
I've been looking for where to read/find this online but no luck. Happened across a few random issues and thought the setup was neat, but it feels like it's two dude bros trying to do gender issues so I don't know if I wanna buy a volume just yet.

Other urls found in this thread:

user, Girls is a Storytime of Pain staple. It is very, very, very stupid comic.

>feels like it's two dude bros trying to do gender issues
You can't imagine what you're in for. I don't think its good but it was worth sticking around for a storytime for me.

look through the archives, there was a storytime a while ago. It's not worth the money
also this

You dont want to read this, OP. Im warning you

>It is very, very, very stupid comic.
Yeah, I kinda gathered that. Still kind of interested because the idea of Night of the Living Dead only with naked girls is appealing. Maybe I can ignore the crappy subtext for long. Or get a good laugh.

Thanks though everyone, doing a search now.

It's only 24 issues, it can't be that unbearable, r-right?

This was probably the worst for me in the storytime of pain. I don't know how I made it to the end

Come on, it wasn't that bad. The plot revolves around naked zombie girls from outer space and badly handled gender issues, you can't expect it will be a masterpiece. I also enjoy how literally all characters are complete and utter idiots.
Alright, found it. Thanks /co. Let's check out the beginning before I go to bed...

Are there plenty of tits and ass, and is there much edge (like rape scenes)? Because that's all I care about in this case.

Don't make them think you're OP. I don't like that shit.

>I also enjoy how literally all characters are complete and utter idiots

Are you dumb? \Why would you think we would think you replied to the same post twice? Do you know you can tell when someone else enters the thread?

Okay, actually this is pretty fucking cringe. My god. I hope people start getting eaten a lot.

>Are you dumb?
Yes. Also tired.

most of the characters you end you don't like now will get worse user. This is one of those pause because you're mad stories
>also tired
get some rest user, you'll need all your strenght for this one

Actually, I take this back. The art is atrocious. I may be a deviant, but I'm a deviant who likes his professional art to not look like wikihow images.

>cop has her dead to rights with her back turned while she's pointing a gun
>doesn't shoot her

>get some rest user
I told myself I'd get some writing done today. J-just a little further...

Yeah halfway through the second issue that I read I realized the art was shit. But at least the naked ladies look alright.

>shooting children


It's very difficult to write character dialog for characters that are smarter than you.

I don't know, main dude doesn't seem very smart.

He is implying the writer is retarded. I don't think he is. I think he decided to make all characters retarded on purpose to prove a point about gender topics: Everyone involved is fucking stupid. Maybe I'm giving the author too much credit.

No I got what he was saying. The author(s) definitely think they're smarter than they really are, that much is apparent as I'm reading.

>but it feels like it's two dude bros trying to do

Nah, the creators are very much poster boys for the nu-male stereotype.

Well, I'm done for now.