What is your opinion on the Injustice comic?

What is your opinion on the Injustice comic?

What is your opinion on the Injustice game?

Why was Wonder Woman so Submissive to Superman

Wonder Woman from the Alternate Reality was so out of character it wouldn't have surprised me if Themiscara started initiating Gender Roles.

Amazons...more like Sandwich Makers.

Started out average, picked up around years 2-3 then dropped off a cliff at some point to flat-out garbage currently.

Better off watching the cutscenes stitched together on Youtube unless you REALLY like fighting games.

Comic :

- Year Two is the best

- Year Three is meh

Good comic though.


- Haven't played it

Supes' forced induced dream was the only good thing out of that shit.
That's right, the only good part of the comic wasn't even real.

None of it's real you retard.

>What is your opinion on the Injustice comic?
Total hilarity.
>What is your opinion on the Injustice game?
Best capeshit fighter based on western properties.

Oh my god, I didn't know it's a story! You changed my perception, you're a genius!

The taste of the average Injustice hater.

It's fanservice, mostly. The comic is hilariously retarded at it's best, and that's not a bad thing.

As a Plastic Man fan I dug the one-shot, though. It's dumb fun. Taylor's great when he's reigned in by editors.

The game's got pretty mediocre everything, but does shine in fanservice. I'm glad I got to play as a Martian Manhunter and Captain Marvel in a fighting game. It's not the best Sup Forums-related game (JoJo and Transformers Devastation definitely have it beat) but as a cheaply priced, dollar bin game it's pretty fun.

The game was ass with some decent cutscenes, and opened the way for the most compelling Elseword series I've read. I have Year One complete on my shelf, and when they finally pull their thumbs out their asses and release the rest in 'Complete Year' trades I'll buy those too.

I'm interested to see where they go with the sequel storywise.

>Sup Forums related

Someone pls spoiler me what happen in the end of year five, because i dont want to wait each week for chapters & i still didnt play injustice game.

Are they actually going to retell the events of the game? Because it would suck to collect all the trades, only for it to 'end' on a cliffhanger.

She was using Superman to implement her desire for a fascist society for the good of humanity where she could rule as a goddess.

If she had to stroke a little super-ego to get it so be it.

If I could manipulate a godlike being into doing what I wanted by sucking his dick, well....

.... no different from what billions of Christians think they're doing every Sunday in church.

*tips fedora*

I don't have a fedora big enough for this post.

It's a game based on a printed comic with overt comic aesthetics.

Fedora tipping at the end aside yes thats what it was

>tfw someone hates Jesus so much that even a question about Wonder Woman in an Injustice thread is a good platform for bile.
>tfw someone is doing the Devils work without even realizing it.

Somebody post the butlering

Oh Lord.
Oooh you are so big.
So absolutely huge.
Gosh we're all really impressed down here I can tell you.
Forgive us oh Lord for this our dreadful toadying and barefaced flattery
But you are so strong and, well, just so super

It's what every single superman centric AU does. Have WW be a fascist that loves supes cock, superman fans really don't seem to think that wonder woman could be about anything else.

Yeah but it's not fucking Sup Forums related. Is Boku no Hero Sup Forums related because there are superheroes?

I did like the comic, was a interesting turn i just wish it was a bit longer

The comic is superior, and endlessly entertaining, if a little ( a lot) stupid at times. Based Taylor is coming back for Injustice 2: the comic

By real he meant canon, cocksucker.