Endtown aug-15-2016


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It's Wally from the future.

...or just Marx

Looks like a Smooth Criminal.


Wasn't he going through a door?

I bet it's Rohan Kishibe, look at the hair

implying it wasn't kira trying to set back time for real being that someone found out his second persona was Marx all along

>It's Wally from the future.
What a bizarre idea.

Gotta say, this feels like a tease page based entirely around the reaction to Marx among part of the fanbase. Like, if Aaron didn't know that a large proportion of the audience detests the character, this page would be very different.

That said, I'm betting this is actually going to be someone who walks straight past Wally - some new character in the ditto sim, and some new source of memories that related to what's going on, both in general and with those smoke columns. Whether they're interactive or not, well...

Huh, that would be exiting actually.
If there's a possibility that Sanders got blasted to kingdom come all the way to Hillside,
I could imagine him taking his piss out on Wally in the next strip.

Still tough, can't wait for the day Wally finally escapes the Matrix.



I remember saying that it might be Sparkplug controlling this whole thing way back. There's definitely parallels, what with the whole ditto-torture-by-reliving-memories thing. I suspected back then they were actually trying to tell him something about himself, trying to make him view the past from a different angle - if he figured that out, he might now be wandering the wastes inflicting the same "treatment" on other people with a swam of gleefully-vicious ditto "assistants".

As for the "Didn't he die?" thing... well, he fell onto/into a living substance that has recently been shown capable of both bearing human-scale weights and transporting them swiftly, and we never saw a dead body...

I hope it's Flask. I want her back.

It's Reverse Wally

It was me Wally! It was always me!

The bombs just literally dropped.
There is zero chance anyone served ground zero of the blasts even in an biosuit. It is Marx.

Looks like Kirbee, without a tail. Or Sparkplug.

I'm gonna go with this guy and bet Sparkplug. He """"died"""" off screen!

It's gotta be Bigfoot.

Or maybe their not in the illusion anymore.

I too am hoping for Sparkplug.
Don't mind an entirely new character tough.

This whole Sparkplug talk got me thinking.
Would it be likely that Apex would have conducted espionage back when Sam was working for McCallaham Electronics?
His pet project would be invaluable, and I don't believe they wouldn't have known about it.

The reveal or some cosmic truth will probably be given on Friday, knowing how the comic is structured.


>Growlithe used dig!
>But it missed!

That thing in the back is clearly Machoke.

It could be someone the illusion.

Wally covered in ashes. Oh the possibility for MGSV references.

>Made your point

What point, Hillside sucked and everyone died?

"Ive had enough, just dump it all in the ocean!"


I have a strange feeling it's our favorite guy in the whole wide multiverse
Now watch it be Sparkplug, because he hasn't suffered enough

Whoever it is appears to have a bandolere on, like an Apex soldier

Its going to be human Wally

Wally appeard as Lyn, and was scowling at himself.

Only Wally received this. Maybe he was angry at himself. Maybe Marx was right, and across all the dimensions there is a version of Wally who can do this. We already know mutant Wally is good enough that he can make solid objects out of Dittos.

turtle girl turning to dust in his arms represents the fact that every woman he comes into contact with dies or is horribly scarred

im stoned



I found my tablet again

draw him going nuclear

I'd love to, but breaks' over.
Maybe someone else might draw up something clever.

Biggest question now is though:

Who would be Quiet? Kirbee or Holly? Or maybe someone else? Really I just want somebody in stockings and a bikini.

all good!, that was a cool drawing, hope to see more stuff soon.

That is fucking hilarious

on it. But everyone is welcomed to join in of course

>Who would be Quiet?

Easy. That is Flask


>Who would be Quiet?


That question has already been answered here

that's the wrong answer, though...

No. Flask fits it perfectly.

>Implying Sarah doesn't
>Implying Kirbee doesn't
>Implying Roxie doesn't
>Implying Marx doesn't

If you are going to be a child, then dont post.

Nah, is right, Flask just doesn't match the figure of Quiet.

Gustine's the closest one, if it wasn't for the glasses she'd almost be a carbon copy.

I expected it, but NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN.

This nigga is salty as fuck.

Except you are wrong. Flask completely fits the story of Quiet. From her beginning to her end. Literally quiet

>talking black

Thought you were retarded. Now here is the proof



When Aaron writes himself into a corner, always bank on Marx!

getting sick of this shit.

>Calling people retarded
>Being completely unable of detecting sarcasm

I'm already on Aaron's wild ride for the long haul, so I'm just holding out hope that he'll somehow manage to make Marx at least a tolerable part of the story without making him as big or a bigger main character than Wally.
What if Holly and Wally's arc ended and the next arc focused entirely on Marx

>the next arc focused entirely on Marx


>It's not Marx Prime
>It's an actually interesting Marx that isn't "wacky and goofy" for the sake of "wacky and goofy"
>It's Farx


Go on...

Oh shit, now prepare your surprise face

I'm on my phone and most of the images are porn, so have my actual reaction.

Wally is supposing that he is doing this to prove a point. I believe that he is looking for something, maybe related to Wally he obviously made the gang divide for a reason

Here's mine, also nice dubs.

>I'm on my phone and most of the images are porn
That's acceptable too

furry porn.
Also I don't want to get b& today


>furry porn
>on your phone

It's more convenient than browsing the net when I just want a quick fap and not near the computer

"Why are we here? Just to suffer?"

double dubs tells the truth

CARPG gonna post that summary?

I don't blame her, I would jump too if I have to read an entire arc about Aaron "intelligent,nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor" Marx

And those trips confimed it

In an hour yo

I think you are taking conclusions to soon. please, let me believe even if is only for this moment that is not him, only a moment, I don't ask for more...

holly looks more cute when she's suffering and in pain.

Everyone looks cuter when in pain, even the guys despite the fact that you don't see them crying that much

i would have loved watching Jim crying on a corner instead of turning into a monster... that would have been so much worse.

>Marx's theme starts playing

Which one is it?

It ain't me

Something nihilistic, with a wicked sense of jazz fusion.



I don't know but it's probably played on a kazoo

I think I finally found Marx's theme

Or thin flutes piping mindlessly.

Pretty sure that's Azathoth's theme. Or... oh.

man i want to take care of all 4 of them... lay in bed and cuddle with them all night.

You can always hope that someone is autistic enough to create Endtown dakimakuras...I would buy one

> 5 hours pass


nigga, if a daki makes me autistic then so fucking be it... i've been wanting a Kirbee one for months.

I see these threads all the time. What the fuck is this comic? Is it any good?

>Order a Holly dakimakura
>It's not even as big as a regular bed pillow

It's basically a post apocalyptic comic in which a mutagenic virus that turns people into anthros, spreads over the world, triggering a nuclear world war.
The story follows a group of survivors that live in underground shelters, the biggest one being "Endtown".

It's good read and it will keep you hooked, it starts a bit slow and boring but picks up pretty fast, and like almost everything it has it's flaws, but overall is really damn good.

Perfect for travels! and you can even invent a excuse that is a gift for you counsin that likes cartoons!

>not displaying your power level proudly.