Carol Danvers Movie

>Why Marvel Will Change Captain Marvel’s Origin Story in the Brie Larson Film

>Guardians of the Galaxy scribe and Captain Marvel co-writer Nicole Perlman said on a podcast Tuesday that Carol Danvers (a.k.a. Captain Marvel) will get a new origin story. Perlman explained that Marvel wanted to differentiate Captain Marvel’s backstory from that of DC Comics’ Green Lantern. (The two tales share some similarities.) Perlman said the changes would make the movie—the 21st in the Marvel Cinematic Universe—more cohesive with the other Marvel films.

>“If you were just going to do a straight adaptation of the comics, her origin story is very similar to Green Lantern. And obviously, that’s not what we want to do. There’s a lot of reinvention that needs to happen,” she said on Any Time With Vin Forte. “We have to be aware of what’s happened in other Marvel film and makes sure that her particular storyline is unique and fun and also fits in within this world that’s going on at the same time.”

>In the comics, Carol Danvers gets her powers when a machine created by the alien race called Kree—the same race Ronan the Accuser belongs to in Guardians of the Galaxy—explodes. During the disaster, the alien powers of a Kree hero who calls himself Captain Marvel (his real name is Mar-Vell) transfer to Carol, at which point she becomes a superhero in her own right. She first takes the name Ms. Marvel but later adopts Mar-Vell’s old title, Captain Marvel. She becomes a part of the Avengers team and also aids the Guardians of the Galaxy.


Why are they bothering to make a Carol movie if they know she's terrible? Why can't Marvel stay true to the comics instead of making shit up?

hey at least the movie version may be better than the comics version and they'll have no choice but to change the comics version into something better

If Marvel were truly superior then they'd keep the origin without fear of being too similar.

Bendis will come up with the new story.

Infinity Stone, obviously. Almost everyone is powered by them in the MCU.

She will probably be a pilot or Ross rep in Infinity War.

I would like to see Rick Jones and Glenn Talbot.

So far only Vision is.

nearly everything from the comics concerning Carol is a complete mess of inconsistency, bad writing, creative teams getting rid of things people actually -liked- about the character for no apparent reason, or some ugly combination of all three. so i guess she really IS Marvel's answer to Wonder Woman...

I lol'd

Carol getting her own time-displaced younger self as a sidekick when?

Does anybody like this bitch?

Don't know why people care about the changes in the first place, it's not Carol anyway, she died in AvX.

Now it's just the mess KSD created, that everyone decided to build upon, move on.

It'll be a military movie.

How are origins similar other then they were pilots

quicksilver and wanda were enhanced by experiments from the mind stone, weren't they?

You are completely right.

The Carol Corps, mostly.

We don't know why they survived, though.

Can't be pure luck.

test pilots that got super powers from an alien device and took the name of their predecessor

I'mma just assume they mean the part where she blunders her way into her powers instead of taking them on willingly and that Marv and Rogg and the Kree will all still be involved.

>They're sidelining Mar-Vell
>For Frumpy Carol
i mad

I made that thread.
I feel the sadder for it.

What I think is likely:

> She'll be millitary, a pilot and perhaps also be used by Ross to usurp Tony.

>Pro-Accords as fuck. Hates Team Cap with a passion.

> Has a fractious friendship with Tony.

And might I just say default referring to female characters as bitch is very problematic.

>hurr durr character sucks
they are changing the character so it doesn't suck, because they want to hit a new demographic and they have no better setup
>hurr durr why are they changing her

She died in The Enemy Within.
Then got resuscitated by Ewing & the ANAD writers anyway.


But she'll end up with Falcon instead of War Machine (because the latter is old in the MCU).

Not because he's black, because they are all in the air force.

How're the 70s treating ya'?

Every time people mention a "Captain Marvel movie" I think they're talking about Shazam. I wonder if that'll cause troubles.

inhumie genes. bookmark me.

I thought Captain Marvel was a guy???

Nobody really knows either.

They ARE coming within a month or two of each other, so we'll get a lot of memes and shitposting around it, but the average cunt won't know.

Just remember: the one with the lightning is Ms. Marvel


Marvel desperately wants a new RDJ Iron Man hit, so it makes sense to redo Captain Marvel again.

Captain Marvel's origin story is a bit convoluted and boring, so I'm fine with them changing it.

>Not because he's black
Suuuuuuuuure, user.

Strange is the Iron Man replacement

>If Marvel were truly superior then they'd keep the origin without fear of being too similar.
What, like Wonder Woman's movie? lol


Well, either that or The Other planned it all along.


But Strange is not an Avenger.

Not that I expect anons to agree, but I think the more we embrace the idea that the MCU is going to treat Carol as an OC Donut Steel character that will be completely divorced from her history in comics, the happier we are likely to be with the result.

Just like with Tony Stark and Peter Quill, and that shit fed back into the comics.

>Why are they bothering to make a Carol movie if they know she's terrible?

Muh Tumblr hero.

>Why can't Marvel stay true to the comics instead of making shit up?

Not everything that works in comics works on screen.

The alternative is to make them shitty like the comics?

Shitty writers will write shitty stories everytime. The movie side is the competent one for the most part, and shouldn't be pussy-footing just because of Bendis.

James Gunn in particular seems to have a special interest in throwing wrenches in his plans.

It took her like 40 years

This. The MCU does not destroy its characters for "shock" sensationalism.

MCU: We're going to make a Captain Marvel movie

Sup Forums: Why? She sucks and is boring and doesn't have any good stories

MCU: We're going to change Carol's backstory to be more original and better for the movie, like we have with plenty of other characters.

Sup Forums: What omg why?!??!?!

No, it just toned them down for normies to like it and fuck over their comic base.

>MCU adaptations

Sup Forums spotted.

