Be honest, are we really okay with Disney's slow power creep monopolization?

Be honest, are we really okay with Disney's slow power creep monopolization?

I can even see them gaining Spiderman and even Star Trek in the next 50 or so years.

They already got Spidy and noone cares about the newer Star Trek.

As long as they keep putting out quality, I don't give a damn.

Consider a totalitarian dictatorship that makes the lives of the people living there paradise.

Also nice dubs

Even if we weren't, can we stop it?

One day the entire world will be run by Disney and WalMart.

I want a bigger American Empire.

At least they're completely clueless when it comes to interactive media, which is kind of mind-boggling.

They cant get star trek completely so they wont want it. CBS has TV rights, Paramount has film rights. Disney milks all their shit. If they cant put in TV, books, video games, toys, parks and so on, they get a bit miffed. Star trek isn't valuable to them because of this.

I could see disney getting nintendo though. Mario, zelda, pokemon, all that shit. Its a brand that has values and stayed to its core like disney, Im sure they want it.

I for one welcome our new DisMart overlords


>Be honest, are we really okay with Disney's slow power creep monopolization?
That's not Disney's problem. They haven't tried to harm their rivals, their rivals are just shooting themselves in both feet.

I find it weird that Disney World has no bugs. It's in the middle of a swamp and there are no bugs. Someone told them that DDT is illegal, right?

Something will happen and Disney will fuck up. It happened in the 80's, it happened in the mid-2000s, and it will happen again.

Of course I'm not. It strangles originality and is the main reason why franchises continue to extend their rule over entertainment

Blame the FCC

Dude, there are bugs all over the place, especially cockroaches, they're just really good at hiding and usually just come out when it's dark and nobody's around.

>I could see disney getting nintendo though
Yeah no
Considering Japan's xenophobia I cannot ever see Nintendo selling out to a foreign business.

Especially since Nintendo is just rolling in money and has no need for it.

Isn't there some domestic Japanese law that says that a Japanese company can never be bought out by a foreign one?

i just dont like how they treat Pixar, it's their yet another piggy bank

>Finding Dory
>Toy Story 4
>Incredibles 2(i'm ok with that one)

This. Years ago I was on full anti-Disney mode and cheered for its competitors when they showed potential.

But now that Disney's getting the hang on quality again and the competitors are screwing up themselves, it's their fault alone.

People imagine Nintendo is some young company that's always been tied to videogames.

Nintendo's been around since before Walt Disney was born.

That's John Lasseter's fault. The guy whose name is synonymous with Pixar.

I, for one, welcome our new mouse overlords. Dissent will be crushed and by Disney's (pbuh) great will we will be the happiest place on earth.

i have mixed feeling about him, sure he saved disney but then let tht happen. oh well, i dont know how business works.

I don't know if it's a law, but it's definitely a thing.

Yeah and it has more interests than video games

Nintendo's been in the talks of making movies though, and I could see them picking up those rights

Though that's debatable, bloody Legendary Entertainment (The Dark Knight Trilogy guys)picked up Pokemon movie rights and is now making a detective Pikachu movie

How long until the mega corporations like G&E and Disney and Comcast decided "to hell with it" and abolish the idea of nations?