Guess who's back

Back again.

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>Gotham continues to exist

After seeing Juggaloker, I am happy to see this.

Just no

This actor pulls it off, as far as a traditional psycho maniac version of the Joker is concerned.

>Jerome is back
>Harley (or a version of her) will appear in the show
>Ivy actress would "love, love, love" to have Harley in the show (either as a partner in crime or girlfriend)

Yes, I'm ready

Good hopefully hes a season regular this time

>More Joker crap

Jokerfags are the worst. I hope he has one episode and gets his head split open.

Fuck yeah. He's a great kid.

>the best cape show is still on TV

Yeah I'm excited too. Hopefully the CW shows that aren't iZombie get good at some point.

Get a load of this edgy faggot

>the best cape show
Like a medal in the Special Olympics.

>I fucking hate superheroes!
>That's why I hang out on the superhero board!

what would we ever do without mental giants such as yourself

>Harley (or a version of her) will appear in the show
Stop this delusion.

Hopefully he gets his hood on this time

The EP said that

I love superheroes, I just think all TV shows based on them are awful. Good thing we have mental giants such as yourself to miss the point entirely.

This isn't a superhero board

why not just let Ivy go full lesbian with Barbara? I know its still wrong because Ivy is mentally a13 yo but its still better then letting her go full lesbian with underage Harley.

Who says Harley is going to be a kid?. This Harley could be teenager for all we know

>Having harley older than Batman

Does Ivy has even a character anymore besides being the random lesbian to thow in a ship?

Holly shit, who could guess that it would eventually ruin her.

The EP clearly says that this is going to be a version of Harley, like Jerome

Barbara no doubt.

Yeah, seeing at how the EP said that we have "already seen" Harley before, it's obvious that's her

So he's immortal now right? Or has got a healing factor? There's your explanation for Joker plot armor.

Not this ginger faggot again.
Every time this piece of shit appears Gotham gets worse.

Because Ivy is going after Bruce's dick this season.

I know they said they were going to be more like siblings this season, but that's mostly to silence SJWs.

Nice, I liked is hammed joker-lite.

When Jerome shows up again...he should be sane.

He should be normal. His ongoing B Plot is trying to get his life together and be normal. Going to school and being normal with only glimpses of something haunting him, hunting him in the mirror.

Not like how Eddie talked to himself...but Jerome should catch glimpses of something behind him in every reflection...something there and then not.

He is hunted, haunted, and he should find the only thing that keeps it back is he begins to dabble in improv and stand up.

He falls in love. Gets married to someone normal, until he has one bad day.

Jerome/Barbara/Poison Ivy. A love triangle for the ages.

That dudes like 5'11 if I recall

Making the Joker's "origin" be a criminal edgelord kind of misses the point.

One bad day.

Just like muh comics

That's only Moore's and The Batman's Joker. The original Red Hood origin, Batman: TAS, and Snyder all used criminals.