It's just a sign that reassures Sup Forums's first point.
If the character is such garbage that you have to rebuild it from the ground up, then it would be off being scrapped.

I would totally okay with them acting like nothing Carol ever did in the comics happened (except for like, Binary being a thing).
But come hell or high water I want the Captain Marvel movie to double down on being a Captain fucking Marvel movie. Use material by Starlin and PAD and DnA to fill in the gaps for the love of God PLEASE.

they've rebooted her five times in comics in the past five years

Honestly as long as she crusades against xenos scum, I'll be more or less satisfied.


So, sort of like TJ Laser with tits.

The writer did the same thing with GotG, which made a rather lackluster property into one of the most widely enjoyed. The rewriting of the characters was a good move, and it worked.

If a character has a really popular and well known backstory that the public expects, like Spider-Man or Batman, of course it's stupid to change it. But Captain Marvel is a literally who to the general public, but she's not a bad concept to work with. If they can take her potential and make it into a non-shit story, then why not?


>In space.

This pisses me off so much.

>which made a rather lackluster property into one of the most widely enjoyed
only for mcu normies.

>KSD, Agent Carter in Space and Civil War II
Wow such literally giants to overcome I don't think they can pull it off guiz

>Carol Danvers Movie
You could have just stopped there.
Just kidding, Carol is my murderfu and I hope they manage to somehow do her justice.

I... suppose that works.

not all of those were reboots.

damn right. Purge them with fire.

I'm hoping they keep her darker edge. The bland no-flaws version that KSD tried to make was terrible. Bring us the angry, alcoholic, reckless, sarcastic, violent lesbian in denial we need.

>TJ Laser with tits.
>with tits
Nah, that's against marvel's present day rules.

It's like you never heard of the sun

Marvel just published a thing calling MarVell fans sexist

If she sucks, why make a movie about her?

MCU normies are a legitimate, way more profitable and numerous fanbase than the comic fanbase. They'd be stupid not to make the movies appealing to a larger group of people.

The point is, everyone can agree that Carol needs a reworking. People on here constantly bitch about how much they hate her. If the movies make her different and more likable to a wider audience, nothing of value is lost whatsoever.

It'll be fine.

Captain Marvel is going to be a colorful, fun space movie and Shazam will be yet another edgy black and white killfest.

fire in space pisses you off, but a woman flying in space with no life support or means of propulsion doesn't?

at least be consistent about your autism

While it is true that fire burns differently in space, you do understand that stars are just giant balls of fire in space, don't you?

Considering how powerful Carol is would you begrudge her fiery hair in light of her ability to defy physics already?

I never knew they adapted those books. Also

>Hellcat reaction image.

Drink bleach.

Why would I do that when I could be here annoying you? :^3

That's what people said would happen with Nu52 Billy, then next thing we know, he saves Christmas.

That's what you took from that page? Seriously?
Christ you people are paranoid.

New business demographic, interesting concept and a new kind of powerset to explore and play with. Marvel still hasn't put a full on flying brick to screen.

>inb4 you rebut only one of these

>Bring us the angry, alcoholic, reckless, sarcastic, violent lesbian in denial we need.
>from nuMarvel

Literal nuclear fire is wholly different from combustion.

But Carol is the biggest Mar-Vell fan there is. Because he genocided these alien dudes just like she wanted to.

Because branding and availability.

>If you like Mar-Vell more than Carol you're a sexist.
>If you don't like our new characters you're a sexist and probably racist.
>If you prefer Miss instead of Ms. you're somehow sexist.

Notice how Kamalah gets a look of disgust the moment Mar-Vell shows up.

I should clarify, I'm not the autist who is bothered by Carol's flaming hair, but pls.

The current comics already have most of that down, you realize.
Alcoholic shouldn't even be on the list. It was one story arc.

what did you think of the rest of that story's plot?

And her Binary powers are star-based, so what's the problem?

It's funny they say that when Dr. Strange and Iron Man have a similar origins as well.

And do you not think that, aside from artistic flair, her Binary powers couldn't provide her with such fire?

What is the point of being upset about a fictitious character's powers and abilities when even at their bare minimum already shatter the laws of physics?

They were bland except for that last fan fiction she read about the guy who saved her, that one was legitimately funny.

less bitching, more Carol killing things

>Why does Marvel Studios want to make their literal-who character Captain Marvel super popular
>Why would they want to link the words "Captain Marvel" a blonde girl to fuck with DC who now has to write a movie about their own character without being able to refer to him by name.

You realize that if this is the impression you got you probably are, right?
The fuck do you even know or care about Mar-vell other than "he's not the girl, so he's better"? Waid's a genuine Marvfag, fuck outta here fame.


I still don't see what they can do with a Carol film. I mean, I can't think of a single memorable villain or story they can adapt for a feature film. And for god's sakes, they better not make Kamala a side character. I love Kamala, but making her a second banana to Carol is just wrong.

>almost a decade of Marvel constantly pushing SJW shit
>Whor using Absorbing Man as a snowman for evil meninists who don't support stronk womens
>"No but this time it's not serious"




one of those 2 is a comedy book

While that's true, I'm not sure that pure spite is a good reason to make a movie.

A movie that has to introduce an entirely other hero just to explain how this hero came to be, I can understand it. The Green Lantern thing is a bullshit excuse. And that a writer couldn't write a better excuse than that worries me more than anything. It's really what they should have said. It's too much of what is ultimately pointless background when the person we're doing a movie about is Carol Danvers and not Mar Vell. It seems pretty simple and straight forward to me at least. The only reason you say the origin is similar to the Green Lantern is because what you were writing was similar to the Green Lantern and it seemed like a bad idea to continue on that route (because yea, it is). But just admit that.

Name one memorable villain from the MCU