Art thread

Art thread

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I have to say that makes Mega-City One looks like a halfway decent place to live instead of a horrible mishmash of chaos that a lot of issues make it look like.














please stop posting this in literally every thread.
yes, it's cute. we've all seen how cute it is.
you can stop now.




I want a high quality print of this!


Artist is David Yardin...

Who draws best female butts?

Thank you.







The art in that whole arc is great.










What is it with Frank and being drawn with Star Wars blasters?

this is right before she starts twisting their heads

Where do you even begin with this image? There's so many things that just make it awesome but also leave you questioning what you're seeing.

God damn do I hope 3A or Mezco makes an Anderson and Hershey. Fuck! How can I be satisfied with just Dredd and the Dark Judges?



I don't know who this is supposed to be, but I like her.






