New Warriors Vol 2 (Part 1)

Sorry I've been away for a few days Anons! Let's jump right into this series.

I swear, it's important to Danny later.

Oh good lord those redesigns.

Long story short Anons, have a math equation.

Heat Wave + Delivery Job - Heat Resistance - Air Conditioning = Heat stroke.

The Fall can't come soon enough

If you've read Spencer's Captain Falcon, you'd know this big guy, "Rage". He was an Avenger, but he got fired for lying about his age... and also for stealing a Quinjet.

And now the cliffnotes for the first New Warriors series.

>"So does anyone have any questions?"
>"Did Namorita's bikini ever fall off in battle?"

This kid is asking the real questions.

It's the 90's all right.

I really liked the Vance in court arc.

And speaking of Nita, here she is. A lot has happened since that Byrne series.

And check it out, the pre-Annihilation Dick Rider.

So, thoughts on Turbo's new costume? Her old headpiece was a bit laughable to me.

If you've ever read Incredible Hercules, you may vaguely remember this guy...

And this guy... yeah, I've got no damn clue.

I'm a big dude, so I'm built for cold. Heat though, may as well kill me.

Another character who is more well known for something he was in decades later.

It was better than I was expecting, despite the whole premise being based on Marvel Civilians being fucking retarded.



I play a lot of Persona, so I may mis-spell it as "Aigis", just saying that up front.

So yeah, Justice and Firestar are Avengers around this time, and Speedball got a really dumb costume.

Serious question. I try not to talk about Sup Forums, but I want to know. Who the fuck owns the rights to Firestar? She's a mutant who's recent appearances were in X-Men, but she first appeared in Spider-Man's Amazing Friends, but her major appearances have been in the New Warriors franchise.

Don't fuck around with super-science portals, you twit.

Ah, Blastaar. The only character who's a bigger jobber than Galactus.

god blastaar sucks

Remember, despite being built like a brick shithouse, Rage was just a kid.
I can only assume Spencer aged him up,.

>running leap into leg-lock while clinging onto him

Fucking hell, get a vibrator lady. It can't be good to be that wound up?

It's unseasonably cold where I live, and we're not even getting any rain out of it.

Remind me again, what was the Legacy Virus? I'm vaguely remembering "only targets mutants, messes up their control of their powers, and eventually kills them," but that's about it.

Remember Anons, the Power Pack are actually in the 616 Marvel universe outside the Gurihiru minis.
They're all older teens if not adults by now.

When she wants the D she gets the D.

>"I swear, if my folks don't lay off me about finding a boyfriend..."

In case you can't tell from this one line of dialogue, she's Asian.

Rage's best outfit was probably his original where he looked like a biker luchador.

Hey hey. Welcome back.

>not blue anymore

>"You see that? That's one of them X-Men, I think."

Can you think of a line that would appear in a modern comic even less than this?

Didn't Night Thrasher adopt him, too?
Like he adopted Microbe, who will never come up again because he was only in TV Warriors and "Whoops, killed by Nitro"

Okay user, pop quiz. Can you name every character on this page?

It was goofy, but I though Turbo was kind of intentionally goofy.

>"Boy, I sure do love being married to Mary-Jane"

Conveniently dumped in a free issue zero distributed in a copy of Wizard.

In a few days, when nobody remembers this storytime, post a topic and see which Nita Sup Forums likes best.

Mutant AIDS.

Dick, she didn't change costumes, she's just wearing different clothes. If fishnets were more fashionable, I could see someone wear this outside.

Well, not NOW, because it's hot as the fires of hell, but you know what I mean.

>Justice and Firestar.
>They're Avengers now

And they'll never be again. Which blows.
Like, even when Vance got that long run in Avengers The Initiative just ended with him disappearing into limbo.

Yeah, Nova's had some shitty costumes in the past...

Whenever I look at old Boomerang I have to wonder if he clattered when he walked.

New one is better, easily.
Old one probably looked better on the guy who originally wore it, back in Rom.

I can't imagine it's easy to cling like that. She must've had practice. Can you imagine the embarrassment when she tries that and falls? Or maybe falling, when her face is level with his junk is part of her plan.

Good to be back. Luckily I was able to keep my phone with me before I got out, so I was able to keep reading through my backlog.

Which...kind of misses the point.

The role of "team jobber" is shared between Nova and Nita. Usually Nove though.

Yet Franklin is still in elementary.

Like I said, they both share the title.

To be fair, Nova does end up making him shit his pants much, much later

This is what happens when you ruin a perfectly good costume, Rich.

I honestly haven't read any of the Volume 1 New Warriors outside of what JSAnon storytimed, so maybe?

I wonder if they're gonna bring up the fact that he can change his outfit to whatever he's thinking when he's back.

