One race : the human race

>one race : the human race

ayyyyyyyyyyy lmao

Other urls found in this thread:

>le 0% face


>what is umbrella term

you're a moron

>wolf tribe look different than bear tribe
>grug think wolf tribe not same animal as grug

to them, wh*Teoids could look like they look like to you.


Wow, inspiring. We should just stop and listen to their stories and the and share stories with each other and exchange stories so that we can grow as one together forward for our children and children's children united so that we can close the gap by sharing experiences and stories.

(this is literally how people argue on their behalf, and they wonder why the poor legislator can't write anything down)


>beautiful features means dey be white tribe
>ugly features means dey be brown tribe
>me white tribe despite being ugly beside being ugly is just be subjective lie made by jew tribe

did a human ever had sex with one of these things and produce a healthy offspring?
because that would settle this argument once and for all

>different race means different species
Somali education


uh... proof?

The discussion is retarded in general. Because you can just define races as you see fit. There can be 1 race or a 100 races depending on your definition.

over here

She looks like a weak cunt. She has no nose for petrol.

not canon sorry

I wonder what is wrong with australians? Why'd anyone want to stick their dick in those creatures

then why does everyone consider whites to be the most beautiful?


notice its smooth european type hair

If Danes can fuck animals then why can't we?


Why did swedes stick their dick in ugrics and create finns? Pussy game be strong.

a good half or more of the people in this thread could have had unprotected sex with the ladies in OP's picture between the ages of 13 and 36 and had more than a 10% chance of producing viable offspring

What was the smartest/most accomplished aboriginal in history? The only answer I was able to find was asking this question is racist.

>Why did swedes stick their dick in ugrics
but they didn't


David Unaipon was unironically a smart cookie
Neville Bonner and Charlie Perkins were both pretty astute politicians and Noel Pearson isn't a dummy

Imagine being so buttblasted that you draw countless of numbers of these. Has bullying of sweden gone too far?


You know Finnanon from /SvT/ draws these right? He's the Finn in the Sweden thread. Awesome guy, very talented.


There's a reason why that namefag never posts in mämmi

That's no way to speak to the King, Pekka Poikki. Also no, bullying of Sweden must continue, we are a third world shithole but it is funny that we subjugated you in the past hehe

Even whitey doesn't.

He speaks fluent finnish though, we have other finnish people in the thread. His Swedish is very broken and heavily influenced by Finnish,

Nice denial though, very nice and juicy om nom nom

>we have other finnish people in the thread. His Swedish is very broken and heavily influenced by Finnish
You still don't get it do you? Fenno-sw*Doids get as much shit in mämmi as actual sw*Doids.

>bullying of Sweden must continue, we are a third world shithole but it is funny that we subjugated you in the past hehe
Kek, there's the cuck mentality you're known for

True. Sweden is a cuck country and Swedes are bad people, it is right that we are bullied, you are right.

Seems kind of stupid to me

>cherrypicking pics

>Seems kind of stupid to me
There's already one case of fennoswede who got his feelings so hurt that he started doing finnish hate threads regularly. I suspect that he's one of them who hangs in svörgeträd

The guy who makes these pictures is not a fenno-swede, he's an actual Finn. There is a Fenno Swede in the thread though who speaks excellent, fluent Swedish.

>is not a fenno-swede, he's an actual Finn

I hate sweden now

my ancestors :)

His Swedish is incredibly bad but his Finnish is fluent.

Good, you should. Sweden is a bad country.

I've met quite a few fennoswedes who's swedish is at the same level as mine. Also cute that you think to know what fluent finnish is

Not me, Pekka. Like I said other Finns who are completely fluent has confirmed that he is indeed also fluent. No need to be so hostile

>No need to be so hostile
I was asserting my dominance as an alpha male

How the fuck do you end up taking Sup Forums seriously despite actually being from Sweden? Let me guess, passportless cuck?

Oh ok

Great post

Shhhhh aussie let them believe it

>True. Sweden is a cuck country and Swedes are bad people, it is right that we are bullied, you are right.

Oh fuck off, the pure irony that one of your kinds biggest arguments is that "we're countrymen traitors!" when you're all the biggest defeatist whiny wastes of space.

Keep blaming all your misfortunes in life on temporary scapegoats, see where that takes you.

Can't handle bant.

Men lägg av jag försöker använda mig av omvänd psykologi. Ju mer självhat vi uttrycker, desto mindre roligt blir det att mobba oss. Tänk lite!

Helvete, det var listigt.

Du spelar schack medan jag spelar fia med knuff.

>races exist in science
Spanish education