Anyone else hope he gets to play Batman one day? He's a pretty good actor for a kid

Anyone else hope he gets to play Batman one day? He's a pretty good actor for a kid.

he deserves better than Gotham

It just a litlle kid, give a break.

Haley Joel Osment is my go-to here, he was a great actor (for a kid, as you put it).

He'll probably end up like Helen Slater, Dean Cain and so forth, guesting, or cameoing as Dick Grayson dad or something in Batman's 2037.

hes a jew

look at that nose growing

I hope once the story progresses enough, and he is of age they do a feature length special (or few) with him as Batman.

I'd say that's the aim. He'll don the costume at, say, Season 6?

He'll be 18 at that point irl, so probably.

At least the ski-masked vigilante

Or, actually, have him leave the show for a couple seasons.

Why? Gotham is the best cape show ever made.

They said he's putting on the costume as the last scene of the show, like Smallville.

He is jewish, decent actor, but the more he grows the more he will look jewish. He doesnt have the frame, they need to timejump 3 years and keep selina


He's going to leave pretty soon right? Will Season 3 be his last season? That is if they keep the story of Bruce leaving Gotham for like 5-10 years.

you know how michael cera grew up to be a really awkward-looking freak?

I get the feeling this guy is going to have the same problem

No. Hopefully they ditch Miller's ninja fetish shit too.

It makes zero sense for a guy obsessed with protecting a city to leave it for over a decade.

They could very well do a time-jump like what Desperate Housewives did, ie: 5 years forward.

It fits with the whole "pilgrimage to learn from the best in the world" theme. Then again, Bruce Wayne is rich af; Alfred could arrange for top-notch teachers and trainers to come to Gotham and swear to secrecy on training him.

Most of the people Bruce trained with didn't give a shit about money. Besides being out of his element and alone was a huge part of his training in and of itself.

>Most of the people Bruce trained with
Who are those people?

Only at the very end.

>being out of his element and alone
This can be accomplished in Gotham. Bruce Wayne's parents get killed when he's very young. If he lives secluded and training himself up to adulthood, no one really would remember his face. There's not much paparazzi money in stalking traumatized little kids, he'd just fade out of the public eye and could check the criminal underworld at ease.

What exactly are you saying? Are you trying to argue that Bruce should have stayed in Gotham his entire life and never sought out people to train with?

Google is your friend, I'm not going to label every fucking person he's trained under for you. Better yet go read his comics, LotDK for starters.

Only if he grows to be at least 6'4.

We can never go back to Batmanalets after Ben.

Not exactly. I'm saying he should've stayed in Gotham all his life and secretly bring in people to train him. Perhaps with them not even knowing who they're training, and leaving with a memory of spending time with some kid who was mighty driven and talented, years later.

Damn Ben is like that new Godzilla compared to the rest.

Batlets, will they ever learn?

Didn't realize Keaton was so short.

He's still the best Batman of them all.

they should have aged all of the kids cast not just ivy.

>new season has him embrace his "playboy" side as a disguise

Truly, the best Bruce Wayne.

They only aged Ivy because they wanted to rush to sex appeal.

yeah but they could have aged the kids had sexy ivy and sexy selina (and sexy bruce if you're into that) and had the ball rolling with the batman origin/training.

What the hell? I weigh 70kg and I've got a fair amount of muscle on me but my eyes would be situated mouth-level with Keaton and Clooney. Did they forego bulking up for the role?

There is literally nothing wrong with Selina.

Also, replacing Bruce would've been more noticeable than Ivy. Ivy didn't show up that much enough to make an impression.

Gordon is batman in this universe. Bank on it.

I think they'll do a loose take on Year One for the last season, with the final scene being the "I shall become a bat" bit

Well they already did BatGordon in DCYou and kid Bruce was Robin in the Silver Age or so

is he legal?
I need to know.

>they go to a warehouse to train an unknown customer
>some kid in a balaclava
>best fuckin trainee they ever had
>years later they realize they were probably training batman

im expecting some sort of superheavy adaption in season four.

I fucking love Gotham, but that is definitely not true.