Meanwhile, in Bizzaro Sup Forums

Meanwhile, in Bizzaro Sup Forums

I'm Bizarro Stormy.

Joker, I need you to have consensual sex with Batman.

The bronies were our best creation

I'm Reverse Bizarro Stormy

You am small guy.

For me.

that whole fucking episode was great

what's your favorite mecha anime?

Sausage Party was a masterpiece. Seth Rogan is a genius. I look forward to more adult animation being DUDE WEED comedies.

Nextwave is ok I geuss

I enjoy comics and cartoons.

Bizzendis has made yet another wonderful story!
It is the stories of superheroing we all expected and Bizzaro Sup Forums is once again singing his praises.
Me am so sad! Me LOL.
Thank Dog that there am such a mediocre and unambitious writer working for Bizzaro Marvel, me am so happy to remember those past stories of him that were all universally hated, oh, how the meak have risen!
All of Bizzaro Sup Forums wishes for the future of horrible Bizzendis writing to return!
Him game needs to get him back!

Of course do you!
All of Bizzaro Sup Forums reads comics!
That what make us opinions so informed!

This saddens me

Rebirth is pretty good overall, and not a nostalgic wankfest in any way.

Boy I sure do love legend of korra

I can't believe My Gym Partner's a Monkey has been going on for 16 seasons now.

Yeah, shame those Steven Universe and Adventure Time shows didn't go anywhere. I'm sure it would've been great to see how deep that world would've gone

I can't believe how much screentime Katana got, Suicide squad? more like the Katana show and friends, her backstory was masterfully explained and really well put on film, i would have liked less boomerang and croc but it was a really good well edited movie.

I really don't want to fuck bizzarogirl

You so unlucky! Becasue no like Supergirl, Bizzarogirl wouldn't touch you with her ten-foot pole.

Sup Forums is always right

Please, it was more like the slipknot show... Can't wait for the slipknot cinematic universe

Me am read and enjoy comic books.

Cyclops was wrong.