Tony rocket jumps in his CAVE prototype, goes on free fall, survives with barely a scratch

>tony rocket jumps in his CAVE prototype, goes on free fall, survives with barely a scratch.

>warmachine goes on a freefall on a much advanced model, crippled.

Rhodey always was a bitch.


top laff

Tony fell in an arc into soft sand, Rhodes fell straight down into the hard ground.


>Harder than sand.

>Arch falling

Meaningless when it comes to impact.

True, but you can't honestly tell me that they fell from the same height. Rhodey was like ten times higher up than Stark and had gotten hit by Visions beam as well.

>a powered ironman suit can't catch up with an unpowered ironman suit when both are on a dive.

So much for MACH speed propulsion.

>What is terminal velocity.

Much higher for someone in a suit of armor?

Arent those suits made from material that inherently dampens inertia anyway?

Do you know what they do to black guys in action movies?

Nowadays, it seems to be a trend for a black guy to die flying or driving a advanced machine. Like Idris Elba did twice.

>What is terminal velocity
Quite high considering the mass of the suit. You know, mass? The part of the Vt equation that you asked about?

When crashing into the ground at 150+ MPH, the damage to the internal organs alone would be akin to putting your stomach on a small sandbag that has a grenade in the middle of it.

>Giving Rhodes anything more than the crappiest of the crap out of revenge for wrecking his suit by kitbashing Hammer tech into it

>If you just jump before the elevator hits the ground you'll be saved!

In real life, this would happen. Both of them would be dead, instantly.

Although, I think the iron man suits must have some kind of inertia-neutralizing (or at least reducing) technology which is how Tony is able to come to a complete stop after going supersonic. Just my two cents. Not a big marvel-comics reader, do the iron man suits have something akin to that in the comics?

Tony landed on a pile of sand at kind of a manageable altitude.

Rhodey fell directly on his back so hard it left a fucking crater.

Not to mention his suit was powered down, so whatever G-Force mitigating tech Stark uses in his armors that's usually active when shit like this happens wasn't working.

The fact that his only injury was a spinal one speaks volumes about how resiliant Stark Tech is.

This and god knows what else the military did to it to fuck it up. You can clearly see Tony doing a lot harsher shit in his suit, and the one Rhodey was wearing was capable of taking a beating.

It's pretty clear the military meddled in it.

The ultimate universe iron man had special gel or goo or whatever for that

Yes that's right.

Is that a fucking kill count on Warmachine's right breastplate?

Never let Hammer touch your stuff.

One time Hammer robe a bus, they never did find all the parts.

well if you're going to bring fucking height into it then why couldnt tony catch up to rhodey but could catch up to that pilot in iron man 1