Mexicans aren't allowed to call their child Hermione

>Mexicans aren't allowed to call their child Hermione


Other urls found in this thread:

>Icelandic people aren't allowed to call their child Duncan


>Portuguese people aren't allowed to call their child Jimmy


dats racyiss

Because they're shit names. We need to implement something like this to stop idiots naming their kids Imani or some other shit



Hermione is a fine Greek name but all the rest including should definitely be banned
Fuck shitheads

ban the name mohammed when

Post the chi naming his son Goku

I can't name my kid Batman!?


Never, we'd have a mohammad uprising.




New Zealand

We didn't (It's much more lax now) allow shit foreign names.
Not that long ago ALL immigrants had to pick Icelandic name or they could fuck off out of here, that's why you see older Ding Ping Chingaling and Mohammatouchachildren with names like Halldór or Jóhann.

The main reason for this is because you have to be able to conjugate (I think that's the word) the names in Icelandic.

>The main reason for this is because you have to be able to conjugate (I think that's the word) the names in Icelandic.
so what about when foreigners like Trump are in the news?

They either construct the sentences so it fits without much problem, make a weird foreign-Icelandic mix or just say "fuck it!" and don't screw with the name, which is most common.

>this entire list

so you'd just say "The American president"?
That's so strange.

Here's the thing, each of our 32 states gets its call on these lists and you could appeal the decission (as in literally just talking to the guy in charge) so if say you wanted to name your girl Hermione you could argue it's a common name in your family. Article 1 of the constitution prohibits discrimination based on, amongst other things, national origin, so this is one you would win easy in the courts, assuming you're competent enough to make your case to the authorities, or hire a lawyer, you won't even have to get to go to that step as they would acknowledge they'd be getting into an embarrassing scandal.

And to some extent this does apply to other names as well as you could argue a manda (a religious promise) or really anything. Going over a list of forbidden names
while they're certainly ridiculous many are real names, you can't argue that you can't name a kid after his grandfather and usos y costumbres (mostly native american rights but can apply to anything that's culture) apply.

Legit the one name in OP's pic I can't figure out a way to defend would be escroto, which arguably is for the better.

>play Harry Potter as a kid
>in gallego

Really I don't understand my country's obsession with this and kinder products.


I wish we had this. Giving your child a stupid faggot name is child abuse. There's literally no argument.

More like "Trump Bandaríkjaforseti" which literally translates to "Trump United States president" then the news just conjugate the word forseti (president) and don't have to screw with his name.

"Here is Trump Bandaríkjaforseti" and "This gift is from Trump Bandaríkjaforseta"

I remember a case in sweden when someone tried to name their baby after a bunch of random letters and numbers.

How many people got trampled in your town trying to get some Nutella in that recent sale?


They ban names that don't work with Icelandic conjugation


That's very common in Funland. WTF Germany?

Actually you can't choose freely how to name your child, there is a approved name list, unless you are not born in Portugal


IMG kinda related: she has a baby...or fetus.

that's fascist

reading it as a child I never knew how to pronounce it
thought it was herman or something until the audiobooks came out.

It was only in a few specific malls (intermarché), we haven't reached black friday levels of savagery yet but it's still sad to see adults behave like that.

What does a name need to be to fit Icelandic grammar? From what I see it mainly needs to end with r or n, so, for exmple, would the Hebrew name Asher work?

what a meme language



Fascist is naming your daughter Dynawysha or other dumb stupid name

Latin is like this too, but then I didn't expect *nglos to be able to comprehend something like declension.

absolute mad lads as always

Are you saying Batman is defendable?


Feel bad for Mexibros
Hermione is great

>Be CHI in California
>have your anchor baby
>have to name it Jose instead of José

Who was the asshole that tried naming their kid Scrotum?

You mean Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (pronounced Albin)?

Id be okay being named rambo

>There will never be an Anus Monkey Jensen

Absolutely, claim is your right as an indigena to name your child after his nahual (totem figure) have them laugh at you and sue for discrimination, the state doesn't have a right to determine which religious beliefs are retarded and which are not. Say you got inspired by Nolan's Dark Knight to make a better life for yourself and you made a manda to the virgen you'd name your firstborn Batman if she allowed you to find a wife and start a family, again they can't argue your religious views are retarded.

Name the kid Janus Mankey and it's fine.

Halten Sie die klappe , ich bin kein Anglo. Und Islaendisch is eigentlich schwerer als Deutsch. Du sollst mich nicht beurteilen.

I'm pretty sure most of these lists don't actually list names that have been formally banned, they just list names that have been denied by the authorities at one point. There's no guarantee that they would approve Janus Mankey either.


shit taste
I presume that's a traditional Polish name

I would post ours but we're not a fascist nation.

In binland you must pick an already established name. It can be foreign if you want, but you can't just make up names like amerimutts do. Honestly I have no issue with this.


>banning Elvis

>I presume that's a traditional Polish name
Top fucking kek.

>osama bin laden
>adolf hitler

my sides

what's wrong with the other 3, tho? they mean something in german or are they just stupid?


not even for anti-Islamic reasons. I just think it's an awful sounding name, and way too common. reading history from the Islamic countries is a pain cause everyone is named Muhammad.

>Prince William
>Mini Cooper
the eternal anglo wins again

is it true that Germans can't use gender neutral names? I heard that German names need to indicate gender.

Best one so far

Mini Cooper would be actual banter if father's name is Cooper

>A couple in Perpignan wanted to name their son Prince William, but a local court denied this request in 2015, ruling that the name would bring the child a “lifetime of mockery.”
not really

>so many mexicans have named their kids "scrotum" it's been banned

this is not how it works

You can't fool me, Mini Cooper.

we need a list of banned names in this country to be perfectly honest, and legal redaction of current names held

I love the freedom we have to name a child how one wishes

t. Le-a

t. Queef Laquisha

how many variations of kayleigh and jayden do you need?

To be honest, you need to protect the children from stupid names given by their parents, I can see many parents chuckling to themselves and giving their kid a stupid, funny name that will cause him nothing more than suffering and being an eternal victim of bullying. Now, once they grow up I support adults changing their names to whatever they please.

>tfw you've met at least 3 hitlers and the guy that cuts your lawn is called primitivo
We need an approved name list


the freedom to give children stupid names is a great evil on society

kek, I had a teacher named primitivo and the funniest things is is that he looked like pic related

We dont use x nor v, fucktard

traditional polish name Brfccmnpcccclllmmnprclmnckssqllb116

english spelling: Christopher

polish spelling: K͉͎̖r͈̥̯̫̖̩̫z̛̙͈̠̩̮̺y̴̠̟̟͚͔ṣ͉̠̹̠͉ͅz̴̖̭̳̘͕t̻̺̤̮̘̘̩͢o̭̺̕p̛ẖ̦̰̹̥e͕͙̯̝r̦̘̹

the It guy where I used to work was called Urbano

If we use a gender neutral name, your parents need to give you a second name clearly indicating the child´s sex

Was it autism


Because it's the German law. Your birthsex has to be identified with just your name

what if you break the law?

how would you break the law? a government worker checks all name applications just like in finland.




From the Dominican Republic:
James Bond Cero Cero Siete Carrión Vargas