Aegis was a neat idea that sadly got underdeveloped because this series didn't last very long. Killing him off to push Cho as Athena's champion was probably a mistake.

Chris was a supporting character from Maverick's mid-90s solo book. Maverick managed to have a solo book in the 90s that lasted a little over a year and launched around the end of Onslaught.

He was a mutant with zappy electrical powers and the Legacy Virus who bonded with Maverick, who also had the Legacy Virus.
He went on to become the new Maverick in Frank Tieri's Weapon X series, after Maverick turned into Agent Zero. He died after infiltrating Gene Nation and getting shot by Maverick-as-Agent Zero.

Frank Tieri's Weapon X was not good.

Better than that one with the random spiked shoulderpads, at least.

This was before Austen decided that they couldn't get normal AIDS, right? WHY did he do that again? I only vaguely remember mutant prostitutes as a reason, although I may be thinking of something else.

Justice's Avengers costume was great, but Firestar's Perez redesign wasn't nearly as good as her early 90s Spandex and Jacket look.

Why is Spandex and Jacket always the best look?

Here's the breakdown, now Fox owns Mutants to the point that any and all of them can appear in. New Warriors as everyone forgets actually is a Spider-man title, it was edited for years by that editor group and actually was very clearly part of that line during the clone saga. She might actually be own by Fox and Sony at the same time. It's a Quicksilver situation.

After Iniative, he ended up joining with Pym in Avengers Academy, remember? Then he left THAT to join Yost's New Warriors.

I was on a Speedball kick for a while.

>WHY did he do that again?
Austen hates condoms. In the letter column of his old porn comic he went off on a rant about how he'd never have condoms in his comic.

>Who the fuck owns the rights to Firestar?

Probably Fox? I mean, Yeah, Spidey and his Amazing Friends, but the other Amazing Friend was Iceman.

Just like a mutant. First sign of showing some power, and then all "I can't control it" and "Dark Phoenix Rises!"

That raises even more questions! How often would that come up? Why would he even draw attention to it?

>Why is Spandex and Jacket always the best look?

Jackets are like capes that you can wear casually. And you need SOMETHING to break up the color.

>New Warriors as everyone forgets actually is a Spider-man title

I genuinely did not know that. So does that mean they probably own Justice, even though he's been more associated with the Avengers since (and is sort of a Guardian of the Galaxy).

That was basically it. It was basically an AIDS analogy, but instead of "dying to a headcold" it instead had MS style body degeneration leading to death.
It was not sexually transmitted.
Colossus cured it by becoming an hero, then Joss had the dumbest aliens in the Marvel Universe bring him back to life.

Wow, I didn't notice last time, Nita got one hell of a shiner.

Austen seemed to have confused soap operas with trashy reality shows and kept putting tasteless sex stuff in his run. It's not like it's unusual for X-Men writers to insert their fetishes in the comic, but Claremont at his worst was way more tasteful.

>"We could just kill him."
>beat panel
>"Lecture on why killing is bad."

In case you ever wanted to know what it would be like for the Punisher to join the Avengers, imagine this every issue, except he ends up shooting them anyway.

Yes. Although the only ones not individually named are actually the Slingers- Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, and Spider-Man.

It's not like stops Nova later anyways.
He tore a dude inside out and then threatened to do that Blastarr, the guy he's saying they shouldn't kill.

I dunno, I kind of like Joss's run because two bits. That bit where Cyclops tricks the aliens into bringing him into their main base and then makes a massive optic blast through the ceiling.
The other bit was that that giant bullet was literally the closest we've ever gotten to killing off Kitty Pryde, I feel like she's one of the few X-Men to never die.

This actually wouldn't be that bad with a better helmet.

>Claremont at his worst was way more tasteful.

And given that he once had all of the X-Men basically get forced into babyplay.

Is that what it's called? The shit with the robot nanny?

The team jobber is always the nearest available team powerhouse.

Hey, it was a war. Rules are different then.
Remember, nobody gave Carol Danvers any hassle for murdering all those Skrulls.

Wait, Blastaar can't escape orbit under his own power?


Your newest reaction image, ladies and gentlemen.

Forgot the image again.


Yeah, that's definitely a 90's villain.



Notice how Nova's hair keeps changing colors.


Why does their uniform draw your eye to the junk?

Pretty much, yes.

'Nita, honey, you're supposed to be smarter than this.

Lady, how about you deal with Sinister or the Jackal first. You know, people who actively MAKE clones?

To remind you where good genes come from.

This whole "if a supervillain is caught by a cape, they can get out easily, legally" sounds like horseshit.

Yes, you read that right.

I got halfway through making a joke about Cyclops, before reading that he's specifically mentioning HEAT beams.

Yeah, Nita's got an acid touch now.

