Post an image of your favorite DC character

Post an image of your favorite DC character.

Then post an image of your favorite Marvel character.




My favorite DC character

And my favorite Marvel character

Yes, I'm uncreative with DC...

But when was the last time we had a thread about Adam Warlock, outside MCU theories?

My favorite DC.

Wish she had a current ongoing.

You like broken Superman?

fuk u OP i do what what i want.

these could change like daily from a roster of 5ish characters from both big 2

i think some user was thinking about a long form 70s Starlin storytime



are you me? those are my exact pics
great taste user

You know, I'm not really too up on Spectre but I did see him in the group of "forgotten/canceled" characters in Animal Man via psycho pirate

Was that just a super shit time for his character or what

>i think some user was thinking about a long form 70s Starlin storytime

I think that may have been me.


And Marvel



Green Lantern's my favorite DC hero too, so I'll just post Marvel.





No need for two posts.

Don't like marvel comics, desu
