Quintel get his twitter hacked

Quintel get hacked by two guys and the hackers said things like this.

And anyone should care because......?

Because all muslim are terrorist baka.

Quintel himself didn't write this? prove it

Why he should?

What about the ones who are too old, too young, or otherwise physically incapable of being one?

You're never to old to blow up.

They're all just terrorists in training. When they say they don't support the terrorists they're just lying to cover up. All the human shields ISIS are using are actually plants to deceive friendly US soldiers. Those Iraqi forces fighting them off? Classically trained stage actors.

Annnd Quintel will get arrested for stuff he did not say. imagined if your facebook account gets hacked and someone post child porn and put your account claiming loyalty to ISIS and Al-Qaeda. You can say good bye to your reputation no matter how hard you plead you didnt say or posted any of those.


Have you seen Sean Connery lately? If he tried to suicide bomb someone lately it'd just result in a cloud of whiskey mist

>No, no, sorry Ahemed, can you come in and shoot me again? I'm still working on my motivation for this scene.

Well he just deleted it


> damage controlling: the thread
Literally no one cares.

> shit post: the post

>Breitbart wrote an article about a Muslim family that supported the #FreeMilo movement
>they even etched the hashtag on one of their statues in front of their mosque
>even though they don't agree with Milo's anti-Islam sentiment, they agree with the fact that he has the right to say it

You can't win with these people.

I hate Sup Forums at the weekend

saved for future use. thanks OP

>Iraqi military
>not running away
You almost had me.

>Sup Forums: Twitter bullshit

This needs to be a permabannable offense. Sick of this fucking nonsense.

Literally fucking WHO?

Explain to me how this is a bad thing. I can't think of a single party that wouldn't be improved by this.

It's obviously just a ploy to make them look tolerant though.

I always worry about getting hacked. That's why I refuse to use any online social networking sites.

this hacker is trying to hard

don't care about your fucking e-celebs.
fuck off.

The creator of Regular Show you fucking mongoloid.

They've been doing very well over the past year alongside US support, they've already liberated many significant cities and towns held hostage by ISIS. I don't know why it doesn't get more media attention honestly.

> Hacked
> Hackers don't post nude pics of the hacked

These hackers suck.

>Those Iraqi forces fighting them off? Classically trained stage actors.