
2D > 3D


And Anime!

more like /douche/

Well im out

Oh no don't leave me

Why would anybody vote for me

Wake up sheeple the world is about to end

>visi užsiėmę
>protiškai atsilikęs vaikas kalbasi su savimi
Daug tokių atvejų!

Hey, how's it going to wageslave?

forgot pic

He must be very busy
can't even reply

>2D > 3D

*never ages*

Anime is the highest form of art



Kaip sekasi, bachūriuk?

Wow they are ignoring me, how rude

>tjk kai beveik visi darbe serga
>tjk visam aukšte likę tik dviese
>tjk gurkšnoji arbatą ir šūdrašinėji visą dieną

Neblogai. Kas per darbas? Aš kažkaip nepastebėjau sergančių visai. Broliui 2 savaites nereikia į mokyklą, nes karantinas. Atrodo kaip išpūstas burbulas kažkoks gripo

Back to work wageslaves
no slacking off or your boss gonna fire you


Biuro adminas. Kadangi visi serga nėr ir darbo.

Iš mano pažįstamų visi kas turi vaikų serga. Darželiai iš vis kaip kokios virusų veisyklos. O aš nei saugaus labai, nei skiepijuos, bet nesu sirgęs nuo mokyklos baigimo.



mad wageslaves lmao


also these



Not going to uni today?

Keista. Aš irgi gripu nesu sirgęs ir pats nepastebiu, kad kiti sirgtų. Užtat pavasarį arba vasarą kažkaip sugebu peršalti.
Gal kartais vakar vakare postinai? Juokinga kaip tas adaptas bando pritraukti dėmesį.

Seriously can't believe how someone would waste their youth destroying their body and mind working for some rich jew simply baffling for me to understand the mindset of normalfag's
Not sure yet

The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Wageslave: What truth?
NEET: That you are a slave, wagecuck. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.

>was home all day playing vidya, fapping and watching anime
>made more money than 90% of the world's population

Such is life as a wageslave they can only do things when other people instruct them. They need master to function
I see

ah yes the "weeb spams stale /r9k/ memes" episode
very innovative

Truly sad, I know that its impossible for them to open their eyes, well if they are content with being a slave I don't really care after all is their choice

>strust me, guise I'm loaded haha
>posts on an anonymous message board and tells everyone he jacks off all day and watches anime
Truly an enlightened individual

True. Nobody is forcing them, they themselves want to be the slaves. So there is no reason to be sad for them

Postinau kažkiek. Ko gero beveik kasdien po kokį pusvalandį ar valandą 4chane praleidžiu.

Pasiardys ir praeis, aš per paskutines kelias dienas pripratau. Dabar kažkaip net nebematau posto jei šone pieštos mergaitės prisegtos.


I like your mindset,
Like they say:A shit (wagecuck) is not a shit because it was pooped out by a person (rich jew), but because he made his own choice to get eaten by a person (rich jew)

>Pasiardys ir praeis, aš per paskutines kelias dienas pripratau. Dabar kažkaip net nebematau posto jei šone pieštos mergaitės prisegtos.

Huh wagecuck? What am I doing with this bucket? Gee I dont fucking know wagecuck, maybe you should mind your own business...whats that, you dont own a business? you work for one?

Thanks u too.
Very nice and relevant saying


very nice butt I love how I can see her panties through her pantyhose

Yukino is literally perfection

yeah that is very hot
that is pretty nice butt too

I want to eat out Megumeme's asshole

I want her to sit on my face.

patrician tastes all around


thanks, you 2

Thank you

>thread is full off weebs

>those thighhighs
megumin was made for fuckings

So many buttblasted people in this thread

Quite a few fellow weebs in the thread huh

>made for /u/

I love them too

Y-You too

nice digits

>caring what normalfags think
they really needed more yuri in konosuba
best girl desu


I don't. I just laugh from those butthurt posts

Doing Lec Saulite and Sasala Jurina in our choir now lads

is this /anime/?

whatever floats ur boat

honorable deed

please no I already whacked off

It pretty much is. We've a flu epidemic here, schools are closed, all the kids get to stay home and post on balt.

>Flu epidemic

What's that?

Latvian folk songs

you know you want it...

nice tiddies

What what


Did someone say tiddies


I didn't but I gladly have some

Wagecucks are working so hard that they can't even enjoy the life to the fullest
tiny bit sad

>all the big tiddie pics I have are NSFW
what a shame

don't feel bad for them its their choice
they can end it whenever they want, and I am sure that one day they will end it once and for all


yeah you are absolutely right

same desu


>Red hair
This is my fetish

Very nice tiddies


you too

anime tiddies

good stuff

Neat. Is it translated into Estonian or are you gonna sing in Latvian?

personally I am a big fan of catgirls desu

I love me some big tiddy maids

nice I love anime girls with animal ears/tail

personally I prefer the ones with a physique as this one