Crossed Discussion

Hey Sup Forums

I saw you guys talking about Crossed maybe less than a week ago and out of sheer curiosity and HORSECOCK decided to pick it up and give it a shot.
I've read close to everything - I'm working on Wish You Were Here right now and I read 63 issues of Badlands (that's all that was in the torrent I found, how many more issues of Badlands are there?), Family Values, and Psycopath.

I mostly just want to know if we can all agree on a few things.
Firstly, this is my hands down favorite apocalypse comic I think it really destroys Walking Dead (and its colored too!?) - are there any comics that handle this simple "survivors in the apocalypse" concept better than Crossed? Or are there any that I should give a shot?
And secondly - I'm not stupid, the writing doesn't really get any better and there were SEVERAL stories in Badlands that I had to really push through. Can we all agree that the first 9 issues of the original run are the end all be all best that Crossed will ever be and everything else is just kind of disappointing in comparison? The image I posted in particular was what really got me into the comic - I had a physical reaction to the image and decided in that moment that I was going to binge read as much as I could.

Other urls found in this thread:


The pic you posted is and always will be the best next to WYWH.
However the walking dead is a normie tier survival show, while the crossed is more about the depths humans can lower too.
I liked most of it but too much leaves you a little wear for words.

>I've read close to everything

Seek professional help.

>I read 63 issues of Badlands (that's all that was in the torrent I found, how many more issues of Badlands are there?)

There's a total of 100.

Plus minis and one-shots, and that sort of crossover with Mercury Heat (which is still ongoing).

I literally told my girlfriend - I have to stop reading this because I'm genuinely having disturbing images in my head at work and driving home at night, I don't FEEL healthy having read all this shit.

But no I can't stop, Sup Forums YOU ARE MY PROFESSIONAL HELP!

That pic makes me horny.

Thanks so much - I'll definitely save that link!

Have you tried not being a pussy?

>I'm genuinely having disturbing images in my head at work and driving home at night, I don't FEEL healthy having read all this shit.

Maybe, stop then?

>Or are there any that I should give a shot?

I hear Warren Ellis's Black Gas is similar.

It's from the same company, and actually came out first.

So WYWH is good? I'm about 7 issues into the second volume - I definitely enjoy it more than most of Badlands but I was worried that it would kind of peter out later, which obviously is what a lot of the stories do even the first run.

Don't wanna be a party pooper here, but I've read the first twenty issues of Crossed. What I saw was pure, unadulterated action and massacre and chaos, which made me feel disgusted. Walking Dead is a different equation. It cleverly brings the concept of gunfire in a zombie apocalypse and toys with the concept of humanity and a normal person's decision making capabilities. I have had my fair share of Post Apocalyptic comics, but IMO, very few of these comic books surpass the authenticity and character development of Deadworld and The Walking Dead, and mind you, character development is what helped set Preacher up to see a major cult audience.

Walking dead is slower, but what it offers is tension and great character development, and it sets up the relationships between characters.

The Walking Dead isn't really the definitive post apocalyptic comic book if that's what you're looking for.

All I'm saying, is that comparing the two doesn't really make sense because both of them set out to achieve different objectives.

>I had a physical reaction to the image and decided in that moment that I was going to binge read as much as I could.
So you got an erection.

Hey come on gang, I'm reading cuz I love it, I'm just saying that it's the only comic I've read that has made me feel some kind of genuine anxiety about this apocalyptic scenario ya know?

>ripping the little girl apart, but raping the bitchy wife and and the guy
What a waste.


cut yourself edgelord. This comic is shit.

I'll look into Deadworld and Preacher. And to clarify, I am reading Walking Dead and I do enjoy it but I just really enjoyed Crossed... Like immediately.

Some of the "there is no moral" story lines can be kind of lame and I totally agree that there is less "character development" and more "everyone is shit" but yeah, it had a magic that immediately enraptured me.

Also, idea for a cover: someone with their back turned reading issues of Crossed and then laughing slowly having that laugh turn into the crossed laugh.

Please tell me why it's edgy.
I know there are definitely elements that are weak and god knows they get repurposed throughout the the rest of the issues - but why do you hate it?

>edgelords unironically enjoy things
>calm, reasonable people respond to disagreements with "cut yourself"
interesting system you've set up

At it's worst, Crossed is really just cheap gore porn, like the myriad of crappy movies that wanted some of that Hostel/Saw money.

But at it's best, when it's being helmed by Garth Ennis or Simon Spurrier or Alan Moore, it's a pretty fucking good post-apocalyptic survival story with some really good emotional punches.

Similar in the same way that zombie movies are similar. I didn't like Black Gas that much, but yeah I can see the comparison.

iirc, Ennis said he got the idea from a nightmare where he saw some relatives or loved ones grinning at him in a very malicious way

Garth can't write people for shit. Bromance and cool plots like The boys? Yes. But he likes to lose focus on the story to tell his stupid philosophy about "the world is fucked up and terrible" and make the main characters the ones who "know the real struggle man" and take stupid decisions only to reflect his ego.

But garth don't know what "the struggle",is he just looks like Shadman if he fused with Morrison. It's hard when the only characters you able to like are the sociopath sociologist and the fireman crossed.

I agree about the main characters not being like able unless there's something totally fucked about them, like Lorre, and that is a huge detriment to the audience. Like I said, a lot of the Badlands stories I had to really push myself to finish and it was usually only made worth it because of some of the cool Crossed fuckers that might have been featured towards the end.

Oh shit son, you in trouble now
