What comics should I read if I prefer THICK body styles?

What comics should I read if I prefer THICK body styles?

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Love & Rockets
R Crumb

Only Faggots choose what to read by what they like to jack off to.


no wonder they're the only happy people on earth

I don't know, books about fat chicks?

Wait a few years for your teenager hormones to calm down so you don't only judge something by its ability to turn your degenerate ass on.

Just read some fucking hentai and jerk off, m8

>capeshit books filled with traced pornstars and bodybuilders

You correct but forgot to show him.



Everything drawn by Frank Cho.


>Love & Rockets
basically anything by the hernandez brothers

and jem

haw haw haw

Emp is thick enough for me. Faith is the bad example because it crosses the line and represents obesity more than thick.

Have you tried A Force?

>I prefer THICK body styles?


On Sup Forums thick means fat.
Even if they have proportionally smaller tits, hips, and ass they're still thick because they literally have a wider circumference.

What if I just want to fap to thick cosplayers?

Then look up Thick Cosplayers.

I think at this point "THICC" is the proper nomenclature for "fatter than 'thick' but in a hot way so shut up."


>fatter than thick but in a hot way
But that's mostly just because they have a fat fetish, isn't it?


Probably, but there's still a big difference between "thick gal that didn't stop growing" and "sentient wad of gum," proportion-wise.

can i get some reccommed reading if i only like thinspo (90lbs or less) ??

Pretty much just pick up a comic book at random I guess.

Too much meat

>Thick means fat

I want this meme to end.

Read Steve Ditko Spider-Man but imagine Peter as a girl.

Do people who cosplay this know it was an incest doujin?

Yes, I agree pic related.

If I could describe thick more specifically to someone, it's when they have thick thighs, hips, breast, arms, etc right before it crosses the fat line. An easy place to notice the fat line is the belly. If they are starting to have a big gut, that isn't thick beauty anymore because what causes everthing to look THICK is when they have a smaller area of the body to cause that contrast. Faith, for example has a giant ass belly which makes all her thick traits pointless because they look thin in comparison to her balloon body.

The angles in that mirror look all wrong


Holy shit Sup Forums GO AWAY

Do any of the artists for MK comics draw Jade nice and thick? I love her brown skin, green costume, and thick ass combination.

it's drawing, not a mirror

>Thick= Narrow waist & Neck+ Fat Ass & Hips & Bust & Thighs
>Fat= Excess Fat Everywhere.



Dodson and Cho

Current Carol Danvers

Gotham Academy

I can only recommend killing yourself. The second you mention "thick", you'll be swarmed by landwhales who assume liking a little junk in the trunk is a pass for a semi-trailer full of butter.


Thick in general lost meaning a while back, it's now just a term for "any attractive woman that isn't a walking stick figure".

>Any Attractive woman
I WISH that was a requirement.

I'll fight for thick. We're running out of terms that haven't been co-opted by whales Curvy is gone, and chubby has gone from meaning a soft yet still shapely woman to a chewed up wad of human gum. A line must be drawn.

There's no fighting it user. You can't really own words, not in these times. They'll take it if they want, it can't physically be withheld from them.
All we can do is know what we mean in our heart of hearts.

>A line must be drawn.

Lines as you know them are too harsh. Lines shall now be soft, jiggly, and curved.

That's right---we've co-opted geometry!

Who is the thickest female superhero in the DC Universe?


Wonder Woman, Power Girl, Big Barda

Audible chuckle.

dunno user I just wanted to post thick and big booty.

No user. They're both the same thing. You're a chubby chaser because you have no standards

Define "THICK".

Design a superhero based around being THICC




A body type similar to the pic in op's post, I'd assume.

Cave Woman by Budd Root. It's also not a bad read.

Anyway, shorty thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.


The old guy sitting there makes that image 5x more funnier.

A suicide manual

small waist, large hips


>small waist, large hips
you forgot big tits

It used to be called Hourglass figure
then idiotic millennials started using nigger terms for things

Nah, hourglass and thick are two different things, but they both come from the same tree.

Bump, please.

>then idiotic millennials started using nigger terms for things

That literally had nothing to do with anything.
You just wanted to flex your Sup Forums



>That literally had nothing to do with anything.

Thicc is a term used by illiterate hood rats to describe the hourglass figure ( or DAT PHAT ASSS).Millennials picked it up
Idiots picked it up

This is thick.

Zombie Tramp vol. 3




>loves sports
>is fat
Kek. I'm all for fatties, but let's be realistic.

I'm not sure you're as familiar with sports fans as you think.

>It used to be called Hourglass figure

Some people that like hourglass figures are just talking about the typical supermodel body. THICK places a strong desire towards the thick thighs, hips, bust, etc. Some hourglass fans would complain that THICK is too much or think they would look better thinner.

>loves sports
>is fat

Same as you user.
>loves superheroes
>is shit

who is this?

But that makes sense.
I mean capeshit is RIGHT in the name.

Read the thread

love mariedoll
sucks she got out of the cosplay game

she was houston's fav

I did, it doesn't say

Oh that was a different thread, my bad.
Lot of thick threads going on these past few days.

What are other comics like A-Force with an all girl squad?

Also, are there any other characters like Singularity? That type of extreme naivety/newness to the world is so good.

Birds of Prey.

thanks m8

wait wait wait. why is she out of the cosplay game? i thought she still goes to cons.

that's my fetish.

saw her this past con. talked to her and she said she was burned out. the one before she hardly had any prints and was selling 'taco' shirts.

Then read love and rockets because about 20 issues in that's what Jaime's stories have in spades.

now that

thats a fucking body

>Thicc is a term used by illiterate hood rats to describe the hourglass figure

Except that's not where it came from at all, you moron.