I watched it all the time as a kid.

Dammit user, this is your fault.

Shit, isn't there anyone around who can actually draw?

Cute. Totally not into sheep though. It would be different if they were cats.

Well there's... this thing.
The crap you find when looking up an anime voice actor's career

Which actor?

R. Bruce Elliott. Showed up in some really weird live action stuff too like this Charlie Sheen movie.

Hey, thanks for that.

I'm not sure if it's the fact that they're sheep that does it for me, or the fact that they're scouts.

theyre generally aimed at a much younger demographic

Morel orel

You disgust me. But thank you for taking the effort and may the Lord bless you


>Pray to god for help passing in school
>He monkey paws you and you pass with a D-

t-thanks big man

To be fair, there's only so much God can do with that level of stupidity.



the good Lord would have flunked your stupid ass for trying that shit, that was all dumb luck, He learned His lesson with the freed Jews being little ass hats whenever they had anything good handed to them

I know what you say, for the longest time I remember the decapitation to be more bloody.

A claymation movie called The Miracle Maker.

The animation is quite good.

Gooz is... not bright. I really hope she got good at religious fresco/sculpture, dame could be the next Hieronymus Bosch or Raphael or something.

Michalangelo is believed by some art scholars to have been borderline autistic-savant due to his deep obsession with physical forms and most descriptions of him at the time calling him "unkempt and dirty." He was prone to living in squalor and being absorbed by his work, and also noted for his poor social skills.

>god helps those who help themselves
He doesn't give hand outs.

Hanna Barbera did The Greatest Adventure: Stories From The Bible in the 80s-90s

Apparently they were DTV but I think I saw them on cable TV as a kid. They're all on Youtube in some form or another

Here's a playlist with all episodes youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfFZUfawz6rRFBMh7VuQACTo0z9IJJSPW

Pretty good animation I guess, maybe Captain Planet tier.

Here's that scene, if anyone is curious.


They have MP4s available to purchase on their site. Two episodes bundles for $15 each. Not worth it in my book, but it's up to you.


>1.Belong to another organization or club for the purpose of socializing with nonbelievers.
>2.Have best friends and activity buddies who are not Jehovah’s Witnesses.
>3.Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary.

Then why the fuck they come to my door every sunday morning?

Yes! Yes! Corrupt the children!

because you arent people them just lost souls THAT MUST BE SAVED FROM THE FIERY DEPTHS OF HELL.

The sad thing is this is what some of them genuinely believe. They think that if they fail to recruit you that you're going to hell and that's why they're so persistent.

>only room for [six digit number] in heaven
>~8 mil jehova witnesses worldwide
>still tries to recruit more

Why, If anything they should be trying to loose members.



Guess this thread is dead. I'm sure there are a ton of religious cartoons out there, but finding them all is the problem.


Am currently stuck in JW organization unless I want to loose all contact with my family for the rest of my life. Ask me anything.

Meanwhile Mormons let fucking everyone into their heavens. But you can only go to Super Heaven if you're a Mormon, where you essentially become a god and get your own planet.

But if you're not Mormon and still a good person you go to normal Heaven which is still cool I guess. But you have to be a Mormon once you get there. Like they tell you that you have to be a Mormon now.

And bad people or people who don't want to be a Mormon get to hang out in Basic Heaven after suffering in hell for a while to repent for their sins. Basic heaven is like normal earth I guess.

Mormonism is the only religion that gives out participation medals.

Are you gay, or anything else weird that they'd hate you for?

Also have you considered just fucking off and finding new people to live with?

Prince of Egypt? Not furry enough?

My crime would be that I no longer believe that the organization is Gods' One True religion. JW's believe that they are the only one's serving God the 'correct' way, and all other people will die in Armageddon.

My sibling is in a similar situation. He'she's being shunned by my parents for being in a relationship with a non believer. JW's believe that all people who aren't in their organization are bad people, and you are not to have nay extended contact with them. Hopefully we can move out together and stick by each other's side.

Yeah I'd just fuck off, they seem like a pretty shitty organization, not just because of this but my other interactions with them. They're self-righteous douches who have no problem fucking over anyone who isn't one of them.

Most are decent people, but the rules of the organization pretty much guarantees douchebag behavior at some point or another. Examples:

JW's don't believe in blood transfusions because the Bible says blood is sacred. They say they are fully for alternative treatment, but the fact is that if your kid was sick and the only choices were a blood transfusion or death, they would pick death.

If you don't believe the organization is God's one true religion, they will cut all contact from you. Doesn't matter if you become an evolutionist, and agnostic, Catholic, Buddist, you will be dead to them. This practice is called Disfellowshipping.

Information is controlled by the organization. You are not to look up anything about it except for their official publications. Anything against the organization is considered an apostate lie.

No birthdays, no holidays, no magic anything, nothing that makes you look too 'worldly' (their term for people outside their organization).

I've got plenty more.

el arca too



Because Germany.


That sounds p cool actually. Too bad I'll never have my own planet, I'd use it for eternal sin.

Holidays are coming soon...

i want to fuck gooz

She's surprisingly cute. Glad somebody drew one thing of her. The other thing may or may not exist. Probably won't be any more, but I may shoot in a drawthread every one in a while.

ill save you the time, shoot me a request

>The Gooz is Looz

god help us all

sfw or sinfull?

whatever you want within reason

gooz nude rubbing herself against a school desk

I'm the one you replied to, but I'll go ahead and concede the request to - it's not that bad.

Really, anything is appreciated. I'm terribly uncreative and always have trouble coming up with specific things.

The only Jewish cartoon I can think of was called Fliegel's Flight. It's about a bird who tells of our glorious history of getting thrown out of every country in Eurasia.

Also those Rugrats specials I guess.